Turn Appalachia

Welcome to Appalachia
It is year 714 AC (Apocalypse Calender), 714 years since fire rained from the sky and the world ended. Over the long, hard centuries the ways of civilization have been relearned. Technologies rediscovered, philosophies reformulated, cities rebuilt. The Great War of 668-671 was truly the war to end war, with cannons and gatling guns demonstrating what industrialized warfare was like.
Now, two generations later, a new danger stalks the land and threatens to upset the era of Civilization. It is unknown just who broke the first taboo but explorers and miners have uncovered ancient weapons, sealed away for a millenia. Armed with these giant mechanical fighting vehicles the various republics and monarchies of the east coast have begun to return to the old ways. The specter of war once again looms over the east. Even more concerning is that the rate of discovery is increasing; some suggest that the activation of some has hastened the awakening of others.
A few reports - rumors, really - speak of mysterious invaders from space, though these are generally dismissed.
The World
North America
'Normerica' is the new cradle of civilization, home to the richest and most industrialized nations known. The eastern coast is well-populated, with a number of powerful nations lining both the Alantic Ocean and the Great Lakes. Going west the interior plains are no longer the breadbasket that the ancient texts spoke of, but a semiarid wasteland stretching north almost to the mosquito-infested lakes and forests of 55N. Practically the only river that crosses this expanse is the Missippi, winding from the Rockies in the west to empty into the Gulf and passing by the sun-baked remnants of ancient pre-Apocalypse cities. The Interior Wastes and the Rockies have proven an effective barrier against easy travel westward, though semiregular trade caravans passed to the nations of the west coast.
The Carribean
'The Carib' is dominated by the Cariban Empire, a militaristic nation dating back to the very ashes of the Apocalypse itself. Hurricanes regularly crash through the myriad islands and coral atolls, many of which have clearly been heavily reduced by rising sea levels. Nonetheless the Carib is a populous and active area, with sea traffic going both north and south.
South America
'Suramericana' suffered heavily during the Apocalypse and has always been in the shadow of the states of the northern hemisphere. Much of the Atlantic coast consists of well-established city-states, with the interior of the continent full of either dense tropical rainforest or tallgrass plains.
The vast storms that regularly rage through the Atlantic Ocean have made oceanic travel a difficult proposition at the best of times, with many attempts to cross the ocean ending in ruin. However, the few travellers that have made the crossing (and returned) speak of strange cultures that engage in ritualized combat with man-machines. Iron-hulled steamships have started to make trans-Atlantic travel less dangerous and more reliable but major storms can still sink even the most modern steamers.
Other Continents
While the other continents of Earth are known, travel to them is even more difficult than going to Europe and consequently little is known about them by the inhabitants of North America. So far, no intrepid merchant-explorer has managed to return with sufficient riches to properly recoup the costs of trying to cross the Pacific ocean regularly.
Important States
The Republic of Appalachia
Appalachia is a presidential republic, though one that retains a strong influence from the pre-revolution nobility. Centered around the ancient American state of Maryland, Appalachia stretches north to the Island of Mannatan and south to the Carolinas swamps. Like the other states in the east, Appalachia is at roughly 1910s (pre-Apocalypse Calender) technology, though petroleum is limited mostly for airplanes, with land-based mechanical transport being via trains or steam-powered cars - when it's not with horses or other draft animals. Appalachia has seven states and its capital and largest city is Piedmont, built near the now-buried ruins of Baltimore.
The climate of Appalachia is generally mild on the coast, though substantial winter snows are typical in the mountains. Old pre-Apocalypse records (fragmentary as they are) generally paint a picture that modern Appalachia (all of America, in fact) is somewhat warmer than it was before the Apocalypse. The forests of Appalachia are thick and fast-growing, cleared in many places for farms or for timber. Mining for coal and ores is centered in the mountains, though the ancient pre-Apocalypse cities are rich in refinable metals.
The dominant religion in Appalachia is the Redemption Church of Christ, a somewhat moderate church that preaches hard work and understanding is the key to avoiding a second Apocalypse. Other churches do exist, but put together make up less than a third of the churchgoing population. The Great War weakened the hold of the church upon secular life and while many towns nominally still 'close' on sundays, in practice stores open in the afternoon.
The upper classes enjoy the most leisure, health and opportunities in Appalachia; the isolates from plants known from folk remedies for centuries were industrialized in the era of medical advancement after the Great War and the rich and noble were best able to take advantage of this. Chemical birth control, immuno-strengtheners and disease suppressors all contribute to the robust health of the upper classes and those who can afford them. Many young people, men and women both, have taken advantage of this, breaking free of older expectations and social position.
Hawatha Confederacy
Another rising power to the north and west, the Hawatha Confederacy is nestled between the Great Lakes and has spread over three shores. A group of small nations and city-states, Hawatha came together about a century ago, progressively confederating various pocket republics and principalities. Today, Hawatha is a center of heavy industry, with large coal mines and steelworks fueling its rise to prominence - only Appalachia is richer and Hawatha has a larger industrial base. The center of this industry is the city of Big Smoke, a factory hellhole that is the largest city in the Confederacy. In addition to its heavy industry, Hawatha also a strong forestry sector.
Hawatha has a relatively egalitarian society and one with an especially strong sense of rugged individualism. Compared to the coastal states the Confederacy is particularly rural and has few large cities, but many small towns. Dueling has been legal in some parts until relatively recently and Hawathans are stereotypically rough-and-tumble and often clannish. Isolated from the Great War and riding the tide of industrialization, Hawatha has acquired something of a manifest destiny and has been steadily expanding its borders, claiming the virtually uninhabited lands north to the Great Bay and pressing its neighbors to the west and south - threats of force have begun to supersede diplomacy.
The military of Hawatha is derived from pre-Apocalypse police forces and has 'Sherifs' where most other nations have high-ranking officers. These often command the loyalty (and weapons) of those under them with a relatively limited oversight by the Confederacy's nominal civilian high command.
Appalachia's northern neighbor, Hudson is a sleepy republic mostly known for its whalers, intrepid trans-Atlantic sailors and its pious devotion to the Apocalypse Church. Hudson is also a center of recovered pre-Apocalypse knowledge, though it has mostly fallen on the engineers and financiers of Appalachia and Hawatha to puzzle out useful applications for the fragmentary records.
North Dixie
Dixie was once a major competitor to Appalachia, with its highest point in the 7th century AC. However, a series of miscalculations led to its defeat in the Great War and the collapse of the formerly unified dual monarchy into two states - North Dixie and Tegesta (formerly South Dixie). North Dixie is now something of a rump state, the heartland of old Dixie but now falling ever-further behind the industrial powers to the north. Ironically enough much of its economy is based around the export of various foodstuffs and plant products northward.
North Dixie has stubbornly maintained its old aristocracy and royal house and a large, powerful military stocked with Man-Machines - at what many critics consider ruinous cost. Others of a more nationalist or traditionalist bent consider this the only thing standing between North Dixe and complete loss of national integrity. They may be more right than they want to admit - Equalist rabble-rousers have been a rising problem inside North Dixie's borders and have kept the internal police busy.
Republic of Tegesta
Tegesta is the southernmost part of Dixie that split off in the aftermath of the Great War; formerly Southern Dixie it has returned to its archaic name. Like North Dixie, Tegesta's economy is primarily centered around agriculture and fishing, with many of the isolates and powders used by apothacaries across the continent coming from Tegesta's many subtropical plantations. The fall of the dual monarchy saw a revolution that deposed the upper classes and for the past four decades Tegesta has been a republic.
Tegesta maintains a small coastal navy and a number of fortifications along the Floria peninsula. While sharing a land border with North Dixie they consider their main security thread to be south - the Cariban Empire.
One of the co-belligerents in the Great War, Luzianna fought alongside Appalachia against Dixie and took the western part of Dixie in the closing months of the war the Dixie war machine collapsed. This cemented Luzianna's control over the Missippi delta and thus most of the arable land along Normerica's southern coast. A hereditary monarchy, Luzianna's current king is aging and has no direct heir. A looming succession dispute and brewing troubles from the Riogran Empire to the south-west promises problems ahead for the coastal state.
The Cariban Empire
The oldest nation known in the post-Apocalypse world, the Cariban Empire has existed since the Apocalypse itself and even, if its official histories are to be believed, for centuries before as the 'United States of America'. Indeed, the ruling class of the Cariban Empire takes pains to style themselves the United States of America in Exile and claims dominion over Normerica.
Validity of these claims aside, the Carib Empire indisputably has always had access to ancient, pre-Apocalypse machinery and weapons - the expansion of the Empire in the 1st century AC was entirely thanks to the overpowering firepower of their Man-Machines. It was only in the 2nd century AC as spares for these war machines became rarer, ammunition was depleted and the few remaining powered surface vessels that had survived the Apocalypse wore out and were beached that the Empire retreated from its distant mainland holdings and concentrated its forces on its island heartland.
The ruling upper class of the Cariban Empire is the descendant of pre-war military forces and to this day the empire has a strict two-tier citizenship structure. While this has been a source of stability (and oppression), economically the empire has fallen behind its growing rivals to the north. The empire has not, however, failed to keep up in the realm of military technology and has managed to return (or maintain) a substantial number of Man-Machines into service as well operate a substantial surface navy.