Talk:Heaven's Garden

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If you will not join, then die. There is no withdrawing from the Garden. --Shrike 00:18, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

Preliminary Powers List

  • Magical Beam: Shoot a beam.
    • Advanced Beam: Your beam can whip, fragment, submunition or maybe even home. Aids to-hit rolls and is more visually exciting.
    • Buster Beam: You can charge your beam for more damage and greater Heart efficiency.
  • Shield: Create a personal shield of some kind.
    • Sentinel: You can create shields around other people and things.
  • Teleportation: You can beam from one place to another with effort and SFX.
    • Blink: Fast teleportation. Too slow!
  • Invisibility: Not sure about this one.
  • Flight: Or this one.
  • Sword: You have a marketable weapon of some kind that arrives with your costume (unless stolen). Enhances h2h combat.

Adachi Reiko

Description: Medium Dark and Bishoujo. Reiko's dark hair is done short (neck length). She's slim and fairly athletic, and constantly genki, filled with enthusiasm about everything. She does newspaper club, and swimming, and only occasionally embarrasses her friends by talking about her strange political views.
Medium Dark and Bishoujo
Genki Girl
Junior Feminist

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Scarlet Lily
Magic Girl Name: Shining Lily
Description: Reiko's hair grows much longer in her magic girl form, and she gains a classic looking red magic girl outfit with long socks and boots. Her flower is emblazoned everywhere it could possibly look stylish, and the dress resembles its petals.
Drive: 3
Heart: 3
Power 1: Shining Strike 1 Reiko creates a massive energy blast
Power 2: Shining Strike 2 Reiko can also guide the blast with her mind

Kobayashi Akemi

Description: Rich, aristocratic, and self-assured, Akemi is a driven girl with high expectations. She tends to be a bit dismissive of those with hardships, due to a disconnect with them. She her black hair is bound up in a twin-tails style and permed into French-style coils. She is an avid member of the student council, and takes a direct stance on organizing class events and guest speakers. Wants to take over her family business, but has to compete with her brother for it, who is the currently favoured one by tradition.
  • Filthy Rich
  • Student Council Prez (or fighting to be)
  • Something to Prove

Magic Girl Persona

Flower:: Yellow Carnation
Magic Girl Name: Ruling Carnation
Description: Akemi's hair straightens out in her magic girl form, and she gains a regal-looking yellow magic girl outfit with thigh-stockings and boots. She also sports a yellow cape, fastened with her totem flower, and an ornate golden crown also in the shape of a carnation flower.
Power 1:Heart Domination Akemi strikes the target with a wave of brilliant golden light, which overwhelms them.
Power 2:Yellow Servitude Akemi unleashes crackling lightning that binds her target into place.

June Nishimura

Description: Clearly of mixed race with her reddish-brown hair and blue eyes, June stands out among her peers in high school and has subsequently always tried her best to stay out of the limelight. Because of excessive teasing over the years, she's shy and conservative in her manner, but is also kind and understanding. She's adopted her Japanese heritage almost completely, although she has some stereotypically New Zealander traits like a love of lamb and Sunday rugby. Slightly tall and a bit bustier than most of her classmates, with short bob-cut hair.
  • Shy (and Moe)
  • Token Twofer
  • Yamato Nadeshiko

Magical Girl Persona

Flower:: Azalea
Magic Girl Name: Burst Azalea
Description: June's hair become bright violet and her eyes become a more piercing shade of blue, while her outfit consists of a stylized purple western-style coat printed with a pattern that emulates her totem flower, with detached sleeves and pointed coattails. She wears bike shorts and thigh-high stockings with ankle-length boots, topped with a purple beret.
Drive:: 2
Heart:: 4
Power 1: Burst Shot Fires a series of highly-accurate, but somewhat weak energy bullets.
Power 2: Bullet Dance Fires a wide area-effect, scattering shot of explosive energy bullets that deal heavy damage.

Minamoto Momiji

Description: The daughter of a former USAF pilot and a japanese woman, Momiji (who for legal reasons has her mother's family name) has spent several years in the US at various times, interspersed with time at different places in Japan. This has left her generally bereft of long-term friends and a general shyness and insularity due to teasing she has recieved over things ranging from her blonde hair to her height to her Japanese-accented English to her English-accented Japanese. She prefers the company of books or the internet. Visually she is classically attractive, though (by Japanese standards) tall and shapely. Her long blonde hair is in a hime cut.
Gets A+ in English but C- in Japanese

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Japanese Maple
Magic Girl Name: Puella Magicka Verdant Momiji
Description: Transformed into a Puella Magicka, Momiji's hair acquires the color of autumn foliage while her eyes become brilliant green. Her outfit is a long flowing white dress and white knee boots, both with an underlayer of deep reddish-purple with a hem of maple leaves. Most importantly her personality changes dramatically, becoming far more outgoing, aggressive, often uncouth and somewhat reckless.
Drive: 5
Heart: 1
Power 1: Whispered Rustle of Autumn With the faint touch of a cool breeze through an ornamental garden, Momiji vanishes into a swarm of greenish-mauve leaves to reappear in a swirl someplace distant.
Power 2: Sublime Floral Screen An instant before any ranged attack would strike Momiji, a cloud of golden-red leaves appears interposed, scattering the attack away harmlessly.

Eka Misaki

Description: Simple black hair in a ponytail, dull brown eyes, and very slender appearance. The only child of a family of martial artists, she's expected to inherent the family dojo.

Incurable Cough of Doom (Hidden) Heir to a dojo Ice Queen

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Hydrangea
Magic Girl Name: True Hydrangea
Description: TBD: But something like Sayaka's from Puella except purplish
Drive: 4
Heart: 2
Power 1: Hydrangea Blade, an a blade of purple which smells of Hydranages with its hilt having that motif.
Power 2: Flash Step, quick evasion and maneuvering technique to avoid getting hit or moving behind the enemy.

Hinanawi Kaguya

Description: Braided/flowing waist length black hair, dark brown eyes behind rimless glasses/coloured contacts, slightly above average height.

Fairly ordinary high school student and part-time fashion model of some renown, Kaguya tries her best to keep her work and her personal life separate. With the aid of her agent-mother, a former Geisha, she has crafted a casual appearance that conceals her natural good looks, permitting her to avoid the inevitable unwanted advances. In her free time, she joins her friends on trips downtown to keep up with the latest trends or to feed a danmaku arcade machine with money, all funded by her cut of her salary. She has recently joined the Tea Ceremony club, mainly at the behest of her mother that she "learn some useful skills". This has led to an unfortunate reduction in gaming time (studying, shopping and work too important to miss).

Professional model
Danmaku fan

Magic Girl Persona

Flower: Orchid
Magic Girl Name: Blooming Orchid
Description: Kaguya's hair turns a white-pink-purple, white near the roots growing deeper near the tips, while her eyes turn a golden yellow, the colours of her totem flower. Her outfit varies slightly from season to season as the trends change, but generally includes a top with long detached sleeves, short skirt and thighhighs
Drive: 3
Heart: 3
Power 1: Rainbow Sign: Gorgeous Flower Fires a colourful pattern of slow moving bullets. Easy to dodge if you know what you're doing.
Power 2: Rainbow Sign: Prismatic Beam Fires a slowly sweeping beam. Easy to dodge, but don't forget the bullets!