Naomi Lee

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Darkly Verbena Mushihime-sama.


A person with no friends. Naomi is a dark, dour and generally antisocial girl who keeps to herself and her strange obsession with critters creepy and crawly. Her short hair and eyes are an off-black dark brown, her skin tone is medium. Although the youngest member of Idol House, she was one of its early members and has stuck by the chantry despite being abrasive at the best of times and perpetually the cause of constant low level infestations. She is particularly aggressive towards Charlotte, perhaps because she finds her a little too similar. At other times, when confidence in the chantry falters, it is always Naomi who is unshakeable, ready to take on hell with her swarms of insects alone even if no one will follow.

When she isn't advancing herself as a mage, she prowls the depths of the London street scene where she grew up, seemingly out of an insatiable desire to scare, dominate, hurt and poison. She once mentioned, in a rare moment when her hard carapace was down, that she knew she had blood from an old line of mages, but family is never mentioned, never anywhere to be seen. Her adoption into her tradition was probably a preventative measure - she is always the one voted most likely to fall to the Nephandi. Little do her chantrymates know that it's already happened – and almost for good, too.

Naomi despises almost anything cute or warm-blooded (bats being the main exception). As a result, she doesn't get along with the majority of the Tella Estate's more visible spirit inhabitants. Bearing in mind that she is a Verbena mage however, most stay out of her way, though a few - like Seamstress Cat - seem to have a special relationship. Perhaps in return, she stays out of their way – out of everyone's way. Sometimes, the only evidence she hasn't crawled off and overdosed somewhere is the exceptional health of the bee colonies maintained for orchard pollination. Though she's technically a full breadth gardener of the Tella Estate, it's hard to tell whether she keeps the bugs for the trees or the trees for the bugs. In battle, she makes egregious use of bugs both as weapon and as focus and can summon enormous swarms out of the trees and earth of the realm.

Vital Statistics

Name: Naomi H. Lee
Age: 18
Tradition: Verbena
Avatar: Primordial
Demeanor: Loner
Nature: Bravo
Arete: 4
Quint: 4
Tass: -
Dox: 0
Willpower: 7/7
Exp: 0/0
Init: +8
Move/Dash: 18/35yds



Strength: 2
Dexterity: 5 (Acrobatics)
Stamina: 3


Charisma: 1
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 3


Perception: 4 (Predatory Sense)
Intelligence: 1
Wits: 3


Talents (13)

Alertness: 3
Athetics: 3
Awareness: 1
Dodge: 3
Intimidation: 1
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 1

Skills (9)

Drive: 0
Etiquette: 1
Firearms: 1
Martial Arts: 3
Melee: 0
Stealth: 1
Survival: 3

Knowledges (5)

Cosmology: 1
Investigation: 1
Linguistics: 1 (English, Japanese)
Medicine: 1
Occult: 1


Correspondence: 3
Entropy: 0
Forces: 0
Life: 3
Matter: 0
Mind: 2
Prime: 0
Spirit: 0
Time: 0


Arcane: 5
Avatar: 5

Merits and Flaws

Animal Magnetism (1)

Reduces difficulties by 2 for seduction or subterfuge

Catlike Agility (1)

Reduces difficulties by 2 for all balance related rolls.

Self-Confident (5)

When spending of willpower ahead of a roll of threshold 6+, the willpower is not lost unless you fail.

Dark Secret: Once fell to the charms of Calacthchan. (-1)
Echoes:Bug Princess (-1)
Obsession (-2)
Overconfident (-1)
Sadism (-2)

