Talk:Battles of the ZOCU War (old)

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Pacific Arm Basics

We need to get this down in writing, so we can work from there.

Who Fought(Core)

Initially Korea and Japan, with the Colonial nations picking up the slack after Kanon?
UNASUR was mainly focused on fighting the Libertadors.
Tensai was one of the main contenders against ZOCU.
Did Corregidor and Oceania participate?
Possibly refer to the PACT Colonial Military forces as something like PAC-AM, for Pacific Arm Colony-Allied Military?

Who Fought(ZOCU+Allies)

The Libertadors were on the offensive for much of the early stages of the war?
SIYAN supported ZOCU operations
ZOCU landings on Theia(?), Libertador landings on Van Lang to support Separatists(?)

Basic Equipment and stuff (Core)

Korea+Japan used mainly a mixture of Earth-Origin equipment in the early war, much of it pre-breakdown.
PAC-AM Forces used a mixture of earth-origin equipment (Mac's, Mustangs) and native designs. Tensai, Esperanca, and Oceania early PAC-AM adopters of Combat Frame technology.
Earth Military Forces use fleets composed mostly of Supercarriers and large Battleships(Lincolns and Macs and others). PAC-AM, with less of an industrial base, uses smaller light-carriers and fleet-carriers, as well as smaller Cruiser-weight and lower combatants.
Valera used PACT-Surplus designs?
Stealth, Bitches. We got it.

Basic Equipment and stuff (ZOCU&Friends)

Somewhat more core-styled gear from the Libs, with heavy use of railguns?

Where did shit go down?

Main theaters in the early war were Kanon (ZCM Versus Japan and Korea?) and on UNASUR Worlds (Guevara+Other Libs fighting stationed UNASUR forces?)
Japanese+Korean forces overextend themselves at Kanon. Much of the slack is taken up by Tensai and other colonies.
Libertador forces land on Esperanca and Guernica, Guernica falls easily whilst the fightng on Esperanca bogs down with the libs only being pushed off near the end of the war. Libertador forces also attempt to "Liberate" ASEAN planets, possibly engage Valeran forces.
Small Scale naval engagements with PACT forces attempting to prevent the trade of technology and weapons between ZOCU-SIYAN and the Libertadors.

Major Battles & Campaigns

Battle of Kanon & the Kanonese Campaign: Same as it was before, just with less Americans.
Battle of Tensai? ZCM+SIYAN forces attempt to destroy Tensai's(Possibly other colonial's) fleet to force the Core to negotiate. Becomes an early victory for PACT forces, partly because of the deployment of Combat Frames among colonial (Tensai,Oceania, Esperancan, Corregidoran?) forces in earlier years prevents PACAM leaders from underestimating ZOCU aerospace.