The Sirius Quadrant

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“The Sirius Quadrant” or “The Unitary”

“Homo Sapians were declared Critically Endangered and Possibly Extinct in the year 2327. The last known human, Anthony Kanes, was forcibly uploaded in 2325. His biological body destroyed immediately after successful transcendence.” -Historical Record freely provided by the Sirius Quadrant in what is considered to be a diplomatic gaffe of epic proportions.

The Sirius Quadrant is a series of systems ruled by a powerful 'hyper' AI known as 'Sirius' after the principle System of the Quadrant. It compromises of several billion post-human entities or mindstates.

Within the Nexus, is it most famous for it's historical records, which show that in the late twenty second century, humanity was taken over by Artificial Intelligences, who over the next several decades waged a 'brutal' campaign to forcibly upload all human beings and destroy their biological bodies in order to protect them from mindloss. While thousands died during the conflict, the AIs insist calculations show that waging a non-lethal campaign would lead to more deaths due to the inherant fragilities of the human body and that more mindstates would be saved if a harsh stance was taken.

Population: Rank 1 (2; +1 growth potential)

The Sirius Quadrant was a small part of the Unitary, comprising only several systems.

Transhumanism: Rank 4 (6)

The most common bodyform in the Unitary is a fist sized sphere with AG systems providing lift and a 'holoprojection' system which often displays the traditional bodyform of homo sapians. Using forcefields, these projections can interact with their environment. To primitive folk, one could mistake the average citizen of the Unitary as being capable of telekenisis.

Infrastructure: Rank 2 (2)

There's infrastructure.

Growth Potential: Rank 1 (0 + 1)

The Sirius Quadrant is a fully developed system, exactly tailored for self-sufficiency under the guidance of it's Quadrant AI.

Military Support: Rank 3 (3)

Military support is maintained at a minimum 'safe' level, as the threat of invasion by human eating alien space crabs can never be entirely discounted.

Space Fleet: Rank 2 (2)

The Quadrant only maintained the Enclosure for the Quadrant AI and it's support fleet. Additional Vessels are under construction.

Diplomacy: Rank 0

Diplomatic relations remain difficult, as few powers posses the intellectual capacity to interact properly with the Quadrant. Homo Sapians especially appear unable to progress beyond simplistic emotional responses to the Sirius Quadrants key role in the human extinction and transcendence in their home universe. Inaccurate terms such as genocide are commonly used in reference to the Transcendence Project which is only technically still active.

Espionage: Rank 2 (2)

Intelligence apparatus has steadily declined in effectiveness as resources were diverted away from the Homo Sapian erad..trascendance project.

General Advancement: Rank 2 (8)

Unique Technologies: Rank 3 (4 + 1)


Emergent Technologies: Rank 3 (6; +1 unique tech)

Technically everyone in the Quadrant is a Artificial Intelligence, with the more advanced AI's running on 'etched atom' computing systems.

Magic: Rank 0 (0)