Endia Shabranigdu

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Gnostic Ascent

Yandare at the End of the Universe


Endia is genetically engineered Newtype created by a pair of mad scientists studying the rumoured Prime Continuum. After Naguya Ootsutsuki disappeared, Endia went through a stint as Luna Shabranigdu's, her (other, more abusive) mad scientist mother, magical girl agent, killing and taking the stuff of whomever necessary in order to further her research. After a time, the project was discovered and raided by the Monopolists. Her remaining parent was killed but Endia managed to escape to the lower city.


Lore (Endia)


Vital Statistics

Name: Endia Shabranigdu
Age: 18+ robot years
Avatar: Dynamic
Demeanor: Monster (Regain Willpower by performing spectacular acts of heartlessness and ruin.)
Nature: Kid (Regain Willpower whenever you bring out the nurturing side of someone who doesn't normally care much for other people.)
Arete: 4
Quint: 3
Tass: 0
Dox: 0
Damage: -
Willpower: 7/7 [11]
Exp: 205/205


Physical [64]

Strength: 3+1 (Deceptive)
Dexterity: 5+1 (Precise)
Stamina: 3+1 (Light)

Social [24+12]

Charisma: 1
Manipulation: 4 (Scarily Good at Lying)
Appearance: 3+1 (You're Going to Jail)

Mental [44+12]

Perception: 5+1 (Sees the Lines)
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Talents [39+5]

Alertness: 2
Athletics: 3
Awareness: 2
Empathy: 2
Scrounging: 2
Search: 2
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 2

Skill [27+1]

Martial Arts: 3 (Soft)
Security: 3
Research: 2
Stealth: 2

Knowledge [15+5]

Area Knowledge: 3 (The City)
Computers: 3
Cosmology: 2
Lore: 2 (Monopolists)

Spheres [65+117]

Correspondence: 4 [52]
Entropy: 3 [34]
Forces: 2 [18]
Life: 3 [34]
Matter: 0
Mind: 3 [34]
Prime: 1 [10]
Spirit: 0
Time: 0

Backgrounds [21+48]

Avatar: 3
Blessing (Karma Arcane): 5 - A Marble Phantasm created by Endia's subconscious fear of her own powers. She is Arcane to Karma itself - no matter what she does, ultimately nobody will blame her for it. Nobody, that is, except herself. Dream: 5
Enhancement (Genetic Engineering): 5

Gainax Eyes
Immunity to Minor Pain
PTSD – Sterile Labs
Uncanny Reflexes
Yandere Gaze

Merits [15]

Jack of All Trades [15]

Flaws [-21]

Child: 1 [-3]
Derangement – Multiple Personalities [-6]

This comes out most prominently when she clones herself; different personalities will tend to crop up in each copy of herself.

Echoes 1/Strangeness [-3]

The Ootsutsuki-Shabranigdu Effect causes mild ripples and changes to present reality due to Endia's subconscious. It is occasionally notable but seldom more than a minor inconvenience.

Sadism [-6]
Twisted Apprenticeship [-3]

Magic and Gear


Designed/Modified by Luna Shabranigdu (Mother) and Naguya Ootsutsuki (Other Mother), Endia is an engineered Newtype able to manipulate the parallel threads of reality and harvest probability to cause localized physical effects that defy traditional laws of entropy, geometry and thermodynamics. Her most powerful trick is to co-locate multiple instances of herself into the present reality.


Martial Arts

Counter Throw
Joint Lock
Withering Grasp