The Tyrusian Free State

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The Tyrus Liberated Democratic Republic is a nominal military dictatorship that considers itself to be a transitional revolutionary state dedicated to the overthrow of tyrannical monarchical and religious regimes in order to establish a collectivist state where a persons worth is dictated by their contribution to society, rather than the privileges of birth. It is also commonly known as the Tyrus Free State.

The official motto of the Tyrus Liberated Democratic Republic is 'No Gods or Kings'

Official Name: Tyrus Liberated Democratic Republic Shortform: Tyrus Free State. Acronym: TLDR


The Imperial Province of Tyrus was was ruled by a Gamiron nobility headed by a Regent appointed by the Empire. While each of the noble houses of Tyrus retained their own military forces, including Flagship Battleships, the Regent in an effort to counter the power of the lords and at the behest of the Empire, maintained a modest but capable professional military. It drew it's officer corps from educated Terions from across the Empire and the foolish nobles could not see they had set up the very mechanisms of their own demise. They unwittingly expanded the professional military so that is was a capable force in it's own right. With the outbreak of war across the Empire and the assassination of the Empress, the professional force rebelled against the nobles and declare itself the Tyrus Liberation Army, it's special forces seized the nobles expensive toys and the Regent was assassinated.

In the dark days of the general war, the Gamiron population of Tyrusia was ethnically cleansed by the Terion Volunteer Army, an militia with a fanatical hatred of the 'noble' blooded Gamirons. Gamirons fled as the TVA advanced on their residential complexes, capturing blue bloods they found and executing them in impromptu people's courts.


Tyrusian culture favours stoicism, respect and social cohesion. Displays of wealth are deeply taboo and most Tyrusians have an ingrained sense of modesty. In contrast to the years before the General war, the Tyrusians enjoy universal healthcare, free education and a guarantee of work at a minimum wage, even if this is only a few hours a week, often in the Tyrus Liberation Army.

Central to the modern culture of Tyrus is the revolutionary struggle, which occupies much of the modern literature, film making and music. Tyrus refers to the General war as the 'Liberation War'

The Capital of Tyrus is spread over two asteroids..


The TLDR is officially a transitional military government whose hold on power is for the purposes of pursuing it's revolutionary goals. The Executive Government is known as the Tyrus Liberation Council and is made up of both the official Liberation Army and that of the Terion Volunteer Army. Once these goals have been met, power will transfer completely to the democratically elected government. The legislative body during the transitional period is the National Convention.

In practice, there are three blocs, the Liberation Army, The Terion Volunteer Army and the Black Brigades, the notorious elite units of the Liberation Army who hold considerable power.

Black Brigade

The 'INSERT' are the elite forces of the Liberation Army and wield considerable political power. Suicide squads of the INSERT stormed the Palace and slaughtered the entire family of the ruling Reagent.

The Twelve Dominions

Midchis is the most powerful of the twelve, controlling most of the Kanycan cluster after beating all of their opponents in the Kanycan War a hundred years ago.


People's War
The immediate redirection of significant resources towards the general populance of Tyrus has raised living standards considerably, in addition to the existance of the Terion Volunteer army, Tyrus has a fervent and well armed population.


Tyrus Arch



Points: Upkeep:

Tyrus Liberation Navy

4 Regicide class battleship
(+1) Gauss Primary Cannons (Sildron)
(+1) Gauss Secondary Turrets (Sildron)
(+1) Armour Cladding(Adamant)

2 Abolition class Heavy Cruiser
(+1) Gauss Secondary Turrets (Sildron)
(+1) Armour Cladding(Adamant)

18 Liberty class Light Cruiser
(+1) Gauss Secondary Turrets (Sildron)
(+1) Armour Cladding(Adamant)

2 Subterfuge class Marauders
(+1) Shields (Sildron)
(+1) Shockwave Torpedeos(Claria)

80 Unity class destroyers
This new standard multi-role destroyer is a middling hull design with view towards potential mission-specific expansions but no particular field of excellence out of the box. As in many armed forces, they are assigned little glory but few doubt their necessity on the battlefield, if only to make up the numbers.

18 Assault Ship

50 Military Transport

Tyrus Liberation Army

17 Liberation foot brigade
(+1) Guns (Sildron)
(+1) Armour (Adamant)

10 Main Battle Armour armor brigade
(+1) Guns (Sildron)
(+1) Armour (Adamant)

5 Skyguard Air Defence Brigade

Tyrus Liberation Guard

6 Liberator class battleship
(+1) Gauss Primary Cannons (Sildron)
(+1) Gauss Secondary Turrets (Sildron)
(+1) Armour Cladding(Adamant)
(+0) Republican Guard
The Six Liberator Class Battleships are upgraded versions of the General War Era vessels seized from the Noble houses at the beginning of the conflict.

2 Abolition class Heavy Cruiser
(+1) Gauss Secondary Turrets (Sildron)
(+1) Armour Cladding(Adamant)
(+0) Republican Guard

2 Subterfuge class Marauders
(+1) Shields (Sildron)
(+1) Shockwave Torpedeos(Claria)
(+0) Republican Guard

10 Black Brigade marine brigade
(+1) Guns (Sildron)
(+1) Armour (Adamant)
(+1) Electronics (Claria)
(+0) Republican Guard


1 Supercosmo Fortress