MCS semiofficial system

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System subject to change if balance issues are found.


Rules are as aberrant 2.0 except as follows

1: Success numbers are maluable, 6 is the standard, 10s are rerolled, but do not double.
2: Soak is rolled except in special circumstances (IE firing a rifle at a tank)
3: You may not take Eurofiber, dormacy, or gadget, nor are any of you sanctioned.

Character Creation

Build your character as a "Great Man" with no quantum powers. It is suggested you take bioenhancements as part of being an augmented special forces unit.

Once you have created your character you may pick one of the following

Super Soldier

Super Soldiers have no special powers but gain 3 additional ability prodigies, and 15 supersoldier points which maybe used to by attributes at a rate of 1 for 2, or abilities at a rate of 1 for 6, or merits at a rate of 1/3

Super Martial Artist

You are the heir or originator of a martial art above human norms. You enjoy the following automatic benefits

1: You can pick whether you use strength or dexterity to attack in melee
2: You may deal lethal damage with your hands if you want too. You may block lethal attacks with your hands.
3: Your success number for all attacks is down shifted by one (so normal attacks hit on 5s)
4: You automatically gain 6 points into brawl
5: You automatically gain 6 points into martial arts
6: You gain 1 automatic success and one megaattribute enhancement to one physical attribute of your choice. Note you do not gain the full bonuses for mega strength 1, just a single auto-success.
7: You make pick three from the following powers:

Any technique from the do maneuvers section on page 64 of the Akashics book of mage

Players may suggest more.

Hardsuit User

You have a robot suit, superior in all respects to the one found in the equipment section of aberrant.

Themed Superpower

Themed power users gain 2 additional dice to their theme pool, and may have an openly supernatural theme such as telekinetic powers or telepathy.

Theme Pool

Each character has a theme pool, which starts as 4 dice. This works like arete in mage, it is rolled, with 1s subtracting, for an effect. This effect is the character's theme, and grants bonuses along the lines of that theme. This theme can be simply the type of character you are, but will be more powerful if it is more specific. So for instance, a super martial artist with the theme "ancient martial arts style" might be able to use move reading to move her difficulty down against specific enemies. A themed superpower might use telekinesis to shatter enemies and so on.