Black Crusade

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Game Information

Test game sometime in November, ATM.

Too play the game you'll need a copy of the Core rules of Black Crusade.

Character Coordination/Meeting

Put best times here for the week of 21-25 November.
(Or if everyone can it make it this week. . .)

The Black Crusade

The player characters are those who either defied the rotting Imperium of Man and its carrion God-Emperor. Apostates, Heretics, Renegades, traitor Marines. Or perhaps they are those who never stood beneath the Tyranny of the Imperium, a dominion that squeezes the galaxy in the the dying grip of still immense strength. But all these people, mutants or superhuman warriors, thrive, die, and achieve glory outside the bounds of Imperial Space. And quite often within the Imperium despite the efforts of the Carrion-God's deluded followers. Here, around one of the Great Warp Storms that plague the Galaxy, you have come. Perhaps you have never left, and perhaps you had never expected to stay. Welcome to the Screaming Vortex.


-Currently no character limitations. There will be a character meeting at some point to coordinate concepts.

Session XP