Talk:Polity Creation

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Nation Creation

Nation creation in Heaven's Wake may appear to be a long process, but it's fairly straightforward.

Each nation has 40 points to spend.

Core Nation Infrastructure

You may spend up to 15 points here.

Population Population is the amount of people in your nation

Population Unit: 20 million
Cost: 1 Point

Industry Industry covers the manufacturing output of your nation.

Industrial Fabber: 25 production
Cost: 1 Point

Assember Gate Production
Assembler gates are used for producing apex technology. They can also instantly build any other unit at 2x cost.

Apex Assembler: 25 Assembler production
Cost: 2 Point

Apex Blueprints Apex blueprints are required for apex technology, without them the assemblers have no instructions.

Common blueprints
Cost: 1 point
Uncommon blueprint
Cost: 2 points
Rare blueprint
Cost: 5 points

National Traits

Hyperlane Network Your part of the Hyperlane network, the superhighway of interstellar transport

+10 Points

Apex Technology