New Mercia

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Kingdom of New Mercia
System Info
World Name: New Mercia
Map ID: R 19
Surface Gravity: 9.96 m/s2
Climate: Frozen
Atmosphere: Oxygen-Nitrogen
Population: 30,000,000
Population Breakdown: >95% Baseline
Capital: Landing
Type of Power: ZOCU
Wealth: 554
Industry: 800 Domestic
Domestic He3: 196
He3 Deliveries: 500
Strategic Resources: Delta Dust: 100
Monopoles: 200
Condensates: 50
Computronium: 25

Sphere 2

Tentative history paths:

Longshot Mission (+ Fabber)

Mixed (+ SP)

Resource Rich World
Relic Dust (+ Dust)

Artifact Find! (+ Dust)

Ancient Resources (+ Dust)

Military Action! (+ Military)

Regime Changed (+ Military, + logistics, - morale)

Broken Down (+ PIP)

Revolution! (+ Military, + doctrines, +morale, - pop)

Solidarity! (ToS)

Never Forget (+ Military, + logistics)

Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + Military, + CIP, ++ PIP, -- Wealth)

Fort Up (+ Military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground tech)

+ Fabber
+ SP
+++ Dust
++++++ Military
+++ Logistics
+ Doctrines
+ Ground Doctrines
+ Defensive Stuff
+ Ground Tech
+++ PIP
-- Wealth
- Pop

National Overview

As of August 2195

Kingdom of New Mercia
Archetype: ZOCU Member State
Genre: Space British!
Head of State: Contested
Head of Government: Contested
Government: Constitutional Monarchy/Parlimentary Democracy
Political Alignment: ZOCU


Located at the outer edge of it's star's liquid water zone, New Mercia is a cold world, much further from it's sun than Earth. Although it has a breathable atmosphere, the planet is almost entirely covered in glaciers. A narrow band of non glaciated surface runs around the equator of the planet, although the majority of this area is instead covered by ocean. What little exposed land there is- less than 10,000 square miles, less than half the size of the Earth nation of the Republic of Ireland- is frozen most of the year round, with average temperatures of -10 degrees centigrade, and temperatures only a few degrees above zero on the warmest summer days. The majority of the population live in three cities (Landing, New London and New Anglia), although there are many smaller towns between the three main population centres, and even some on the glaciers themselves. These cities are built at least half underground, in an attempt to assist with insulation. These vast underground caverns are the location of much of the planet's industry, and the heat generated through myriad industrial processes is used to heat aboveground structures as much as possible.

The weather tends towards snow and storms, with one half of the year being relatively mild and the other half characterised by violent, intense weather patterns. This time is often referred to as the 'Dark', because the constant unbroken clouds hide the sun.

During the Dark, temperatures plummet, leading to many people leaving outlying towns and moving into the cities, where efforts are made to keep streets heated and clear of snow. As a result, the population of the Three Cities sees a marked increase in the Dark as many towns are temporarily abandoned, and ownership of two houses is relatively common. The majority of food production takes place in and around the cities, in huge, heated greenhouses covering hundreds of square miles. Most visitors to the planet never leave the environmentally controlled, domed spaceport, not because of any legal restrictions, but because the spaceport itself is capable of meeting most needs, and many do not want to brave the chill outside, especially not in the Dark.

Located on the major trade route extending from the Pac-Am arm of the core, New Mercia is well placed in terms of trade potential. Populated by enthusiastic traders and industrialists, New Mercia boasts a strong, wealthy economy for a non Core World, and is determined to see that economic muscle grow. Drawing colonists originally from the British Isles, New Mercia is governed as a Constitutional Monarchy with a figurehead King (the only hereditary position in the government), and two Houses of Parliament; the Commons, the people's representatives, and the Lords, in actuality composed of appointed experts and not hereditary nobles. Major exports include monopoles, Bose-Einstein condensates for use in many varients of gravity drives, and Delta Dust, as well as military equipment, civilian shipping and finished goods.

Originally a second stage colony, New Mercia threw off it's ties to the Core Worlds and joined the ZOCU only shortly before the war began. Unlike many other ZOCU member states, New Mercia has a negligible post human population, and even as a satellite of the Core Worlds, it's citizens enjoyed relative freedom. However, Core World trade and development policy proved overly restrictive, with a severe impact on the standard of living as the population grew and space became a problem. The Core's refusal to help fund a terraforming project to increase the amount of liveable space tipped an already unhappy populace over into open rebellion, and the government, seeing the writing on the wall, joined the population, declaring the Kingdom of New Mercia completely independent of the Core Worlds. Shortly after, the Kingdom negotiated entry into the ZOCU, and plans were drawn up to begin large scale terraforming.

In the war, the was relatively little action within the New Mercia system itself. In the early stages of the conflict, the Royal Navy defeated raids by the fleets of the two nearest second stage colonies, and seized control of the privately owned jump catapults connecting the system to it's loyalist neighbours. However, since the Government had guaranteed that trade from any side would be able to move through the system unhindered, although Core World aligned ships would not be able to stop at any in system facilities, and would have to pay large tolls, the Core Worlds paid little attention to New Mercia, focusing their efforts towards Harraway's World and the more belligerent ZOCU members along the European arm. This relative neutrality was revoked later in the war, under pressure from the rest of the ZOCU, but by that point, the Core Worlds were heavily committed elsewhere, and the New Mercian area of operations was considered low priority.

The New Mercian military performed well in the war, but not exceptionally, gaining a reputation of being solid and dependable in battle, mostly in support of allies far away from their homeworld. The He3 embargo crippled the nation, and led to the loss of a large portion of it's fleet before a ceasefire could be proclaimed, as well as a large number of deaths on the planet itself as it became difficult to heat homes. The government was forced to decide between using it's emergency reserves of He3 to sustain the fleet or to keep the population alive and heat the vital agricultural greenhouses. After the war, plans were drawn up to construct extensive domestic He3 extraction facilities, and the terraforming projects were to be slowed. However, in the initial stages of terraforming, it was revealed that large quantities of exotic particles, monopoles, were trapped in the vast New Mercian ice sheets. The He3 production plans were placed on the back burner and the area left to small private corporations with limited government investment. The government instead turned it's attention to this newly discovered resource, sinking huge amounts of money into extraction infrastructure and making New Mercia much less dependant on He3 for it's power supplies.

New Mercians will trade with just about anyone if they can make a profit, and this attitude has seen a rapid recovery from the war, and indeed, an industrial expansion now that the planet is out from under the thumb of the Core Worlds, despite the fact that the HEC has imposed He3 sanctions upon the Kingdom due to excessive use of energy in it's terraforming projects.

Resource Stockpiles

Wealth: 608
He3: 6601
Supplies: 1087

Delta Dust: 316
Drexler Assemblers: 1
Monopoles: 1386
B-Titanium: 4
Condensates: 320
Computronium: 246



Medium Shipyards
Heavy Shipyards
Tank Industry
Aerospace Industry
Access to Space
Deep Core Mining
Impractical Engineering
Advanced Technology


Treaty of Sirius
Access to Information Act
Environmental Trainwreck
Active Terraforming
Currently on Fire



-1 Espionage (Access to Information)

+2 Decisive Battle
+2 Air Dominance
+1 Butter, not guns

Royal Army

2x Line Infantry Battalions
Tech 4 Regular Infantry
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+1 armour
Upkeep: 1 Supply
Cost: 5 IP

1x Guards Infantry Battalions
Tech 4 Elite Infantry
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+1 armour
Upkeep: 2 Supply
Cost: 25 IP

2x Special Operations Forces
Tech 4
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+1 armour
+1 melee weapons
+1 stealth
Upkeep: 1 Supply
Cost: 70 IP

3x IFV Mobilisation
Tech 4 IFV mobilisation +1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+1 armour
Upkeep: 4 Supply
Cost: 40 IP

1x Artillery Battery
TL4 Artillery Battery
+1 cold weather specialists
+3 weapons
Upkeep: 3 Supply
Cost: 30 IP

6x Hellcat Tank Destroyer Regiments
TL4 Armored Cavalry Battalion
+1 Anti-Tank Gun
+1 Pin-Point Barrier
+2 Mobility
Upkeep: 4 Supply
Cost: 48 IP
Cargo Size: 5,000

New Mercian Royal Air Force

10x UAV Flight
+1 cold weather specialists
Cost: 6
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 1 He3
DP:2 (each)

5x Dazzler UAV
Tech 4 UAV
+2 disguise
+2 computronium ECM
Upkeep: 1 supply, 1 He3
cost: 12 IP, 4 computronium

11x Pinnacle UAV
Tech 4 UAV
+4 computronium sensors
Upkeep: 1 supply, 1 He3
cost: 12 IP, 8 computronium

2x SF-10 Cyclone Strike Fighter Flight
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
Cost: 32 IP
DP: 4 (each)

12x IF-20 Stomwind Interceptor Flight
Tech 4 Interceptor Fighter flight
+1 cold weather specialists
monopole core
+1 weapons (fast tracking micro-missiles)
+1 sensors
+1 speed
+1 agility
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 Monopoles/year
Cost: 64 IP
DP: 4 (each)

12x SF-19 Blizzard Strike Fighter Flight
Tech 4 Strike Fighter flight
+1 cold weather specialists
monopole core
+1 weapons
+1 ECM
+1 shields
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 Monopoles/year
Cost: 56 IP
DP: 4 (each)

6x Hobgoblin Strike Fighter Flight
TL4 Strike Fighter Flight
+1 Maneuverability
+1 Weapons
+1 Boosters
+1 ECM
Upkeep: 4 supplies, 8 He3
Cost: 48 IP
DP: 4

4x Thunderbolt Air Superiority Fighter
Tech 4 Superfighter
+1 cold weather specialist
monopole core
+1 weapons (quick manoeuvre micro-missiles)
+2 speed
+1 agility
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 15 Monopoles/year
Cost: 96 IP
DP: 4 (each)

2x Farangis Orbital Frame
TL4 Orbital Frame
+1 Zero Shift System
+1 B-Titanium Composite Armor
+1 Hepatizon Dispersion Fields
+1 Sakuradite Beam Rifle
+1 ACE System
+3 Systems Integration
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3 Upkeep, requires 4 DP
Cost: 150 IP, 15 Theta Dust, 15 B-Titanium, 15 Hepatizon, 15 Hyperglions, 30 Sakuradite cost/unit
DP: 4

1x B-80 Hailstorm Bomber
Tech 4 Bomber
+1 cold weather specialist<r> monopole core
+1 weapons
+1 shields
+1 ECM
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 12 Monopoles/year
Cost: 56 IP
DP: 8 (Each)

Royal Navy

Royal Marines

6x Naval Infantry battalions
TL4 Elite Infantry
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+2 armour
+1 shields
cost: 35 IP
Upkeep: 2 supply

4x Royal Marine Drop Commandos
TL4 Shocl Infantry
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 weapons
+1 armour
+1 shields
+1 condensate boosters
Cost: 70 IP, 10 condensates
Upkeep: 5 supply

4x Olympus Assault Shuttle Flight
TL4 Utility Flight
+1 computronium ECM
+1 armour
+1 shields
+1 condensate boosters
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 2 He3
Cost: 24 IP, 4 condensates, 4 computronium
DP: 4

4x Helldiver Strike Fighter Flight
TL4 Strike Fighter
+1 cold weather specialists
+1 Air-to-ground weapons
+1 armour
+1 shields
+1 condensate boosters
-1 low agility
Upkeep: 4 supply, 8 He3
Cost: 48 IP, 8 condensates

Orbital Defence Command

HMSS Mercury
Tech 4 Star Fort
+1 shields
+2 Command
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 75 monopoles/year
Cost: 1250 IP
DP: 100
Base Dock Capacity: 1000

Spiretop Terminus
Tech 4 Starfort
Upkeep: 25 Supply, 50 He3
Cost: Free! (AtS)
DP: 100
Base Dock Capacity: 1000

5x Starfire weapons satellites
Tech 4 Weapons satellite
monopole core
+2 particle beam cannons
+2 shields
Upkeep: 1 supply, 3 monopoles
Cost: 70 IP

5x Sunstrike weapons satellites
Tech 4 weapons satellite
monopole core
+2 AA
+2 shields
Upkeep: 1 supply, 3 monopoles
Cost: 70 IP

Fleet Command

11x Emerald class frigates
Tech 4 Frigate
+0 Condensate Grav drive
+0 Super Hanger
monopole core
+1 AA
+1 ECM
+1 shields
+1 fast tracking
-1 high profile
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Cost: 48 IP, 8 DD, 8 condensates
DP: 2

11x Arrow class frigates
Tech 4 Frigate
+0 Condensate Grav drive
+0 Super Hanger
monopole core
+2 Point Defence
+1 shields
+1 fast tracking
-1 high profile
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Cost: 48 IP, 8 DD, 8 condensates
DP: 2

6x County class destroyers
Tech 4 destroyer
+0 Condensate Gravity Drive
Monopole Reactor
+0 Super Hangar
+2 Sensors
+1 Shields
+1 AA Weapons
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 16 monopoles
Cost: 112 IP, 16 DD, 16 Condensates
DP: 4 (each)

3x County-B class destroyers
Tech 4 destroyer
+0 Condensate Gravity Drive
Monopole Reactor
+0 Super Hangar
+2 Computronium Sensors
+1 Shields
+1 AA Weapons
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 16 monopoles
Cost: 112 IP, 16 DD, 16 Condensates, 32 computronium
DP: 4 (each)

10x Myrmidon class destroyers
Tech 4 Destroyer
+0 Condensate Drive
+0 Super Hanger
+1 Monopole Core
+1 Weapons
+1 Sensors
-1 High Profile
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 16 monopoles
Cost: 64 IP, 16 Condensates, 16 DD

6x Leander class Light Cruisers
Tech 4 Destroyer
+0 condensate gravity drive
+0 DD FTL drive
+0 Super hangar
monopole core
+2 particle beam cannons
+1 shields
+1 AA
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 16 monopoles
Cost: 112 IP, 16 Condensates, 16 Delta Dust
DP: 4

5x Defiant class Light Crusiers
Tech 4 Destroyer
+0 condensate gravity drive
+0 DD FTL drive
+0 Super hangar
monopole core
+1 particle beam cannons
+1 point defence
+1 shields
+1 B-tit armour
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 16 monopoles/year
Cost: 112 IP, 16 Condensates, 16 Delta Dust, 16 B-tit
DP: 4

1x Indefatigable class cruiser
Tech 4 Cruiser
+0 Condensate Gravity Drive
Monopole Core
+0 Super Hangar
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 Shields
+2 ECM
Upkeep: 10 Supply, 40 monopoles/year
Cost: 280 IP, 40 Condensates, 40 Delta Dust
DP: 16

1x Bellerophon class battleship
TL4 Battleship
+0 Condensate drive
+0 Super Hanger
+1 Monopole Core
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 Armour
+1 Shields
+1 Long Range weapons
-1 High Upkeep
Upkeep: 50 Supply, 160 Monopoles
Cost: 600 IP, 100 Condensates, 100 DD
DP: 40

Civilian Shipping

16x Conveyors
22x HCP
10x HLV
2x Bulk freighter

6x Maestro Fast Freighter
Tech 4 Courier
monopole core
+0 Rocket Drive +2 DD FTL
+2 Cargo Capacity
-1 High Maintainance
cago space: 20,000
Upkeep: 2 Supply, 10 monopoles/year
cost: 24 IP, 12 DD

14x Trojan class freight hauler
TL4 Bulk Freighter
+0 Rocket Drive
+4 Cargo
Upkeep: 5 supply, 25 He3
Cost: 120 IP, 20 DD
Cargo: 750,000

Merchant Marine

3x Maestro class
8x conveyor (16x HCP)
1x bulk frieghter
14x Trojan class
Total CP: 13,002,000