Maria Soplica

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Name: Maria Soplica (middle names temporarily omitted)

A scion of a family of nobles that escaped the former Intermarium to avoid punishment for their part in (very) subversive activity and relocated to Britannia’s American colonies, making their new fortunes in arms trade, hoping to one day arm a new, hopefully sucessful, rebellion.

Maria herself is the current scion of the family and its centuries-old history, and in all honesty, the weight of those expectations is slowly crushing her.

Her parents, while genuinely caring, are mostly absent, attending to various matters, leaving Maria to try and live up to the rather colourful and militant family history, driven to excel in matters both mental and physical. This, in practice, left her with surprisingly limited social life for a student of Saint Yvette’s and increasingly suffocating sense of exhaustion, which has caused her actual academic results to slowly but steadily slip despite her intelligence. (though she excels in fencing and shooting, although the techniques taught her by her grandfather certainly did not seem very sports-like)

There is a certain distant shadow on the family history, a lingering fear that creeps in the dark corners of the Soplica mansion, and a warning, one that her parents have believed in with full earnestness. For Maria’s part, the feeling that her life was shaped the way it was by an ancient delusion only made things worse.

Nevertheless, she ended up with a certain interest in the occult, perhaps seeking a distraction, or perhaps a confirmation that all of this was not pointless.

App Sidenote: in terms of raw appearance, Maria is theoretically quite pretty. However, haunted stares, bags under eyes and associated problems make for someone less than conventionally attractive, with rather limited prospects for improvement there.


  • Person of Importance: [PENDING] (prolly a friend she actually made while looking for a sparring partner, or getting unusually attached to mansion staff)
  • Ideology: Intermarium Patriotism/Anti-Sweden Prometheism
  • Significant Place: [PENDING]
  • Treasured Possession: Grandfather's szabla (saw combat use!


  • Luck: 70
  • MP: 14/14
  • Build: +1
  • HP: 16/16 (32?)
  • Movement Rate: 9
  • Stress: 30
  • Pools: {Insight 2/2, Vigor 2/2, Moxie 1/1, Flex 2/2}


  • Strength (Str) - 70
  • Dexterity (Dex) - 50
  • Intelligence (Int) - 70
  • Constitution (Con) - 70
  • Appearence (Ap) - 40
  • Willpower (Pow) - 70
  • Size (Siz) - 80
  • Education (Edu) - 50


EDU Skills:

  • Library Use (20% + 39%) - 59%
  • Language (Own - Polish) - 70% (EDU + 20%)
  • Language (Other - English) - 40% (1% + 39%)
  • Language (Other - Latin) - 30% (1% + 29%)
  • Persuade - 25% (10% + 15%)
  • Charm - 15%
  • Fast Talk - 5%
  • Physics - 22% (1% + 21%)
  • Mathematics - 22% (10% + 12%)
  • History - 30% (5% + 25%)

INT Skills:

  • Dodge - 60% (25% + 35%)
  • Firearms (Rifle) - 65% (25% + 40%) [over-60 skill: firearms]
  • Fighting (Sword) - 65% (20% + 45%) [over-60 skill: fighting]
  • Spot Hidden - 40% (25% + 15%)
  • Listen - 25% (20% + 5%)