Singh's Fleet SD

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Not exactly named yet, just formatting out the rules so far. Need ideas on more attributes to put in or more doctrines if anyone can suggest em.

[b]Rules and Fleet Formation[/b]

You have exactly [b]100[/b] starting points that can be spent on your fleet vessels. The fleet point value of a vessel represents how strong it is in battle. Each fleet vessel (except for logistic ships) requires a certain number of logistic ships to run. These ships represent your ability to keep your vessels refueled on the go. Some ships may have attributes, bonuses or penalties depending on their class. These are innate and do not count towards any attribute slots. The classes of ships available are, from largest to smallest:

[i]Dreadnaughts[/i] || 15 Fleet points || 9 Logistics vessels required || Impervious to Cruisers and below || 7 +slots.
[i]Mega-Carriers[/i] || 13 Fleet points || 7 logistics vessels required || can carry 25 FP worth of small craft +resupply +repair (fighters only). || 5 +slots
[i]Heavy Battleships[/i] || 12 Fleet points || 7 Logistics vessels required || +weapons -speed || 5 +slots
[i]Battleships[/i] || 10 Fleet points || 6 logistics vessels required || 4 +slots
[i]Heavy Carriers[/i] || 10 Fleet points || 5 logistics vessels required || can carry 15 FP worth of small craft +resupply +repair (fighters only) ||4 +slots
[i]Battlecruisers[/i] || 9 Fleet points || 5 logistics vessels required || +speed -armor || 5 +slots
[i]Carriers[/i] || 8 Fleet points || 4 Logistics vessels required ||
[i]Heavy Cruisers[/i] || 7 Fleet points || 3 logistics vessels required || can carry 10 FP worth of small craft +resupply +repair (fighters only)
[i]Cruisers[/i] || 6 Fleet points || 2 logistics vessels required ||
[i]Light Carriers[/i] || 6 Fleet points || 1 Logistics vessels required || can carry 5 FP worth of small craft +resupply +repair (fighters only)
[i]Light cruisers[/i] || 5 Fleet points || 1 logistics vessels required || +speed - armor
[i]Destroyers[/i] || 4 Fleet points || 0.5 logistics vessels required || 2 +slots
[i]Frigates[/i] || 2 Fleet points || 0.25 logistics vessels required || No +slots
[i]Corvettes[/i] || 1 fleet points || 0.1 logistics vessels required || No +slots
[i]Logistics Vessel[/i] || 1 fleet points || No weapons by default || +Resupply +Reclaimation +Repair

[u]Small craft[/u]
Small craft represent fighters, bombers, mecha etc - it does not matter the exact shape or form they take. They can be generally quite effective when used in numbers and have specialized roles. They do not need logistics ships but must be based on a carrier or vessel with external hardpoints or hangars.

[i]Gunship / Mecha[/i] || 2 fleet points ||
[i]Heavy bombers[/i] || 1.5 Fleet points ||
[i]Bombers[/i] || 1 fleet points ||
[i]Fighters[/i] || 0.5 fleet points ||
[i]Interceptors[/i] || 0.5 fleet points ||


Each ship can have abilities on which they are focused and can be considered more effective - this is represented by a +<attribute>. Ships usually have a maximum of 3 +slots unless mentioned otherwise.

Be aware that each +attribute costs 25% of the ship's total cost. So if you have a battleship that costs 10FP, each +attribute tacks on +2.5 FP to the cost onto the vessel. Also note that some +attributes will also give you [i]-attributes[/i] that reduce the effectiveness of your ship in those fields. Round all values to the nearest .5

The attributes you can use on a ship are as follows:
[i]+Weapons[/i]: Increases the efficiency of weapons on the ship, giving it more firepower.
[i]+Armor[/i]: Increases the efficiency of armor on a ship, letting it take a harsher beating. ++ Armor gives -speed.
[i]+Speed[/i]: Increases the speed and evasion of your ship.
[i]+Passive Stealth[/i]: Makes your ship much harder to detect in general. Can be defeated by equilvalent in +sensors.
[i]+Active Stealth[/i]: Activatable stealth that makes you all but invisible to even +sensors. A +active stealth would need ++sensors to defeat. Each +Active stealth gives a permanent -armor penalty. Additionally ships cannot fire while in +active stealth.
[i]+Reclaimation[/i]: Grants ytour ship the ability to refuel and resupply itself on the go. Reduces number of logistics vessels required by 1.
[i]+Resupply[/i]: Grants your ship the ability to resupply other vessels on the go. Allows the ship to count as one logistics vessel. Can not be put on Cruisers and above.
[i]+Repair[/i]: Grants your ship the ability to repair other vessels in the field.
[i]+Sensors[/i]: Your ship is able to detect enemy vessels further and better. Each +Sensor gives -Armor -Weapons.
[i]+Science Suite[/i]: Useful for analysis of all that data your sensing. You never know what you may be able to dig up. Each +Science gives -Armor and -weapons except on vessels with +sensors.
[i]+External hardpoints[/i]: Lets your ship carry 2FP worth of fighter craft.
[i]+Hangar[/i]: Lets your ship carry 4FP worth of fighter craft
[i]+Range[/i]: Lets your ship engage at much longer ranges
[i]+Grappling pods[/i]: Grants your ship the ability to board enemy vessels.
[i]+AA Guns[/i]: Gives your ship a bonus vs small craft. ++AA allows for extended coverage to let it protect other ships, but at the cost of -weapons.
[i]+Shields[/i]: Your ship's shields are more effective in combat. ++Shields allows it to extend shields over another vessel, but it comes at the cost of -armor.
[i]+ECM[/i]: Represents your ship's ability to jam long-range fire via decoys, electronic counter measures, etc.
[i]+E-War[/i]: Your ship can engage in electronic warfare against enemy vessel's control systems, slowing them down or dropping vital systems. Comes with a -weapons and a -armor penalty.
[i]+Anti-capital weapons[/i]: Your ship's weapons are designed to fight capital ships. Each +AC Weapons gives a -AA rating for the ship.
[i]+Crew[/i]: Your ship uses more manual crew compared to automation. Gives a bonus vs ECM, Electronic warfare and Boarding. Each +Crew requires 1 more logistic ships to run.
[i]+Automation[/i]: Your ship uses less crew thanks to AI advancements. Gives a bonus to passive/active stealth and science suites and reduces 1 logistics ships by level. Makes you more vulnerable to ECM, Boarding and Electronic warfare however.

[u]Special note about stealth:[/u] Stealth vs detection usually comes down to a roll between the two fleets. Stealth is an iffy thing but at the same time so is detection. Passive and Active stealth bonuses are cumulative.


It is [b]strongly preferred[/b] that combat be determined by talking to the person you are fighting with and figuring things out for the best narrative outcome. However in cases where no clear resolution is available, then a GM ruling will decide on the result based on the FP involved, the tactics used, the +attributes of the ships involved and a few dice rolls.