Sierra Rey
Vital Statistics
- Name// Sierra Knox
- Kit// Superior
- Concept// Vengeance seeking Martial Artist Thief
- Image Song// []
- Eruption// Stressful Situation
- Nature// Rogue/Bravo
- Virtue/ Regain 2 WP whenever Regain 2 WP when your self sufficient nature leads to success.
- Vice/ Spend 1 WP to resist taking by force something you desire and have asked for "politely".
Regain 1 WP if you do so and it has significant negative long-term consequences
Things to Track
- Quantum// 1
- Quantum Pool//
- Current Quantum/
- Quantum Rate//
- Willpower// 8
- Temporary Willpower/ 8
- Health//
- Current Damage/
- Taint// 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Temporary Taint/ 0
- Initiative// d10 +[3]
- Dodge// 8 +[1]
- Parry// 10+ [1]
- Soak//
- Natural Soak/ 1A/7L/13B
- Power Soak/ 0A/12L/12B
- Equipment & Other/ 0A/0L/0B
General Statistics
Physical/// 10
- Strength 5// Combatant
- Brawl 5 (Prodigy)
- Melee 5
- Might 5
- Mega Strength 1//
- Dexterity 5// Fast
- Athletics 5
- Firearms 1
- Drive 1
- Stealth 5
- Mega Dexterity 1//
- Stamina 5/ Indestructible
- Endurance 5
- Mega Stamina 1//
- Wits 5// Unfazeable
- Intrusion 2
- Streetwise 2
- Rapport 1
- Tactics 2
- Mega Wits 1
- Intelligence 3 //
- Medicine 1
- Perception 4 //
- Awareness 2 (2 BP)
- Investigation 1
- Charisma 2//
- Etiquette 1
- Manipulation 2//
- Subterfuge 1
- Appearance 5// Statuesque
- Intimidation 5 (8 BP)
- Style 5 (8 BP)
- Mega Appearance 1//
Body Modifications
Merits and Flaws
Martial Arts 7
- Disarm Expert (+1 difficulty on enemy to resist disarms)
- No Pain (-1 to wound penalties)
- +2 defence on all attacks
- Flurry of Blows (-1 to multi attack penalty)
- +1 damage on all attacks
- +2 armour piercing on punches
- +2 armour piercing on kicks
Linguistics 4
- French (Native)
- English
- Chinese
- Arabic
- Japanese
- German
Iron Will 4
- +4d against mind control
Contacts 4
- 4 major contacts for her search
- Watchlist 2
- high minded principle: never betray friends
- Enemy 3
- Rival Bounty Hunter Gal secretly in the pay of the outer dark
Mega Strength 1
Mega Dex 1
Mega Stamina 1
Mega Wits 1
Mega Appearance 1
Invisibility 2
Combat Gear
Bonus Points
16 spent on attributes
Nova Points
Mega Strength 1
Mega Dex 1
Mega Stamina 1
Mega Wits 1
Mega Appearance 1
Invisibility 2
1 for 3 extra attributes (strength, stamina, perception)