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The Ambela Free State
System Info
World Name: Ambela
Map ID:
Surface Gravity: 9.81 m/s2
Climate: Terrestrial
Biocompatibility: 1.0
Population: 39,000,000 (+195 Bonus)
Population Breakdown: 100% Baseline
Government: Upload Oligarchy
Capital: Vrijhied
Wealth: 400 + 195
PIP: 400 + 195
CIP: 200 + 195
Fabricators: 100
Dust: 200
Military: 12,500


The Ambela Free State is the result of an early longshot, organised by a pan-European group who were convinced that humanity's destiny and freedom lay in the stars, not shackled to Earth and it's ossified political structures. Through a variety of legal and not-so-legal means, they successfully assembled a well appointed colony mission, complete with cloning facilities, fabbers and pre-fab colony modules for almost any environment.

As it turned out, the world they found was the dream of every colony ever launched; solidly in the middle of the Goldilocks Zone, with a terrestrial derived biochemistry, oxy-nitro atmosphere and near Earth normal gravity. The colonists set about establishing themselves and a proper economy not reliant on fabbers. In a short time, Ambela was a prosperous, well managed and successful, if technically retarded colony.

That changed with the arrival of a ramshackle refugee fleet from the relatively nearby Triumph system. Launched much later than the Ambela expedition, the Triumph colony was significantly better funded, had access to superior base technology, and had had the good fortune to land on a world that was dripping with posthuman nanotech and active machinery. As a result, Triumph had become something of a local centre of scientific research, one of only a handful in the whole Rim. Unfortunately, their advanced technology made them a rich target for raiders, and in 2125, Triumph was attacked and occupied by raiders. A proportion of the populace, including a number of notable researchers, escaped down the uncharted jumpline that eventually lead to Ambela, taking with them the majority of Triumph's FTL capable ships. They brought with them what they could salvage of Triumph's research databases, and a desire for revenge.

When they arrived at Ambela, their offer seemed simple; in return for taking them in, giving them shelter and a place to live, the refugees would place their ships, knowledge and research skill at Ambela's disposal. The Ambelans, having been rudely introduced to the realities of living in the Rim and quickly realising that if the refugees could find their system, then others could as well, jumped at the chance. Inside of ten years, the refugees were not only useful newcomers, they occupied important positions in the Ambelan Government and the corporate combines that dominated the Ambelan economy. As a result of their contributions, Ambela completed a transition from an unknown, isolated and irrelevant system to a major player in the local Rim economy in two decades. This was not, however, the end goal of the ex-Triumphans. While many settled down in their new life, a hard core remained who wanted revenge on the raiders still occupying their world, and to free those they had left behind from what was, all things considered, probably a miserable state of affairs. An economically, and therefore militarily, powerful Ambela was one facet of their plan, but they had an insurance policy that, in their minds, would ensure their dominance.

On the 6th of July, 2149, they launched a peaceful coup that deposed the sitting government. As soon as they finished consolidating their power base, their paramilitaries and, later, drones, began snatching people from the streets and from their homes. Millions of people seemed to vanish... but, in fact, had not. The Triumphans had instituted a programme of forced uploading, in an attempt to create their own technical singularity and their own posthuman researchers. The end result was to be an invincible arsenal of theotechnology with which they could sweep away all their enemies. In the event, the singularity failed to materialise. Most of the uploads ended up insane and useless, and those that did not refused to cooperate with their captors. Eventually, they managed to seize control of the Triumphan security system and oust the coup government.

The resulting political order was much changed; the Uploads, while nowhere near the true posthumans, were still beyond the level of normal men, and had control of the theta dust production machinery the Triumphans had carefully snatched and horded over the years from all over the Rim. The Triumphans were a distrusted minority, and the native Ambelans suffering in a state of national shock. The result was an entrenched oligarchy, with the lucid uploads running the nation.

Although, for the most part, the Uploads rule according to the principles that the colony was founded upon, namely, personal and economic freedom and the rule of law, they display a marked desire for security and order, ostensibly to ensure the safety and prosperity of their citizens. In line with an apparent policy that an affluent populace is a happy populace, and a happy populace is less likely to cause trouble, the Uploads have ensured that Ambela remains a wealthy nation, for the Rim at least. The expansionist implications of their security and foreign affairs policies, however, have caused alarm in some areas, even as their crusade against piracy has led to a significant increase in trade through Ambela.


Pioneers (+60 Pop)
Baseline (+60 pop)
Garden World (+60 pop)
Knuckle Down (+60 pop, +100 PIP)
Reconnection (+100 Wealth, +50 Dust, +50 Applications)
Open for Buisness (+100 Wealth, +FTL Applicaiton)
Crossroads (+60 Pop, +100 Wealth)
Death Spiral (+Tech, +200 Application, -100 Wealth)
Ye Shall Be As Gods (-60 Pop, +Theta)
