Takae Yamamoto

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Takae Yamamoto
Appearance: A Japanese woman of average height, with blue dyed streaks in her hair. Most of her body is obviously fake to the touch or more than a casual glance, due to synthetic replacement.
Virtue: Bravo (regain 2WP for forcing an equal/superior foe to back down or defeating them)
Vice: Cynic (spend WP to take advantage of a lucky break.)



Strength 4 + 2 (Deadly)
Mega-Strength 2 (Lifter, Precision)
Brawl 5
Melee 5
Might 2
Dexterity 6 + 1 (Precise)
Mega-Dexterity 2 (Accuracy, Fast Tasks, Enhanced Movement)
Athletics 5 (Throwing + 1)
Drive 3
Firearms 5
Heavy Weapons 5
Legerdemain 3
Martial Arts 5 (Finesse, Counterstrike, Weapon Strip, Improvisation)
Pilot 2
Stealth 5
Stamina 5 + 1 (Tough)
Mega-Stamina 3 (Regeneration, Hardbody)
Endurance 4
Resistance 4


Perception 5 (Detail-Oriented)
Mega-Perception 2 (Electromagnetic Vision, Hyperenhanced Hearing)
Awareness 5
Investigation 4 (Electronics + 1)
Gunnery 3
Intelligence 3
Academics (History) 3
Bureaucracy 2
Computers 4 (Security + 2)
Linguistics 3 (Formal Japanese, Chinese, English, Korean)
Medicine 2
Strategy 1
Survival 3
Wits 5 (Fast Reflexes)
Mega-Wits 1 (Multitasking, Quickness, Lie Detector)
Art (Calligraphy) 1
Rapport 3 (Detect Lies + 1)
Tactics 3


Charisma 4 (Endearing)
Etiquette 3
Manipulation 5 (Tricky)
Interrogation 4
Streetwise 3 (Japan + 2)
Subterfuge 5 (Faking Emotion + 3)
Appearance 4 (Lithe)
Intimidation 3
Style 3 (Disguise + 2)


Attunement 4
Backing 3 (Japanese Government)
Cipher 3
Contacts 2 (Japanese Underground)
Contacts 4 (Japanese Intelligence)
Devices 5 (Quantum-Active Cyberware-60 XP)
Enhancements 5
Resources 3
Status 1 (Japanese Law Enforcement)


Enhancements (60 XP):

+1 Dexterity, +2 Strength, +1 Stamina [20 XP]
Subdermal Armor [6 XP]
Extrasensory Access: LANSA + Weakpoints + Social Cues [16 XP]
Acute Sight [2 XP]
Night Vision [2 XP]
Advanced Implant Radio [2 XP]
Enhanced Antibodies [2 XP]
Environmental Adaptation: Aquatic [6 XP]
Vital Organ Shielding [4 XP]

Merits and Flaws

Willpower and Quantum

Willpower 9 + [2] against psychic intrusion
Quantum 4

30 Quantum Points

Quantum Powers

Cyberkinesis 3 (Overload, Reprogram, Fool)
Extra: Reflexive (+1 difficulty for conscious use, activates for defensive purposes)
+[3] for defensive use (3 strengths)
Armor 1 (+3B/3L soak)
Mental Shield 1 (+2 successes against mind reading)

Body Modifications

Streamlined (+3 to dexterity for swim speeds)
Inhuman Attribute (Dexterity)
Chromatophores (+2 to stealth when naked or wearing attuned eufiber)
Hyperdense Skeleton (+2B/1L soak, safe fall distance and interval for fall damage doubled, +2 unarmed damage)
Redundant Organs II (+2 -0, 2 -1 HLs)


Note: Excess parry successes become attack successes, may make an immediate attack after disarming a target.

Strike: Accuracy 14d [2], Damage 12B [10]
Kick: Accuracy 12d [2], Damage 14B [13]


Soak: 4B/4L/2A (Quantum) + 6B/3L/3A (Sta) + 3B/3L/3A (M-Sta) + 3B/3L/0A (armor) + 2B/4L (dermal armor) + 1B/0L (half skeleton) = 19B/17L/8A
Health Levels: -0 x 10/-1 x 7/-2 x 5/-4 x 4/Incapacitated


Soak: 10B/10L/0A + 2B/4L = 12B/14L/0A
Health Levels: 10 each