FBH Fantasia

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In the middle of the proud kingdom of Crondar, away from any centres of power lies the village of Aldre, your home. It is a mean, small, and thoroughly unappealing place where you have been forced to spend the last almost two decades of your existence. If not for circumstance you might have been stuck there, but it just so happened you took up with Mia, a red headed woman who was known in the local area as a former adventurer and possible bandit. She took you in and gave you some training, told you tales and wet your appetite for adventure.

One day, she said, she'd need your help.

Maybe that day is today. Mia has vanished, with her house sign of an obvious struggle. Without her protection, it's only a matter of time before parents and other town authorities come down on trouble makers like you hard. It's time to leave, but not before you check out the legacy your mentor left you.


You know little about the world, save that it is vast and there are many strange and beautiful lands that you have not seen. You have heard tales of wondrous things and wondrous people, and some of you may even have elf or cat girl blood in your veins. You have heard of other races but none are known to you.

All you know though is your small village. You know the church of the sleeping gods tells that all the most powerful gods sleep, and those who remain are merely lesser spirits, worth only offerings, not true worship. You know that your mentor told you that there are other groups through the world who believe in one god or many, or that spirits are all there is.

Some of you may also worship at the forest faith, that of the horned goddess, a powerful spirit who reliably brings good harvests and heals the sick and injured, thus making many worship her as a true deity. While her worship is frowned on by the church of the sleeping god the new faith is to powerful to be easily stopped.


This is a standard d20 + stat system.

Tasks are performed by adding a base stat to a skill. What skill and stat are added together is mostly up to the player. For instance a particularly charming priestess might roll gnosis + charisma to cast magic, while a physically inclined wizard might direct her arete by punching with strength + arete.

Base Stats


You begin with 1 in every stat and may put 15 points into any stats you wish.

You also gain two bonus trait. This is a trait that describes something special about you, be it your status as a catgirl or a blacksmith. When performing related tasks you roll 2 dice 20 and take whichever result you prefer.

Derived Stats

Hit points: Strength x 5 Willpower: Intelligence + Wisdom /2. This pool is rolled when trying to stay on your feet at 0 HP.

Non-Adventuring Stats

Adventuring Stats


FBH Fantasia is a world saturated with magic. Everyone knows at least a bit. Magic is subdivided into various forms. To begin with you have two aptitudes per type, which determine what your magic can be used for and how it manifests.


You have 8 gear slots

Left Hand:
Right Hand:

You begin without any items that give bonuses as you are poor starting adventurers. However as you progress you will gain items with further and further stat bonuses that augment your performance.