Talk:After the Chaos: A small scale post apocalyptic fantasy RPG

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Class: Bard
Level: 3
Description: Half-demon bard, discovered in the wastes and raised in one of the few undamaged cities. She has grown up a musician and a rogue, relying on stealth and arcane magic to survive. She values knowledge, and hopes one day to find the source of the cataclysm and her origins.

Ceiliesheven, or Ceilie as she likes to be called, is a tall woman with red hair and pale russet skin. Her eyes are bright green. She also has a long, segmented tail that appears to be made of iron.

She wears simple, country clothes that have been mended more than usual, and slightly burned. Her hat has two notches in the front lip, which allow her horns - a pair of long, curved iron spirals - to protrude without knocking her hat off.

HP: 10
Soak: 0
Spot 4
Climb 3
Grace 4
Integrity 4
Stealth 5
Sing 5
Charisma 6+1 (7)
Constitution 3
Demonic Claws 7 (short)
Demonic Charisma 9 (seems demonic) +1 (10)
Open Locks 4
Dreamwalking 4
Familiar (Greater Imp "Spice", Demon Armour "Ink")
Mesmerism 7
Shadow Magic 8
Chain of Charisma +1 charisma
100 gp in gems
good brandy
Short sword and long sword
Salted meat
Seriously expensive wine!
Silver pen
green gem
Lacquered wood carving engraved with emeralds
second green gem
Level: 3
XP: 16
First Session: 1
Second Session: 1
Third Session: 1
Fourth Session: 1
Fifth Session: 1
Sixth Session: 1, reached Level 2
Seventh Session: 1
Eighth Session: 1
Ninth Session: 1
Tenth Session: 1
Eleventh Session: 1
Twelfth Session: 1
Thirteenth Session: 1, reached Level 3
Fourteenth Session: 1
Fifteenth Session: 1
Sixteenth Session: 1

Spent: 15

Demonic Claws +1 (4 to 5)
Demonic Charisma +1 (8 to 9)
Greater Imp upgrade (5 xp)
Dreamwalking +1 (2 to 3)
Mesmerism +1 (4 to 5)
Mesmerism +1 (5 to 6)
Demonic Claws +1 (5 to 6)
Shadow Magic +1 (7 to 8)
Demonic Claws +1 (6 to 7)
Dreamwalking +1 (3 to 4)
Mesmerism +1 (6 to 7)


Class: Healer
Description: A cloistered elven physician who swore an oath to help heal the world of the suffering and chaos left in Elris' wake. When conventional magic and medicine proved insufficient to the task, her frustration drove her to begin dabbling in blood magic. Her experimentation eventually attracted the attention of a demon, who offered to grant her the power she desired, for a price. Blinded by her own idealism, she accepted the fiend's offer, and the creature took up residence within her body. The half-demon healer now wanders the wastes and slums, healing the sick, wounded and deformed, while heeding a mysterious call she no longer fully understands.

Saphille is a tall, willowy elven woman with ghostly pale skin and shocking red eyes. She is entirely bald, though a twisting, serpentine pattern the color of blood bisects her scalp and runs down her back to the base of her spine - a relic left by the demon that merged with her so many years ago. Her long, thin fingers sport reddish-black nails, and appear slightly crooked when in motion, as though they possess too many joints. She dresses in loose white robes, with a hood and long sleeves to help hide her head and hands, and an assortment of pouches and satchels tied to her belt, which contain various herbs, bandages, and other medical necessities.

Healing Magic: 6
Blood Magic: 9
Blood Empowerment: 6 [Duration - 3 rounds]
Demon Lore: 5
Possessed: 5
Blood Necromancy: 6
Medicine: 5
Elflore: 4
Staves: 3
Spot: 3
Dodge: 3
Perception: 3
Constitution: 3
Wooden staff
Simple dagger
Healing herbs
Linen and other medical supplies.
Hooded robes and assorted undergarments.
Hefty leather satchel.
125 gp
Lunar vase (quest item)
HP: 10/10
First Session: 1 (spent)
Second Session: 1 (spent)
Third Session: Absent
Fourth Session: 1 (spent)
Fifth Session: 1 (spent)
Sixth Session: 1 (LEVEL UP!)(spent)
Seventh Session: Absent
Eighth Session: 1 (spent)
Ninth Session: 1 (spent)
Tenth Session: 1 (spent)
Eleventh Session: 1 (spent)
Twelfth Session: 1
Thirteenth Session: 1 (LEVEL UP!)
Fourteenth Session: Absent
Fifteenth Session: Absent
Sixteenth Session: 1
(Healing Magic: 5 + 1 XP)
(Blood Magic: 4 + 1 XP)
(Blood Empowerment: 2 round duration +1 XP)
(Blood Magic: 5 + 1 XP)
(Blood Magic: 6 + 1 XP)
(Blood magic: 7 + 1 XP)
(Blood Necromancy: 5 + 1 XP)
(Blood Empowerment: 5 + 1 XP)
(Blood Magic: 8 + 1 XP)


Class: Apprentice Wizard
Description: Small town apprentice wise-man turned adventurer

Ambrose came from a family typical of small villages, where the spark of magic was awaken without much education. Born to the village's hedge wizard and witch, who lived on the outskirts of town and provided the fearful and ignorant peasants basic care from simple healing magic to herbalism, to summoning forth rain and warding the village against evil spirits, Ambrose would of probably never left his village that he moved too fill in the shoes of elderly hedge-wizard who was to be his mentor. However, it fell prey to bandits and was burnt to the ground with most of the population either captured or killed. The bandits however left the wizard house alone leaving behind the old man who soon died of his advance age and a now homeless and destitute hedge wizard. With nothing to tie him down Ambrose has become a vagabond and now travels the roads just to travel and find purpose in his life again.



Class: Vampire
Jehanne was the daughter of a formerly wealthy merchant who sold her to a vampire repay debts. She was turned and placed in a manor as an ornament from which she observed the Elris impact. The castle became abandoned immediately after and she fell into torpor until imprisoning enchantments wore off and she was freed a year ago. She is educated and experienced with trade and money. During her time in captivity, she became fairly well read and practiced in the etiquette and ideals of nobility. She has rudimentary knowledge of the urban fencing styles that were popular in the prosperous times of the empire just before Elris though she has no experience beyond two winters' training with a tutor and other students. The art was intended to be useful for self-defence in cities and on the road against highwaymen but is much less relevant in her current state.

As a young vampire, Jehanne has enhanced strength, agility and reflexes as well as superhuman senses and a certain predatory instinct to go with them. She can move silently, climb surfaces like a spider, turn into a creeping mist and could potentially strengthen or learn more such supernatural abilities of her kind. Her undeath also makes her very difficult to destroy; her body is resilient to damage with wounds regenerating as they are sustained. Many passive or environmental dangers are also largely irrelevant to her. In order to remain active, she must regularly consume human blood or else risk either torpor or frenzy. Being a known vampire is, needless to say, sufficient social stigma to be exiled or executed summarily.

Like most vampires, her powers thrive in darkness but yield before the purifying sun. Direct sunlight renders her powerless, mortal and unhealing as well as a bit blurry-eyed. Being suddenly exposed is very disorienting. The further removed from sunlight she is, the more her powers strengthen and become accessible. Her appearance is that of a pale, lithe and beautiful young woman with an air of aristocracy.

XP: 9/17

Hitpoints: 15/15
Blood: 12/12
Charisma 6
Dodge 4
Merchant 4
Physical 5
Spot 3
Stealth 4
Streetwise 4

Domination 5
Mist Form (2 blood)
Resilience 5+2 (7)
Vampiric Celerity (+2 sux; 1 blood)
Vampiric Might (+2 sux; 1 blood)

60 platinum
179 gold
100 silver
book on swordplay
2 x sword
vintage wine
Shrine Maiden Sword +1atk/+2def
Lunar Vase
fire opal
plain sword
favor of the life goddess


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Class: Druid
Mair of Caen is the great-granddaughter of a powerful forest deity that once wandered the forests of the region, and hails from a long line of powerful druids and hedge mages endowed with semi-divine blood. Unfortunately for her, she grew up not knowing any of this, as her birth was marked by the fall of Elris onto the world. Although much of her clan were killed, she was safely carried to to a local huntsman who raised her as his own child and raised to adulthood. For a while, she was even happy, blissfully unaware of her heritage before a local lord's men had her adoptive father taken in and jailed for poaching.

His last words to her were to run apace into the woods and find her true ancestor, the ancient wolf-spirit who protected their kingdom and was the root of the heraldry worn by the nobles. What she found there in the grove where her family once lived, however, was a senile old dog mourning the bones of his human children, barely able to speak as years of sorrow and the now-poisoned geomancy of the woods had rendered him senile. Through prodding and cajoling, she convinced the wolf to allow her some measure of power in exchange for her acting as his chanter, so that he would be known and prayed to by the people of the land.

Unfortunately for Mair, he only heard 'be his antlers' and was made to ride on his head and sport a slender pair of deer's antlers- as well as the tail of a doe. Her goal is to find a fountain of youth of some kind to restore the mind of her ancestor, who has fewer and fewer moments of genuine clarity. As a druid and huntsman's daughter, Mair is a skilled archer and herbologist with some understanding of life magic. She is not skilled at healing, so much as commanding and shaping life by her will. Her senile ancestor, who's name she does not even know, is a wolf as large and broad as three horses- albeit one duller than a tortoise and less dangerous than a boulder sitting on the plains- who would theoretically be a majestic beast of incomparable power if he were not completely out of his wits. He's kind of scary and acts as a reliable mount, at least.

At a glance, Mair is a young woman in vivid, hand-made peasant clothes with a shortbow of poor quality and a few homemade arrows, astride an impossibly large wolf. She's attractive in a sort of understated way, with mousy brown hair and blue-green eyes, and a small pair of brown antlers that jut from her head. For some reason, people are disappointed she doesn't have elf ears.

Skills (1 Open)

Handicrafts 7
Perception 3
Herbalism 5
Archery/Attack 4
Stealth 4
Charisma 4

Powers (0 Open)

Alchemy 5
Animal Companion
Animal Empathy 6
Druidism 7
Plant Control 7
Runic Lore 6
Shape Life 8


Silk Ninja Outfit, Padded Feet, Hidden Compartments, Hidden Armor (+2 Stealth, 1 Soak)
Cloak, Coat and Pants, Reinforced and Fur-lined
Inscribed with Fireproofing Sigil
Iron-head Arrows x17
Skinning Knife
Good-quality Knife
Sewing Kit
Embroidery Kit
Cooking Pot
Smelting Pot for Soft Metals (gold, lead, silver, etc...)
Charcoal Print of Fire Ward on Linen
Silver Ankh
Silver Plate
Torch x2 (1 lit)
Flint and Steel
Thin Twine and General-usage Hempen Rope
Book of Herbology
Bag of Herbs
Table Leg
Wine of Life
Homemade Headband with Strategic Holes (so people think the antlers are decoration)
Noble Clothes
Bolts of Silk Cloth x3
Spool of Silken Thread


408 Silver

Experience (Level 3, 2 Remaining)

Catchup: 2 XP
Session 3: 1 XP
Session 4: 1 XP
Session 5: 1 XP
Session 6: 1 XP, Level 1 -> Level 2
Session 7: 1 XP
Session 8: 1 XP
Session 9: 1 XP
Session 10: 1 XP
Session 11: 1 XP
Session 12: 1 XP
Session 13: 1 XP, Level 2 -> Level 3
Session 14: 1 XP

Handicrafts 7 (+3 XP)
Runic Lore 6 (+1 XP)
Plant Control 7 (+2 XP)
Animal Empathy 6 (+1 XP)
Druidism 7 (+2 XP)
Alchemy 5 (+1 XP)
Shape Life 8(+3 XP)


Class: Scholar
There was no gnome more rowdy than Togstien in that decrepit old building of books known as the Yislin Library. Every rat, or unscrupulous assistant was met with a dagger to somewhere less than pleasant on their body. Luckily, thanks to champion-level cleaning teams and somewhat apt healers, his actions never caused much permanent harm. Yet his sort of behavior, while sometimes mightily hilarious, was often grating to the more peaceful gnomes and gnomess of the rackety institution. More than once, Togstien was sat down and told that he was not to test his knowledge of locks on the library's larder, or that assistants were not test-subjects for the study of 'theoretical weapon techniques' unless otherwise specified by lead researchers. More than that, Togstien was often seen carrying on these antics despite being told repeatedly not to. While valued brilliant mind in the field of Theoretical Alchemy, often thought as the academic field of crack-pots, the less than tolerable gnome was not valued for his company.

So, when the decision came for the next round of test-subjects, as the community at Yislin was too small to really draw healthy applicants, Togstien was put at the top of the list as punishment for his repeated annoyances. While having been a test-subject before in his younger days, as most gnomes had taken turns being the subject for varied experiments, Togstien was not the most happy that he, such a well-read researcher was put forth for a more dangerous project.

Demonic Dust was all the rage among the throng Yislin gnomes, as the material, made from crushed stone corrupted by unholy influence, made an excellent alchemical catalyst. The most recent experiments involved using said dust in the manners of inscriptions. When used on rats and other rodents, the inscriptions had been noted to stay for much longer than normal. So, the gnomes had expected Togstien to take to an enchantment for a few days after inscription and explain the effects it had on his body along with any residual lasting effects. Being somewhat dutiful despite his normally roguish nature, the test-gnome took his inscription and went on about his business. However, with three days having been passed, the gnome had noted only one effect. Everything that once tasted delicious had a certain sour twang to it. After five days, Togstien was ready to be free of his enchanted punishment, but found that the inscriptions only began to spread instead of fading. His hunger, making him desperate, forced him to take to removing the inscription, but found that the color had worked its way into his skin. He even took to slicing some of the skin from his arm with a knife, only to watch it grow back with a strange unnatural regeneration. In frustration, he contemplated his future while nibbling on the tip of his enchanted dagger.

To his surprise, his teeth began to sink cleanly through the steel. After half choking and half swallowing the first few metal bits, and finding them some what savory, he mindlessly began chomping down on his faithful weapon. Moments after he had realized he was digesting a dagger, Togstien began to feel a slight charge to his body. He wasn't sure exactly what happened, but he hypothesized that his hunger over the last few days wasn't for normal food, it was objects. A few assistants, passing by, were awfully surprised to see one of the more senior researches eating his bedpost, but they resolved many gnomes have trouble being kept from their curiosities. Togstien, his stomach still craving consumption even after half a bed-post, began to realize that the type of matter he was eating didn't seem to matter.

Not many people knew how he got in, or just why Togstien was eating demon hearts out of the locked specimen storage, what most did know is that it got him thrown out of Yislin, once and for all. The devouring scholar knew, though, he knew the secret to those inscriptions burned on his skin, and the power and strength he gained from them. With every magic item and preserved heart, he got a little stronger, and little hardier. Consumed by his own gnomish curiosity, Togstien set out to places he never could before: ancient ruins, dangerous caves, treacherous covens. He found that the more items and hearts he ate, the stronger his unassuming body became. The stronger his body became, the more he could search to sate his first thirst, knowledge.


Strength 7
Copyist 4
Intimidation 4


Magic Sense 5

Communal Money

270 platinum 200 silver 500 copper