Apex Technology

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Apex Technology

The technology of posthumanity is advanced, far advanced beyond that of our own. Considering that conservative estimates place their cognitive abilities exponentially they seem eminently capable of designing esoteric technology.

Using Apex Technology

Apex Technology is quite limited at present, most nations have access to several templates, which allow for advanced functions in specific area's. In practice, this allows you to pick particular caps and create your own posthuman supercharged version of it, which you will be able to reproduce in limited numbers.

Apex Templates

Apex Templates are literally the blueprints for a posthuman added capability. One Apex Template allows you to pick an existing added capability and create an upgraded posthuman version of it, with whatever basis you would like with GM approval. It is wise to place such capabilities on expensive highly capable units, as you will have only a limited ability to reproduce the technology.

By default, all nations have 2 Apex Templates, which can be used to upgrade 2 caps and provide X number of that cap per quarter. You will find Traits in the trait section that may modify aspects of Apex technology.

Special Technologies

However, there are a number of posthuman capabilities that have no base function in traditional engineering and these are represented by special technologies. Only nations with Apextopia have access to such devices.


Quantum Perception Implant

The QPI is a strange mass of dark circuits seemingly imprinted upon gold leaf, carefully inserted onto the spinal cord, improves reflexes expotentially, due to a perception of the quantum state of local space, in which multiple paths of reality are visible to the user, allowing a sense of precognition and reaction to likely future events.

Quantum Probability Tweaking

QPT is a risky procedure utilizing a series of poorly understood posthuman devices that generally leads to a localized supreme observer effect for the user, in which they direct their preferred future. The effect is extremely draining and should only be used in times of great need.

Foot Soldier

+1 Quantum Tunneling

QT is a form of teleportation, short range and tactically useful


Ground Vehicle


Air Vehicle

+1 Quantum Tunneling

QT is a form of teleportation, short range and tactically useful

+2 Veritech More a feat of postengineering trickery than any breakthrough in scientific principles, veritech allows light aircraft to also function as a light ground vehicle.

Space Vehicle
