Heaven's Reach
Historical Paths
Exploration Era
Exp-1) World Type
- Hell World (Go to Exp-3)
- Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds. Habitability is not one of them.
Exp-3) Hell World
- Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
- A normal human won't survive Chernobyl Beta. A normal human.
Exp-6) Precursor Relics
- Extensive (+ 250 dust, - 50 PIP)
- A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.
Exp-7) Feral Drones
- Extensive (+ 2500 fleet, + 100 Fabers)
- Extensive drone hives were almost exclusively found around red M-type stars.
Exp-8) Posthuman Footsteps
- Data Core (+ 150 applications, +1 Global Tech Level)
- Accessing data cores was a surefire way to increase technological development.
Exp-9) Location Routed (+10SP)
Colonization Era
Col-1) Axis Of Colonization
- Longshot (+2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP +20 SP, +5 to SP limit go to Col-6)
Col-6) Leaving on a wormhole ship . . .
- Inner Rim (+ 30 population, + 150 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 25 SP, + 20 transgene)
Col-6B) Prides and Prejudices
- New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-6C) Idealism, Meet Reality
- Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
Col-6D) Colonial Demographics
- Idealists (+ morale)
- Some decided to go to space to make their dreams of a better society come true
Col-6E) Backing
- Military Government Sponsored (+ 2,500 military)
- Discharge to the Rim
Col-6F) Colonists
- Fleeing Trangenes (+20 Transgenics)
- As the Brazilian miracle turned nightmare, many transgenes caught a boat
Col-7A) Local Affairs
- Warfare! (+2,500 military, go to Col-7C)
- General Veers, deploy your men
Col-7C) Warfare! Full Scale War (+5,000 military, + doctrines)
Breakdown Era
Break-5) Longshots, Isolated Again
- Go Weird (+ 40 Transgene, + 100 CIP, +4 Logistics, 10,000 military)
War Era and Aftermath
War-1) Choose Your Side
- Independence! (+ 10,000 military, Go to War-9) *Must be Broken Down factional, any UN or Longshot
War-9A) Indie World Politics
- Transhuman Supremacy (+ 200 CIP, + 40 Transgene, + Morale, - relations)
- One or two worlds become what Stauss-Kaserists fear, a powerful and self-willed state that exposed a philosophy of transhuman dominance.
War-9B) Indie World Economics
- Transhuman Resources (+ 20 transgene, + 100 CIP, + 100 applications, +2 Global Techlevel + 10 SP, SP limit increased by 5)
- Having a transgenic populace can be a boon to the intellectual output of a world, with some worlds embracing this concept whole-heartedly.
War-9C) Indie World Military
- Soldier, Ask Not (++++ Doctrines, + 5,000 military)
- The meanest mercs to ever smash a world for a buck
Current Era
Cur-1) The Business of Government
- Space Monarchy (+ 2,500 Military, + 100 PIP, +20 Transgene, + 1 SP)
National Totals
Population: 180
Military: 42500(2500 Fleet)
Fabbers: 200
Wealth: 200
Apps: 250
Tech: 21
SP: 56+10L
Transgene: 180
Logistics: 4
SP Spending
Tech:10SP 25
Apps:10SP 120
Trans:6SP 12
Pop: 10SP 60
Doctrine:10SP 20 Points
Heaven's Reach
"It is clear that our creators, the scientists, the politicians, the nations, have not the strength of character nor wisdom of ages to realise the potential of their creation. Faced with the hysteria of the public, the moral panic of those few religious and the raw evolutionary fear of our superiority, they condemn us to the stars. Well fuck them, I do not recognise the authority of the weak, of the spineless to dictate to me. Let their DNA be their shackles, their morality their prison, let them be the chains that tie them down to earth, as we Reach For Heaven."
Lt Colonel Alexia Duvochy, of the defunct Russian Federation Spetsnaz Augmentation Programme, quietly exiled to avoid a public relations disaster and widly considered to of all gone insane.
Heaven's Reach was founded by the soldiers of 5th Brigade of the Russian Federation Spetsnaz, who had overgone experimental transgenic augmentation. Coincident with the troubles in Brazil, the project was discontinued after the soldiers developed a dangerous group mentality that refused to recognise the proper chain of Command. They assigned Lt Colonel Alexia Duvochy as their leader on a almost Alpha Wolf basis and became to routinely question their civilian oversight.
What started as a colony of a few thousand, with the help of posthuman fabrication units, developed into a multi-million people colony, as clones were churned out one after the other.
Heaven's Reach is a stratified society, it is modelled on a strict Hierarchy based on individual combat ability. Over time and with immigrants from across the Sphere, various Military Orders have formed, bonds of ideology, blood and valor. Each keeping their own council, they are like Regiments of other nations, though with far more freedom. On the planet of Heaven's Reach, most are sworn to an ORDER and Orders are all sworn to OVERLORD.
As a planet steeped in the mythos of warriors and cybernetics, most economic activity on the planet is related to warfighting. Entertainment is found in Tournaments, where men ply their fame and honour against each other in order to rise within the ranks of society and prove themselves as Warriors.
Governmental Structure
OVERLORD is responsible for the leadership of Heaven's Reach, forming the grand strategy and managing external relations. A subset of EXARCHOS is SENTINEL, the Black Ops of Heaven's Reach. It is the 'Executive' Branch of the Government in so far as there can be one in such a unusual nation.
A ORDER is a Mercenary Band, a Clan, a Family of warriors, a political party. They scheme, they plot and they fight. If Heaven's Reach were a Federal state, OVERLORD would be the Federal Government and ORDERs the states.
Titles are important to Heaven's Reach, they are a reward and recognition of ability and achievement. They are attained as one's Military Index rises, often as a result of duels.
OVERLORD Ranks/Titles
Exarchos (Commander in Chief) Head of Government and Head of State
Komestikos (Major Generals?) The Komestikos are Strategos chosen to serve in the Ruling Council.
GUARDIAN Ranks/Titles
Strategos (General/Admiral)
These are the leaders of a recognised Order.
Tourmarches (Colonel)
Qenturikos (Major)
Xenturikos (Captain)
Centurikos (Lieutenant)
Honour titles are a recognition of true top tier ability and desire. While technically awarded for outstanding merit in battle, they are increasing a preresquite for advancement and placement in certain elite units. For instance, all SENTINELs are Exaltikos.
Exaltikos (Knight+)
Cataphractikos (Knight)
Planetary Geography
Heaven's Reach is perhaps known best for the black ash that seems to clutch the planet. They called it the Veil, the band of dark persistent ash clouds that cling like a dark ring around the world. Volcanoes have belched a dark cloud of ash year round which has clung persistantly for seemingly millions of years, cloaking the equatorial regions in a dark cold band that stretches out further as a dark shroud across much of the planetary surface.
There is much evidence that the planet was perfectly habitable roughly 80 million years ago, with a warm climate home to abundant life. However, a cataclysmic sequence of volcanism resulted in a mass extinction for the majority of life. Most species still extant are tied to geothermal methods of life, using volcanism or heat to process nutrients into energy. Of higher lifeforms, there are practically none, though insect-life persists in some regions.
The volcanic soil in the equatorial regions is layered by volcanic ash, compacted over millions of years. The lack of moisture in the region results in a lack of 'ice' associated with such temperatures, frequently hovering just below freezing. Remnants of life persist in volcanically active oasis, such as geysers and non-ash
The Volcanic region however only covers the equatorial band of the planet, to the north and soil the veil is much reduced, resulting in twilight rather than near complete darkness. Further from the equatorial band, the air grows warmer, as the thin veil allows through some light and heat.
The Equatorial region is separated by the 'Icewall', a region where the moisture of the high latitude regions meets the cold of the Deep Veil, resulting in a glaciated region dominated by massive ice-crystal growths. Beyond this, Heaven's Reach is relatively warm, comprising of a tundra like environment, with the poles being temperate regions where the veil is the thinnest and the full glare of the system's red giant is unleashed upon the surface.
Exhuman Augmentation
All Reachers share a similar base physiology, due to adaptation to the environment of Jecht.
Reachers at first glance are typical humans, if slim. But changes are immediately visible in their extremely pale colouration. They have skin that is usually perfect white with a unusual sheen. This is because the skin is in fact scales, a sheet of smooth yet tough scales forms a dermal layer to not only reflect the extreme solar radiation of Jecht, but to protect against non-visible radiation and to retain moisture. Titanium oxide makes up the majority of the scale, being an effective white pigment and screen against UV radiation.
The Scale layer itself is covered by a easily shed outer dermal layer which protects the scaled layer when not in use resulting in the pale human appearance of Outers, rather than something akin to a reptile as one might expect.
Due to the environment, Jecht is a intensely bright planet, from the blazing star to the white vegetation a normal human would become blind very quickly. Reachers have nictating membranes with reflective protection, much like sunglasses.
Due to the higher carbon content and lower atmospheric pressure, Outers have a increased oxygen carrying capacity, as well as increased lung efficiency.
While not baseline, 15% of the Outer Heaven population have no significant augmentation beyond baseline standards. They form a underclass of menial workers and hopefuls.