Ultimate Caran

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Forged in QUANTUM FIRES as her space ship crashed to the EARTH as the result of a near missed by a pair of embattled Nova's CARAN STEELE walks the earth as CODENAME GALATEA as an costumed ELITE fighting for SELF PROFIT and the enduring struggle to make money to build a NEW space ship to return to far way Radon Zhur!

Vital Statistics

Alias: Caran Steele
Player: Rex290/Andronicus
Allegiance: Elite
Concept: Black Adam/PeeGee
Demeanor: Bravo
Eruption: What? She was always like this.


Physical (8)

Strength: 5 (Well-Built)

Brawl: 5
  • Mega Strength 2
Iron Fist. (Companion, P2) +2 damage level when punching/kicking/striking, never injury herself while striking physically.

Dexterity: 5 (Steady)

Athletics: 4
Drive: 1
Stealth: 3
  • Mega Dexterity: 2
Perfect Balance. (Guide, P 103)

Stamina: 5 (Resilient)

Endurance: 5
  • Mega Stamina: 2
Hardbody. Use Lethal to soak aggravated damage. 1 Quantum, lasts 1 turn.
Resiliency Level 2 (PG, 64)


Charisma: 4 (Cool)

Intimidation: 3

Manipulation: 3

Streetwise: 5

Composure: 4 (Imposing)


Wits: 4 (Patient)

Awareness: 3
  • Mega Wits 1
Quickness (1 extra action; -2 in init order)

Intelligence: 3
Resolve: 3

Resistance: 2
  • Mega-Resolve 1
Unstoppable (No Bashing damage wound penalties)

The Quantum Inferno

Quantum: 1+2=3

  • Quantum Pool: 26
  • Current Quantum Points: 26

Willpower: [Resolve + Composure (+Mega-Resolve/Mega-Composure)] 8

Quantum Powers

Mega-Appearance *

1d. (Counts as * of Striking Looks).
Rapture. (Compendium, P19.)

Armour ***

+9L/9B Soak.

Invulnerability **; Physical, Energy. (Broad Extra)

+6A/L/B Soak against Physical
+6A/L/B Soak against Energy

Flight *: (Page ?) (Dex+Flight)

Its a bird, its plane! No its another damn Nova!

Hypermovement **: (Page 204) (Dex+Hypermovement; d7)

Hyper-Running: 61 m/Action running, 90 m/Action sprinting, 1000 KPH/Normal.
Hyper-Flying: 50m/Action, 1000 KPH/Normal.

Heat Vision (Quantum Bolt *** w/Armour Piercing): Level 3 (P217) (Dex+Bolt)

Eye-Beams of death. Inflicts [Quantumx3] levels +(power ratingx4) dice of bashing or [Quantumx2] levels + (power rating x4) dice of lethal.

Power Details

"Nifty looks-related comment here"
Woman of Steel (+9L/9B Soak)
Comfortably Numb (+6A/L/B Soak Physical and Energy)
Look there up in the sky!
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet! (Increased movement, +2 to damage)
Better Heat Vision (Look Me In The Eyes) (Attack: d8[2]) (d12 [9] bashing, AP) (d12 [6] lethal, AP)


Punch (Attack: d10 Damage: d7+[12])
Kick (Attack: d10 Damage: d9+[12])
Inflight (Attack: d10 Damage: d10+[10])
Heat Vision (Bashing, AP) (Attack: d8+[2] Damage: [9] + d12
Heat Vision (Lethal, AP) (Attack: d8+[2] Damage: [6] + d12


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 10A/24L/30B
Hardbody costs 1Q/rd to activate

w/+4L/10B (Stamina) 4L/10B
w/+6L/6B (M-Stamina) 10L/16B
w/+9L/9B (Armor) 19L/25B
w/+5L/+5B (Eufiber)24L/30B
+6A/L/B (Against Physical): 6A/30L/36B
+6A/L/B (Against Energy): 6A/30L/36B


Mega-Stamina eliminates 3 points of wound penalty
Unstoppable (No Bashing damage wound penalties)
• [ ]x3 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x2 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x2 Injured: -1
• [ ]x2 Wounded: -2
• [ ]x5 Maimed: -3
• [ ]x8 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x8 Incapacitated
• [ ]x1 Dead

Body Modifications

Radonese Physiology
• Tissue Density (2 x Maimed HL)


7pts (PG 139)
Cipher: 3 (p141)
Dormancy: 5 (p141)
Eufiber: 2+3 (p142)
Node: 2 (p143)
Resources: 2 (p144)
Influence: 4 (p143)

Ultimate Conversion

7 XP, from 2 points of WP
M-Appearance * to Mega Appearance (Level 2 Power) *
4 XP, Style is defunct
Mega-Resolve (Unstoppable) -6XP
Buy off costume fetish -4XP
1XP left, carry over to general pool

Merits and Flaws

Delusion (+2 BP) You see, my planet exploded long ago...
Striking Looks (from M-APP) *

Galatea (+1 BP)

Unearthly Beauty. (+1 BP)


3 points (+6 NP)
1 Tempt Point