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The Ambela Free State
System Info
World Name: Ambela
Map ID:
Surface Gravity: 9.81 m/s2
Climate: Terrestrial
Biocompatibility: 1.0
Population: 45,000,000 (+225 Bonus)
Population Breakdown: 100% Baseline
Capital: Vrijhied
Wealth: 350 + 225
PIP: 300 + 225
CIP: 300 + 225
Fabricators: 100
Dust: 150
Military: 14,000


The Ambela Free State is the result of a longshot in the late 2070s, organised by a pan-European group who were convinced that humanity's destiny lay in the stars, not shackled to Earth and it's ossified political structures. Through a variety of legal and not-so-legal means, they successfully assembled a well appointed colony mission, complete with cloning facilities, fabbers and pre-fab colony modules for almost any environment.

As it turned out, the world they found was the dream of every colony ever launched; solidly in the middle of the Goldilocks Zone, with a terrestrial derived biochemistry, oxy-nitro atmosphere and near Earth normal gravity. The colonists set about establishing themselves and a proper economy not reliant on fabbers, and in a short time, Ambela was, for the Rim, a prosperous, well managed and successful colony.

All good things must eventually end, however. In the 2130s, Ambela had it's first contact with humans from another star since they had left Earth, in the form of raiders and pirates. Having had no reason to support a military, or even customs and patrol vessels, the only arms the Ambelans had available were civilian rifles and police handguns. Had the raiders been better equipped or more numerous, then things would not have gone well for the colonists. As it was, however, the raiders were clearly unprepared for the size of the colony, and while they did severe damage to Vrijhied, the capital city of Ambela, weight of numbers eventually brought them down. While some ships managed to escape the planet, of never landed in the first place, the Ambelans ended up with a dozen small FTL capable ships in various states of repair, complete with intact navigational databases and other records.

The experiance was a traumatic one for a previously peaceful colony; efforts were made to establish first a trained milita, and then a proper military, complete with a navy to combat other possible raider incursions- ironically, using the raider's own captured ships. Meanwhile, the identification of modest native dust deposits allowed the production of small numbers of native FTL drives, used first for investigating the local FTL routes, and then on small freighters, bringing the wealth of a small slice of the Rim back to Ambela.

Today, Ambela is, compared to most Rim states, wealthy and industrialised, rich and populous enough to support a modest research capacity and build it's own ships, and determined to bring order and stability to the local systems to facilitate trade and economic development.


Pioneers (+60 pop)
Baseline (+60 pop)
Garden World (+60 pop)
Quiet (+60 pop)
Military Action (+1,250 military)
Nationalism (+Morale)
Open for Buisness (+100 Wealth, +FTL Applicaiton)
Crossroads (+60 Pop, +100 Wealth)
Death Spiral (+Tech, +200 Application, -100 Wealth, -Morale)
