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The Novyi Arkhangelsk Sovetskikh

“We didn't ask for this, Immortality was not our choice, only time will tell whether it is our curse, or our gift”

The Colony of Novyi Arkhangelskv (New Archangel) was a CIS sponsored longshot mission.

Overview, General History

The central feature of the colonies home is a sphere world, a hollow sphere the size of earth's moon, who's poles are saucer shaped openings, staring out into open space. The interior of the surface holds a surface of diverse landscapes, lit by a fascinating interwoven structure of mirrors which channel in light from the system's star.

The accident, which engulfed the colony was spawn by the ill-advised exploration of the central hub, a posthuman structure at the centre of the colony, it appeared to be a recording device for studying the fauna and flora of the colonies interior, many of which (including the infamous glass forests) were interesting biomechanical constructs, a mixture of grown nanotechnology like drones and natural fauna.

However upon activation it killed nearly every living thing on the colony, tinkering with several posthuman structures for theta dust had deactivated safeguards and the resulting scan doused the colony in lethal radiation. The machine however, has a subsidiary ability to act as a transcendal machine and a most of the colonists survived as digital constructs as did a number of animals.

However, the sudden transition into pure consciousness caused a number of colonists to lose their sanity, disappearing into the digital framework of the planet as lunatics and troublemakers. The rest coped, learning to create algorithims that allowed them to create a facsmilie of emotion that could stabilise their existences.

It however a difficult existence, their personalities are digital software, though laws were passed to prevent excessive reconfigeration, many people have slowly become more and more inhuman, dispensing with unpleasent memories, some even combine themselves into duelpersons, complex intermeshes of individuals.

Groups and factions have emerged, who conspire both physically and digitally to advance their chosen pursuit and to advance their agenda in the political arena of the Consensus.


The Neural Advancement Coalition This group seeks to emulate the posthumans, attempting to increase both their intellect and rate of thought beyond baseline comprehension.

The Third Way This group believes in altering the standard human template of consciousness and explores alternative forms of spiance, highly experimental, the Thirders are the domain of daredevils, freaks and eccentric individuals.

The Freethought Combine The Freethought Combine has no particular agenda, merely a deliberate lack of agenda. They do not seek to advance themselves, nor to restrain themselves. They simply are content to live within the society that has spawned them.

The Neural Purity Collective Those of the neural purity Collective refuse to edit their personalities or memories, nor to alter the routines upon which they were uploaded. They will not alter their perception of time, nor augment their intelligences significantly. They do not oppose those who do this on the whole, but regard it as somewhat irresponsible. Members of the Collective are most likely among all factions to spend considerable amounts of time outside the Simulacrum.


How do you regulate a society in which the invididual is a mallable template of possibility, where the digital or virtual is just as important as the physical? The Soviet is a posthuman civilization, while not possesed of the stunning computational power of the Posthuman servers and their advanced AI's, they are nevertheless extremely potent machine intelligences, tamed by the vestigates of their humanity, which is stronger in some than others.

The Simulacrum:

All members of the Consensus are tied into a virtual world known as the Simulacrum, a virtual world in some respects superior and in many ways inferior to reality. Some decadent individuals spent much of their time here, either disengaging from their humanity entirely, or ironically embracing it's more physical urges. The Consensus does not posses the ability to run the Simulacrum at anywhere near the processing speeds of a posthuman server and time within the virtual world is roughly similar to time outside of it.

The Physical:

While a post-capitalist civilization in many respects, everyone is theoretically able to expend a certain amount of energy and materials in fabrication units to interfere with the real world. Various enclaves of reality residents exist, maintaining physical machine bodies and tending to various physical world pursuits, such as science.

The regulation of the energy allowance is decided by consensus.

The Consensus

An almost sentient artificial intelligence, the Consensus is a full participatory full democracy, every sentient is allocated a percentage in order to influence the decisions made and to appoint and sustain political appointments. An initially chaotic system, over time it has stabilised into an agreed sort of eternal political warfare.


As transcendral individuals, the research capabilities of the Consensus is vast and as they seek to understand the posthumans and themselves, they have delved into the mysterious machinians of their world, uncovering and reverse engineering posthuman devices. Some of this is accidental, a sideeffect of their desire to advance or understand themselves, othertimes it is a deliberate effort to expand the scope of their knowledge, to expand their horizons and capabilities.

The Neural Advancement Coalition is responsible for the advanced theotech research in the Consensus, opposed ocassionally by the neural purity Collective, an alliance with the Third Way and the indifference of the Freethought Combine has allowed them to push their agenda and assign considerable amounts of energy allowance towards their research.

Novyi Arkhangelsk National Creation

Novyi Arkhangelsk History Paths [Indie]

A1) Busy Child
B1) Artifact Find, Active Machinery
C1) Artifact Find (+ 100 Fabbers)
D1) Broken Down (30SP, +100 PIP)
D2) Theta Hub (+ 200 theta, + 100 wealth, - 100 dust)
L1) Future Government (++ Morale, + AI)
F1) Phezzan (+ sneaky shit, + all relations, - military)
F2) Fab It Good! (+ 400 Fabers)
F3) Hypertech

Licensed to Kill (++ Infiltration, ++ Security, 10% secrets, + 50% secret project cost)

Starting Applications


+ Aerospace Application
+6 Shipbuilding Application
Cruiser Construction
+ Common Application
+ 100 Common


0 Population
900 Faber
750 Wealth
600 PIP
500 CIP
200 Delta Dust
700 Theta Dust
200 applications
22,500 Military
+++ AI
++ Morale
+ intelligence
+ secrets
+ infiltration
+ all relations

SP: 31

12SP tech

Tech Spread


Global Level 18

   Basic Theotech:2sp [40] 
   Advanced Theotech:[905] 
   Xenotech: [23] 
   Shipbuilding: [18] 
   Aerospace Construction: [18] 
   Mecha Construction:+4sp,+6[28] 
   Ground Vehicle Construction: [18]  
   Electrochemical Weapons: [18]  
   Railgun Weapons:[18]  
   Particle (Pulse-Beam) Weapons:+4sp,+3 [25]
   Missiles: [18]  
   Propulsion (STL):+4sp,+3 [25] 
   Materials:+4sp,+3 [25]  
   Shields: [18] 
   Power:+4sp,+3 [25] 
   Electronics:+4sp,+3 [25] 
   AI:+4sp,+4 [33]  
   Transgenics: [18]  
   Cyberware/Supersoldier: [18]  
   Industrial/Mass Production: [18] 
   Catapult: [18] 
   Civilian [18]

App List



  • Shipbuilding IV
  • Aerospace Construction II
  • Mecha Construction II
  • Ground Construction II
  • Naval Armor V
  • Aerospace Armor V
  • Ground Armor V
  • Naval Propulsion IV
  • Aerospace Propulsion IV
  • Naval Shields I
  • Craft Shields I
  • Railgun Fundamentals
    • All deployments
  • Particle Weapon Fundamentals
    • Naval and Aerospace deployment
  • Belted Armor
  • Depleted Uranium Armor
  • Scattering Fields
  • Flash Fields
  • Fusion Drives
  • Fusion Powerplants
  • Delta Jump Drives

Hypertech Bullshit

  • Omega Jump Drive
  • Fold Drive
  • Metric Compression Generators
  • Assymetrical Metric Compression Drives
  • Q·Pulses
  • Valence Armor
