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Useful things go here. They make us go.



Etherweb Carrier Channel (West)
Kozun (West)
Therson (West)
Belmar (West)
The Order of Nasht (West)
Tyran Invicta (East)
Mai's Counterattack (East)
Fourth Paradise (East)
Vale of Hespirii (East)
Mith Nara (East)



Rubicon Rma
Gael Cygni
Schliraum Sternreich
The Celestine Existence
NPC Characters


Ground Combat
Ship Combat
Air Combat


Principles and Interests
Frankish Principles and Interests (Early Draft/Sample)
Tyrasan Principles and Interests
Lost Ground Principles and Interests


Jane's Weapons of the Galaxy


Everyone who doesn't want to use the default icons needs three unique icons; one each for Army, Navy and Agent/Individual. They should be relatively small (ideally 50 pixel diameter) and preferably circular.

Character Rules

You may not activate more than three heroes a turn, though you may activate less (or even none) if you so choose. All heroes need an epithet; the Queen Luceedi, the Elder Wyrm Rhodos, Tenno Showa.

Three levels of hero combat:

Social: Conflict over some third party
Mental: Conflict between two heroes with no intent to physically harm
Physical: Brawl!


All characters must start as one of five basic class templates, giving them the Cardinal trait and one additional derived trait. Once they level up however, characters are not otherwise restricted in what traits they may choose.
Characters start with 5 stat points and one trait point at level 1. No Stat may start at more than 3, and no trait of more than tier 1 may be chosen.
All characters can choose any trait, based on their pre-requisites.
Characters gain one stat point and an increasing number of trait points per level. When levelling one already purchased trait may be exchanged for trait points.


This is your dice pool. Any stat can be rolled in most situations, so long as an appropriate story is told.

  • Combat: All form of personal combat from fists to lightning bolts to battlemechs.
  • Conviction: Zeal and drive; sheer force of personality.
  • Mental: Cleverness and intellectually rigorous plans and strategems.
  • Mysticism: Understanding the mysteries of the universe, a spiritual connection to the whole.
  • Social: Your appearance and charisma stat.


Each class has a cardinal trait, which must be taken to unlock all further traits of that class.


Officers are a state's military commanders.

Their cardinal trait is Leadership, which allows Officer traits to be applied to military units.
  • Land Command -
  • Armoured Fist - Greatly increase reinforcement scaling for armoured fighting vehicles, making larger vehicle armies wieldier.
  • Naval Command -
  • Air Command -


Officials are the statesmen and merchants of a nation.

Their cardinal trait is Politics which allows a character to apply Official traits to other nations/groups.
  • Diplomat -
  • Merchant -
  • Academic -
  • Revolutionary -


Savants are the mages and engineers of a nation who perform tasks such as research and reverse-engineering, along with repairing ancient relics.

The cardinal Savant trait is Etherics which allows Power Points to be applied to military units.
  • Magic -
  • Technology -
  • Technomagic -
  • Old Empire: X (Paradisium, Exalter, Freeman, Atlantean) -
  • God Tech -


Agents are the assorted less-than-public characters of a nation.

The Agent cardinal trait is Covert Ops which allows the character to move and act secretly.
  • Assassin - Character can kill other characters with sufficient success margin.
  • Terminator - While assassinations tend to get more difficult on repeat attempts, the Terminator gets a bonus for it so long as they continue to doggedly pursue their target no matter where they choose to flee.
  • Saboteur - Character can damage, destroy or delay military units.
  • Spy - Character can observe secret information or NPC intentions and dispositions.


Adventurers are "miscellaneous" characters of who do interesting things a bit further afield than usual. Unlike the other classes, their actions are not directly tied to an aspect of the state they ostensibly serve. The cardinal trait for Adventurers is Heroics.

  • Champion - Makes a character even fightier than their Combat stat suggests and allows them to gain rewards by fighting a lot.
  • Pilot - Scales character up into a military unit such as a mobile suit.
  • Explorer - The Indiana Jones archetype. Allows the character to gain rewards from travel and exploration.
  • Rogue - The Jack Sparrow/Han Solo archetype. Allows the character to gain rewards from interacting with other characters as they adventure. While this interaction is not entirely zero-sum, it's unlikely that any given artifact mecha could be shared.


  • Emir's Ear - Can call upon local authorities or powers in support.
  • Humanoid Typhoon - Deals collateral damage whenever the character rolls Combat.


These are character aspects with no mechanical effect; they are instead intended to provide character hooks both for yourself and other players to use. It's encouraged to reference tags during the course of a story and if at least one tag is called during the course of a story - of any character present, yours or someone else's - the author will get one additional character point at the conclusion of the story. It is recommended that characters have 3-4 tags each.<br