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Sword of Bhavatārini (Talisman 5)

A old black scimitar with an eternal sheen, the surface that rippling with dynamic potential. Those who look within see their moral failures reflected within the blade, but also the potential for the restoration of their karma.

The sword was made within the sanctums of an old Kali devotional cult that revered her as Bhavatārini, or the "redeemer of the universe". The sword was at first used to hunt demons that scoured the countryside, especially the pretas that would rise from uncremated corpses. When mystics all over India began to feel the lure of dark powers and became devils themselves, forsaking the dharma of caretakers over the spiritual welfare of the land, this blade was used to give them baptisms of fire that would send them on the road to recovering their karma.

The blade ignites the flesh of the unwholesome and dissolves them into ash so that the wielder need never become exposed to substances of lesser ritual purity. It radiates virtue, protecting their minds and bodies from being tainted by blasphemous magics. As Kali is also Parvati, the mother goddess, her sword can strike those who should live to a sleep from which they can awaken. The blade requires only proper reverence and adherence to a wholesome lifestyle, although the memory of many killings and the fierce nature of the goddess of death sometimes compels her sword to be drawn and to slay those need the Good Death.

Base Item: Sword Str + d3L
Arete 4 (4), Quintessence (10/10) (2)
(Entropy/Forces) When striking oathbreakers, Nephandi and demons, damage dice are converted into aggravated successes. (2)
(Forces) Adds Arete to damage. (1)
(Forces/Entropy) Attacks and parries at -3 dif. (1)
(Prime) The sword provides reflexive Arete countermagic to resist magic by oathbreakers, Nephandi and demons. (1)
(Corr/Matter/Spirit) The sword strikes through minor environmental obstacles and wounds spirits, so long as the striking arc would have hit. (1)
(Forces/Life) The sword may inflict stun damage instead of lethal, which bypasses armor but can be resisted with Stamina at a difficulty of 7. (1)
The sword has a Legend rating equal to its Arete, activated once per scene whenever it slays an evildoer. (1)
The sword is considered to have an Arcane rating equal to its Arete. (1)
Must be wielded by a devotee of Kali/Bhavatārini who makes a daily fire offering to the sword, or its powers become worthless until the respects are paid. (-1)
The sword will make any attack against an sworn ally into a lethal botch. (-2)
The sword will rattle loudly in the presence of demons and command the wielder to strike, forcing them to roll Willpower at a difficulty of 8 to avoid being compelled to draw it. (-2)