The Adamantine Sovereignity of Amethyston | |||||||||||||
Politics and Religion | |||||||||||||
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Population and Economy | |||||||||||||
The Adamantine Sovereignity of Amethyston, colloquially refered to as the Amethyston or the Gemstone Republic reigns in the Crystal Peak Mountains, an interior realm of great caverns and tunnels, that burst with gemstones and adamantium. There is little gold to be found in the Crystal Peaks, but as their namesake suggests, they are rich with veins of precious gems and much of Amethyston is constructed from carved Amethysts, the most bountiful gem of all.
Ancient History
The Necromantic War
The Political Structure of the Adamant Sovereignity
The Sovereignity is dominated by mineral wealth, its factions formed of powerful merchentile interests and mining magnates. The noble houses have all long been since subsumed into a powerful artistocracy formed of merchant guild leaders, hereditory nobles and mining interests. This balance has shifted power away from the few and into the select many, restraining the Feudal impulses found in many other kingdoms and nations.
The Doge
The Sovereign ruler is the Doge, whom is the head of state and head of government.
The Sovereign Inquisition
Appointed by the Magnate Guilds, the Sovereign Inquisition is responsible for checking the power of the Doge and through unanimous consent can veto his executive orders.
The Adamantine Judges
Appointed by the Doge and approved by the Major Senate, the Twelve Adamantine Judges are responsible for routing out corruption, criminality and sedition within the Republic. Powerful Knights, they each bear an Amethyston Spellscythe, the mark of their authority, each are backed by the Nine, Retainers armed with lesser versions of the weapon. They are the judicial check upon the executive power of the Inquisition and Magnate Guild and ensure the voice of the Senate is heard.
The Magnate Guilds
The heads of the six most powerful merchant guilds form the Magnate Council, who interest themselves most profusely with enriching the pockets of the Sovereign Republic and themselves by proxy. They are also responsible for appointing the Sovereign Inquisition which is responsible for checking the power of the Doge. They are usually known as the Red Mask’s, for rather than pepper their skin with adamantium powder, they wear solid masks of Adamantium, encrusted with six Amethysts gilded with liquid metal.
Their power is checked by the Major Senate and the Adamantine Judges, who ensure that the lining of the magnate pockets is always accompanied by the lining of the Republic’s coffers as a whole.
The Major Senate
Made up of 1200 members, the Major Senate is responsible for the day to day legislative of the Republic and also appointing minor officials to run various Government institutions. Their most famous role is in approving the appointments of the Adamatine Judges. The Major Senate consists of 700 elected senators and 500 appointments, 250 by the Doge and 250 by the Magnate Guilds.
The Mountains that the Duevgar control are known as the Crystal Peaks, such is the raw concentration of precious and non-precious crystals and gemstones found within them. The underdark caverns of the Duevgar realm are crystalline corridors of quartz and other non-precious gemstones, the capital of Amethyson itself