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Magic Arsenal

Level 5 Spells
1x Blood Boil (The Blood of enemy soldiers boils) (125m)
1x Blood Legion (Summons Legion of Blood Elementals) (125m)
2x Arcane Blood Empowerment (Empowers soldiers with unearthly strength and vigour) (0)
1x Great Rage Demon (Blood Delerium, Confusion spell) (125m)

Level 4 Spells
1x Dominate Spell (Attempts to mind dominate enemy soldiers) 5x Regeneration Spells (Heals injured soldiers) 5x Delerium Magic (Confusion spell) 5x Terror Spells (Illusion spell of terrible demons etc) 5x Minor Combat Focus (Soldiers become exordinalely skilled and aware of combat) 5x Minor Blood Empowerment (Unearthly strength and endurance) 5x Blood Explosion (Blood goes bang)


Archon Prospero: 1x (Life) Training Cost: 100 Books, 250 Mana (750)
Upkeep Cost: 10 Gold, 40 Mana

Magisters: 6x (Life) Training Cost: 30 Books, 150 Mana (2400)
Upkeep Cost: 100 Gold, 200 Mana

Magi: 12x (Life) Training Cost: 5 Books, 50 Mana (1200)
Upkeep Cost: 54 Gold, 108 Mana


100 Paragon
Training Cost: 920 Gold
Weapon: Spellscythes (GS+SA,AB: 75g/75a+150g,200
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass x2
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold (8 when not mobilized), 15 mana
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

100 Paragon
Alignment: God-Blooded
Training Cost: 100 Gold, 300 Mana (1160)
Weapon: Sovereign Gunblade (GS+LC+AB: 75/75+145+50, 40a+15m+40m)
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass
Why Won’t You Die?!
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold + 7g, 11m
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

100 Paragon
Alignment: God-Blooded
Training Cost: 100 Gold, 300 Mana (975)
Weapon: Spectre blade (GS+LS): 75g+100)
Armour: Emboided Adamantium Full Plate (60g+60a+100m)
Level of Badass
Noble Magic: 100g
Upkeep Cost: 20 Gold +20mana
Destrier (Celerity) 160g

600 Knights
Knights x 3 (1560)
Raising Cost: 310g+110a
Weapon: Adamantium Longsword (50g,50a) Armour: Adamantium Emboided Full Plate (60g,60a, 100m) Noble Magic: 20 books
Upkeep Cost: 18x6 Gold , 60 mana(8 when not mobilized)
Total Upkeep:
Destrier (80x6)


15x Auxillery Pikeman (26g)

Type: Militia (0)
Primary Weapon: Pike (12)
Secondary Weapon:
Armor: Skirmisher armour (10)
Total Cost: 22(440)
Upkeep: 3

15x Auxillery Crossbowmen (26g)

Type: Militia (0)
Primary Weapon: Sorcerous Crossbow
Secondary Weapon:
Armor: Skirmisher armour, Pavise (10)
Total Cost: 20(400)
Upkeep: 60, 100


10x Legionary
Type: Men At Arms (50g)
Primary Weapon: Adamantium Warhammer (20g+20a)
Armour: Adamantium Enchanted Lammelar (15g+15a+30)
Charged Full Shield (10g,10m)
Total Cost:140
Upkeep Cost: 50(5), 30 (3)

10x Squires Type: Men at Arms
Armour: Adamantium Embodied Full Plate (60g,60a,100m)
Weapon: Adamantium Longsword (50g,50a)
Charged Full Shield (10g,10m)
Common magic: 5 books
Total Cost: 120g+85a+110m (2150)
Upkeep Cost: 50 (5), 100(10)

5x New Model Legionary
Type: Men At Arms
Primary Weapon: Adamantium Leadcaster (40g/40a/40m+15m)
Secondary Weapon: Sidesword (15)
Armour: Skirmisher Barrier Jacket (10g+50m)
Total Cost: 115 gold + 105 mana +40a
Upkeep: 7g +1m


5x War Golem
Type: Golem
Armour: Adamantium Battleplate(50g,50a)
Liquid Metal Gauntlet (100g, 100a, 100m)
Max Weapon Size: Small
Total Cost: 100g, 250 Adamantium, 415 mana
Upkeep: 25m
Total Upkeep: 25x5

1x Storm Colossus Type: Colossi Armour: Adamantium Siegeplate(200g,200a) Weapon: Lightning Launcher (150g, 150m) Max Weapon Size: Large Total Cost: 350g, 200a, 1150m Upkeep: 15m, 55m Total Upkeep:

I am the Eggman, I AM THE WALRUS

Blood Magic
The Mageron Of Zephiri use the essence of life itself to power their spells, using magic strikingly similar to that of the necromancer lords themselves, most mages will have on hand a few slaves to power their nefarious wizardry, using the spark of divinity within the blood to enable greater power. It is often said is it the blood magic that has given the Mageron the ability to rule, able to manipulate the blood of their lesser to bend them to their will. (Nevermind, here for fluff)

Zephiri Colossi are incredible feats of animated metal, the peak of an enchanters art they are unwavering siege engines that can wade through inordinate amounts of enemies to crush, tear and destroy defences with an array of magical weaponry. (Requested ability would be hold more weapons than is normal for a siege machine or be able to equip large weaponry)

[19:24] <@Shrike> hmm well say 200 adamantium and 1000 mana, and it pays double for all armor you put on it [19:24] <@Shrike> And it can hold one large or two medium weapons