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Sword of Bhavatārini (Talisman 3)

A black scimitar patterned off the weapon of choice of the universal redeemer goddess, also known as the goddess of time and death Kali, it is a weapon that paradoxically curses all those it strikes to die and purifies all those kills. Even the unwholesome flesh of demons will be cut by the sword, the wicked wills holding their bodies together shattered. The Sword of Bhavatārini's powers can only be

Base Item: Sword Str + d3L
Arete 7 (7), Quintessence (25/25) (5)
Adds Arete damage, Aggravated versus infernalists, wyrm-tainted, demons and undead. (1)
Hits, parries and deals damage at -3 difficulty. Opposing soak is at +3. (1)
Can spend 1 Quintessence to inflict a bleeding curse on any target wounded by the blade, inflicting 1L damage every round for Arete rounds. (1)
Cursing also imposes a +3 difficulty to mundane healing and works as d4 countermagic versus regeneration and magical healing. This penalty remains until the wounds inflicted by the sword are healed or dispelled by countermagic. (1)
Any target killed dissolves into white ash that cannot be identified. (1)
Must be wielded by a devotee of Kali/Bhavatārini who makes a daily fire offering to the sword, or its powers become worthless until the respects are paid. (-1)
Any time the sword is drawn it must kill. If drawn in vain, the penance is death. (-2)
The sword will make any attack against an sworn ally into a lethal botch. (-2)
The sword will rattle loudly in the presence of demons and command the wielder to strike, forcing them to roll Willpower at a difficulty of 8 to avoid being compelled to draw it. (-2)