Talk:Witch Activity

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  • FBH: The Witch of Light - Daughter of the Interfacer, Evil Space Popess of an some kind of all female space empire.
  • Shrike: The Witch of November - Ascended winter spirit.
  • Holle: The Witch of Absences - Suspiciously absent.


Raia (Mal)

Personal Name: Raia Rasanen
Craft Name: Witch of House Keeping
It all started when she was young and kept getting napped by witches and having to kill them. Every time she left a witch (dead), she kept her house.

According to Gingerbread, there have been previous Witches of House Keeping.

Power The power to Keep houses or Summon them from Elsewhere. She provides accomodations to young witches and repossesses the real estate of dead witches.

Hat Gingerbread.