Talk:Space Princesses

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System Musings

Basic Stuff

Roll 2D10 + modifiers

Ship Design

All ships have a base statline

Firepower: Default firepower bonus added to all gun attacks.
Armor: Basic physical protection.
Shields: Protects again gunfire (adding to Armor), but not against graviton torpedoes.
Evasion: How easily your ship can avoid getting hit due to a combination of size and speed.
Speed: The bonus to movement rolls.
Hits: How many hits your ship can take before it starts to loose effectiveness.
Equipment: How many spaces of equipment your ship has.
Destroyers normally have 3 equipment space
Cruisers normally have 5-6 equipment space
Capital ships have a minimum of 8 equipment space


Equipment is various items that improve your ship's performance - guns, electronics, protection, engines, etc.

Examples below

Small Cannon Turrets

Firepower: 2
Accuracy: +6
Range: Short
Equipment: 1
Cost:  ?? Common

Medium Cannon Turrets

Firepower: 4
Accuracy: +3
Range: Medium
Equipment: 2
Cost:  ?? Common

Heavy Cannon Turrets

Firepower: 8
Accuracy: +0
Range: Long
Equipment: 4
Special: Barrage; FP 1 Acc +3
Cost:  ?? Common

Superheavy Cannon Turrets

Firepower: 10
Accuracy: -1
Range: Long
Equipment: 5
Special: Barrage; FP 2 Acc +2
Cost:  ?? Rare

Siege Cannon

Firepower: 15
Accuracy: -8
Range: Extreme
Equipment: 3
Cost:  ?? Rare

Flak Guns

Range: Short
Equipment: 1
Special: AA 2
Cost:  ?? Rare

Torpedo Launcher

Accuracy: +0
Range: Short
Equipment: 1
Special: Torpedo Attack 2
Cost:  ?? Common

Armor Plating

Equipment: 2
Special: +2 Armor
Cost:  ?? Common

Shield Generator

Equipment: 2
Special: +3 Shields
Cost:  ?? Common

High-Ouput Drive Kernel

Equipment: 2
Special: +2 Evasion, +2 Speed
Cost:  ?? Uncommon

Reinforced Bulkheads

Equipment: 2
Special: +1 Hit
Cost:  ?? Common

Recon Detachment

Equipment: 1
Special: Scout
Cost:  ?? Common

Interface Recon Craft

Equipment: 3
Special: Extended Scout
Cost:  ?? Uncommon

Flight Deck

Equipment: 2
Special: Allows 1 squadron embarkation
Cost:  ?? Common

Luxurious Fittings

Equipment: 1
Special: Boost to all diplomacy rolls (+4 if escort, +5 if cruiser, +6 if capital ship)
Cost:  ?? Common

Royal Fittings

Equipment: 1
Special: Boost to all diplomacy rolls (+6 if escort, +8 if cruiser, +10 if capital ship)
Cost:  ?? Rare