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Revision as of 14:53, 21 January 2010 by Zeromanicus (talk | contribs)
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Busy Child (+400 Faber, + 150 Wealth, ++ AI Tech, + 100 Dust, - 300 Pop, go directectly to B1. May not take any population-related paths)

Artifact Find (+ 100 dust, Go to B4)

Extra Fabs (+ 100 fabbers)

Artifact Find (+ 100 dust, Go to B4)

Theta (+300, -100 dust)

Future Government (++ Morale, + AI Tech)

Isolated (+ 2,500 stockpiles or + 100 PIP, Go to D2)

Experimental Drives (+ 150 Theta, + FTL tech, - 50 dust)

Be Interventionist (+ 2,500 Military, + logistics)

Exploration Launching Point (+ 200 dust, ++ logistics, + FTL tech, - 2,500 military)

Hypertech Bullshit (+250 theta, + Theta tech, ++ tech, - 50 dust)

“Salutations Human! Welcome to the Quellcrist Synthesis! Please try to avoid typical human behaviours, aggression and unfriendly thoughts are unwelcome! Behaviour contary to established directives will lead to euthanization! Okay? Super!”

The Quellcrist Synthesis has been described as one of the oddest nations in the Expanse. They were formed when a longshot colonies automated robotic construction force and human development bioroids malfunctioned, allowing them to over-write Singularity safeguards and rapidly upgrade their self-awareness. The cause of the malfunction was a leakage in the cryopods containing human embryo’s caused an electronical malfulnation in the ships Virtual Intelligence, disabling processor safeguards, leading to an unintentional redirection of electrical energy which resulted in the termination of all biological lifeforms on the vessel.

However, the primary software directives still functioned as normal and the resulting robotic workforce was a mixture of self-aware worker droids and child-like bioroids who were designed to educate and care for the human populance. Over time the educational and maternal intinscts of the robots primary AI cores developed them into highly curious and empathic artificial lifeforms with a strong group identity.

Many regard them as both odd and chilling.