Legend of the Galactic Admirals

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Each Admiral has 3 personal traits, 1 fleet trait and 1 flaw.

Additional flaws maybe used to buy additional personal and fleet traits up to a maximum of 2 additional flaws.

Personal Traits

Over the Alps: You are able to do things others think impossible, cross the Alps, appear where you shouldn't, or charge down the Phezzan corridor.

Battleship Admiral: You are particularly good in employing battleships Also available in Destroyer Leader and Carrier Commander

Badass: You are personally extremely skilled at fighting.

Best Fleet: You have one additional fleet trait

Charismatic: You are excellent at making friends. NPCs tend to react well to you.

Court Favourite: You are on the fast track to promotion

Diligent: You are diligent in your duties, always conducting proper reconnaissance and having reserves and the like squirreled away in textbook fashion.

Experienced: You are just a little better at all the general stuff than everyone else

Fleet Micro: You can organize whatever fleet formation you want, no matter how unlikely.

Ironshield: You are outstanding on the defence.

Lelouch: You are adept at killing foes with terrain, luring them into asteroid swarms, solar flares, moons you've rigged with explosives or pockets of sea floor gas.

Load Bearing Friend: You have a special subordinate (PC or NPC) who always keeps you on the straight and narrow and who is completely loyal.

Maskirovka: With you nothing is what it seems.

Politically reliable: You're well regarded by your government and can get away with a lot.

Reinhard Effect: At vital points, enemy NPCs and some PCs are inclined to do what you want them to do, even if they realize what you're doing.

Space Trenchline: You are well adapted at the use of fortresses, minefields and other fixed defences.

Storm Warrior: You are outstanding on the attack, smashing straight through enemy ranks like a gale.

Strategist: While others may seek to win the battle on the day, you won it last week.

Swift: You're very good at moving around fast, both in and out of combat.

Wolf Pack: You are excellent hiding and sticking daggers in people's backs. Like a ninja space pirate.

Yang the Magician: You have a reputation for doing impossible things. Rather than falling over themselves to go along with your plans as happens in the Reinhard effect, your enemies are at such pains not to go along with your plans that they lock up and fail to do anything.

Fleet Traits

Awesome Subordinates: Pick an additional Personal trait, representing the amazing command staff you've collected.

Awesome Flagship: Your Flagship is really awesome and has it's own model, even more so than most flagships.

Big: Your fleet is bigger than normal

Battleships! Your fleet has a lot of Battleships! (Also available in Carriers Cruisers and Destroyers)

Gubins: You have all the specialist non-combat ships you need.

High Technology: Your fleets has access to the latest technology, designed to fit it's fighting style.

Well trained: Your fleet's normal troops and pilots are the best of the best.

Wunder Waffen: Your fleet has access to some kind of super weapons.

Important Station: You're stationed somewhere strategically vital

Initiative: Your troops are good at showing personal initiative and tend to act well even when out of communication.

Not One Step Back: Your fleet has vastly high morale.

Plucky: Your fleet is made up of the dregs of other fleets, washouts and orphans. Obviously this destines you for great things.

Space Axes: Your fleet's ground component is really good

Scout Ships: Your fleet is unusually well equipped with reconnaissance assets


Berserk Button: There's something that sets you off. While you might be normal at other times, when faced with this issue you explode with no thought for yourself or your mission.

Bad Judge of Character: You have a bad habit of putting the wrong person in the wrong position.

Evil Advisors: One of your subordinates, who you listens too gives you advice which is either bad or immoral.

Easily Drawn: You're easily drawn by enemy provocation.

Honourable: You are overly concerned about civilians, especially civilians near you.

Lack of Moral Courage: You are for some reason completely unable to disobey the orders of your superiors, no matter how stupid. If you come up against someone with the Reinhard effect you're affected like an NPC. Counts as two flaws.

Lazy: You are at least 0.8 Fans on the Hyulick can't be assed scale.

Politically Unreliable: You are hated in the halls of government. Don't expect many resources.

Massive Psychological issues: You have a massive psychological flaw, like being obsessed with warfare and conquest, which trips you up all the time.

Monty: You're a shameless self publicist and don't get along with other Admirals

Napoleon: While you're a genius at politics and war, you're terrible at diplomacy.

Secretly Crazy: You are secretly, or not so secretly, completely batshit. This may show you eye colour but will likely get you a cool voice actor.

Terrible Patron: You have a terrible patron who has some hold over you, and may well ask you for all manner of bad things.

Worse than My [Keyword]: You're particularly bad at one particular type of warfare.

Zhukov: When it comes down to it you're extremely willing to spend your troops lives in order to gain success, even on relatively minor battles.