Talk:Crystal Ambition

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Aspect Soldier

An Aspect Soldier are the superweapons of the world. Soldiers imbuned with Crystals directly into their bodies, they are superhuman entities capable of amazing feats. They are used as Special Forces and Elite shock troops.
Training Cost: ??? Wealth, ?? Materia
Upkeep Cost: ??


Artillery Knight

Artillery Knights have a basic repetoire of abilities, further focused by materia.

Black Type

This magic ranges from personal fireballs to lightning strikes, it is offensive magic that focuses on attacking the enemy.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia

White Type

Curative, defensive and support, White Types focus on supporting their accompanying armies and allies.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia

Mystic Type

These focus on using their magical abilities to support themselves as classical melee warriors, wading into battle with huge swords or axes that can cleave tanks in half.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia

Avatar Knight

All Aspects have an Avatar, the physical manifestation of their crystal. Avatar Knights take this further, focusing it into intricate technomagical equipment, featuring advanced power armour and an array of weaponry, the higher level Aspects equip themselves virtually in battlesuits, wielding incredible forces of destruction.

Infiltrator Type

Focusing their avatar into a advanced technomagic stealth suit, this type are stealthy, nimble and deadly.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia

Vanguard Type

Decked out in technomagical gear, including power armour and armed with an array of materialised weaponry, this type rule the battlefield.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia

Assault Type

A supportive type, these aspects provide sheer firepower, focusing on attacking heavier equipment and vehicles.
Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia

Esper Knights

Masters of material projection, these channelers create magitech servants to fight for them, to support them, or to carry them into battle.Esper Knights’ conjured creatures are build with a series of traits, similar to how Mutants are built. Each Knight creates one summoned being, or eidolon, but they may have several ‘modes’ or Forms it can transform into. More experienced Knights have stronger Eidolons, who in turn have more Forms. Forms are often distinct in capacity, allowing an Eidolon tactical flexibility around a core body of traits.

If an Eidolon is killed, the trauma to the Knight is considerable, but the entity can be resummoned after its conjuror’s energies have replenished. With a tremendous effort of will, a Knight can even ‘resurrect’ their Eidolon mid-battle, though this is extremely dangerous, especially for inexperienced Knights.

Uses Mutations from the Beast list, as well as some unique traits (possibly)
Can manifest 1 Form at 1st level, increased at increments (TBD)
Cost: 6 materia, or 4 blue materia

Monster Knights

These warriors rely on their protean flesh in combat, manifesting strange and horrifying biotech devices from their materia-saturated flesh. A Monster Knight is built much in the same way as an Esper Knight’s eidolons are built, except that these traits apply to the Knight itself, not some conjured creature.

Unlike Eidolons, Monster Knights manifest individual Mutations in any combination they want, depending on situation. Many are extremely resilient and have natural healing factors (if only because their flesh folds and rearranges itself to seal the wounds), but have a higher risk of mental problems due to their literally constant-shifting worldview.

Uses Mutations from the Beast list, as well as some unique traits (possibly)
Can manifest individual mutations for energy cost (TBD)
Cost: 6 materia, or 4 green materia


Foot Soldiers



Guerillas are soldiers who have learned, whether by training or brutal evolutionary pressures, how to fight unconventionally, moving light and striking hard. With their skillset in living off the land, scavenging equipment, and stealthy operation, guerillas are critical to winning unconventional wars. Dependent on the type of manpower and equipment given, these can be anything from ragtag tribal militias to extremely elite special forces.

"The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea." Mao Zedong

Training Cost: 5 Wealth
Upkeep Cost: 0 Wealth


Standard infantrymen are better armed and equipped but conversely are less stealthy and require a larger logistics trail. Ranging from poorly trained conscripts to elite direct-action assault forces, infantrymen are a solid backbone upon which the entire army builds. After all, the end goal of most ground operations is to capture enemy assets instead of merely rendering them unusable-there are orbital strikes and nuclear weapons for that. Even though they might be equipped with powered armor and use smart weapons, even with their UAV and UGV support, their role and their tactics are still eminently recognizable.

"The infantry doesn't change. We're the only arm of the military where the weapon is the man himself." Maj Gen C. T. Shortis

Training Cost: 45 Wealth
Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth


Ground Vehicles


Transport units are assigned to infantry battalions on a 1:1 basis. Helicopters are also included, despite being air units.

Trucks are standard civilian vehicles with robust engines, able to haul infantry units across most terrain, though offering no personal protection against anything other than the elements
Cost: 2 Wealth
Upkeep: Wealth
Cargo Size: 5,000

An armoured personnel carrier (APC) is an armoured fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield. By default, they are wheeled or tracked
Cost: Wealth
Upkeep: Wealth
Cargo Points: 5,000

IFV Mobilization
An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (M)ICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them.
Cost: Wealth
Upkeep: Wealth
Cargo Points: 5,000

Helicopter Mobilization
The helicopter is a tactically mobile unit. Usually only models lightly armed with defensive weapons, Military transport helicopters are used in places where the use of conventional aircraft is impossible. By default they use rotors.
Cost: Wealth
Upkeep: Wealth
Deckage: 40
Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000

Esper Jet
Using materia, an esper is morphed into a exoskeletal lift unit wearable by infantry, giving significant personal mobility
Cost: Wealth, Materia
Upkeep: Wealth
Cargo Points: 1,000, 0 if attached to an infantry Battalion

Air Vehicles

Naval Vehicles