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:Init 7
:Init 7
:Speed 32
:Speed 32
:Willpower 6/7
:Willpower 5/7
:Quintessence 0/3
:Quintessence 0/3
:Paradox 1
:Paradox 1

Revision as of 16:38, 26 June 2014

"Writers are liars, my dear. Surely you have realised that by now?"

Mage: The Ascension

Elizabeth Allegheny is a tallish Canadian teen with blue eyes and lots of dark brown hair. When the Queen of Games, her hair is in two bulky ponytails tipped with giant bells.

Craft: Fantastic Game and Story Club
Publisher: Eons Beyond
Essence: Questing
Nature: Dreamer

You are an artist and creator, who finds the world unsatisfying and makes others to compensate. Whether you keep it in your own head or try to bring others along for the ride, you aren’t satisfied unless part of you is elsewhere.
Your strength is imagination. You spurn the limitations of the box and constantly try to think outside of it.
This gives you your weakness of distraction. Sometimes, the box is all there is, and you need to deal with it.
Regain willpower when you have a significant new idea.

Demeanour: Bon Vivant (Joie de vivre, Hedonism)
Age: 17 (Born 1st April 1992)
XP: 185
XP Used: 183

Phenomenal Cosmic Power

  • Gnosis 11
  • 48/75 Power
  • Manipulation 7 [Try your luck!]
  • Willpower 6/7
  • Luck 1/3
  • Warp Reality
    • Geas: can only be used to inflict punishments for losing a game. If Liz breaks this rule, she loses her position (and hence, the power).
  • Gambling 7 [A Nightmare From Which I Cannot Wake Up]
  • Carousing 2
  • Style 4 [Fabulous]



Arete 4

  • Correspondence 1
  • Entropy 2
  • Mind 2
  • Prime 3
  • Spirit 4 (Psychopomp)


Stories are valid truths, not mere dreams, and images are a gate through which they can enter our corner of the world.

Quintessence is creativity, the energy of imagination that characters and stories are made from.
The Umbra, also known as the Shadow World and the Second World is the world of dreams and stories. It is just as real as our world (which is itself a story), and will take you anywhere if you only know the path.
Spirits are figments of the imagination that live in the Umbra.
The Traditions are using the alternative rules of the world that are as valid as 'science'. Some of them have made a once imaginary rule immanent by their effort.


Liz's primary foci are cards made with the Magic Set Editor. She is gradually working towards designing her own CCG. Typically in her possession are:

  • Entropy: Black border cards. A pair of dice and a much-used deck of playing cards.
  • Mind: Pink border cards. Allegorical or melodramatic stories.
  • Prime: White border cards. Her notebook.
  • Spirit: Purple border cards. Marker pen for drawings and diagrams. Shinto paraphernalia and mimicry.
  • Correspondence: Green border cards.
  • Forces: Yellow border cards.
  • Life: Red border cards. Figurines.
  • Matter: Grey border cards.
  • Time: Blue border cards.


Mage: the Ascension

  • Informed Ability
    • Entropy 2
Casting: The mage displays a picture of an Imperial Stormtrooper. Only they are so precise.
Mechanics: Beginner's Luck in reverse. Target one ability of one creature. Successes on the roll increase the difficulty on their next roll with that ability. This only works on abilities the target is supposedly skilled in. For human statblocks, this means three ability dots or more.
Notes: With Entropy 4 this can become a permanent curse.
  • Method Acting
    • Spirit 3
    • Entropy 1
  • Plot Contrivance
    • Entropy 2
    • Prime 2 (Plot Contrivance - Flash of Inspiration)
    • or Spirit 2 (Plot Contrivance - Good Idea)
In a story, there's no such thing as coincidence.
Mechanics (Good Idea): Declare a spirit you want to come across. Base successes determine whether you find it at all, based on the circumstances. Additional successes make it better disposed towards you.
Notes: Plot Contrivance is a school of writing techniques, not a single one. Elizabeth has only mastered one form based on her familiarity with the fantastic and imaginary.



Str: 1
Dex: 4 (sleight of hand)
Sta: 2


Cha: 3
Man: 5 (bald-faced lies)
App: 3


Per: 3
Int: 2
Wit: 3



Alertness 3
Athletics 1
Awareness 3
Dodge 2
Expression 4 (storytelling)
Intuition 5 (strategies from nowhere)
Style 1
Subterfuge 5 (acting)


Drive 1
Etiquette 2
Fast-Draw 1
Firearms 1
Gambling 4 (card games)
Stealth 3


Cosmology 2
Enigmas 2
Linguistics 1 (English, Japanese)
Lore (Bygones) 1
Lore (Demons) 2
Lore (Umbrood) 1
Occult 2


Init 7
Speed 32
Willpower 5/7
Quintessence 0/3
Paradox 1
Health Levels:
  • Bruised (-0) [*]
  • Hurt (-1) [*]
  • Injured (-1) [*]
  • Wounded (-2) [ ]
  • Mauled (-2) [ ]
  • Crippled (-5) [ ]
  • Incapacitated [ ]


Ally 1 (Milly Boston)
Avatar 3 (Featherhead)
Demesne 5
  • The Palace of Hopes is a grand castle, casino and gaming parlour. Inhabitants and guests are pitted against each other in games of luck, skill, imagination or anything inbetween, for wagers of all kinds and sizes. Their trials and tribulations, alternately entering the depths of despair and heights of success, produce grand stories and entertainment for spectators - but spectators should beware that they are not trapped or tricked into a game themselves.
  • In this realm Elizabeth is the Queen of Games, a harlequin in black and blue with a crown for a jester's hat (or vice-versa). With a sweep of her fingers, she can create new games, define their rules, reward heroic victors and punish debtors and cheats.
    • 33 FP (25 Demesne + 5 Edgewater Assault + 3 Euthanatos Gambit)
Dependents -3
  • Elizabeth is not estranged from her family, even though her cubicle-managing father George, schoolteaching mother Elaine and baseball-aspirant younger brother Gordon are as whitebread and mundane as can be.
Dream 3
  • If Elizabeth loses herself in a book or film or TV show, she sometimes comes back to reality with insights on related topics.
Resources 3 (compromised)


Young Etherite Disaster Coat: 3d armour, -1 dex for dodging and athletics
One (1) sun shard
2 drams sake of regrets
5 drams sake of regrets (Shu)
8 drams changeling dreams (Shu)
Cascade 23


  • Introduction: +6 (6)
  • The Return of Von Flammenburg: +5 (11)
    • Entropy 1: -10 (1)
  • Meet The Parents: +4 (5)
  • Marauder Dreams: +4 (9)
    • Subterfuge 4: -6 (3)
  • Marauder Dreams II: +6 (9)
    • Stamina 2: -4 (5)
  • Toko's Revenge: +6 (11)
  • Shiragon-Sama: +3 (14)
    • Umbrood Lore 1: -3 (11)
  • Gyokuei Qualifiers: +5 (16)
  • Murder! In Hokkaido: +6 (22)
    • Awareness 2: -2 (20)
    • Etiquette 1: -3 (17)
  • The Tea Lady: +6 (23)
    • Etiquette 2: -2 (21)
  • Tsurara: +6 (27)
  • All The Marbles: +5 (32)
    • Demon Lore 1: -3 (29)
    • Willpower 7: -6 (23)
  • Tokyo Tower: +9 (32)
    • Arete 4 (setaside): -24 (8)
    • Entropy 2: -8 (0)
  • Arete 4 (gained): -0 (0)
  • The Empire Strikes Back: +5 (5)
    • Bygone Lore 1: -3 (2)
  • Ceasefire and the Spark of War: +5 (7)
  • To Each Uisge His Own: +4 (11)
    • Awareness 3: -4 (7)
  • Let's Not Talk About This Plan Again: +3 (10)
    • Mind 1: -10 (0)
  • The Fantastic Game and Story Club: +3 (3)
  • Crisis on Infinite CROSSDOWNs: +7 (10)
    • Dodge 1: -3 (7)
  • The Last Free Etherite: +2 (9)
    • Enigmas 2: -1 (8)
  • Fall of a Fortress, Fall of a Hero: +5 (13)
    • Expression 2: -2 (11)
  • Zombies Attack. Meet Hot Girl. Get Promoted. (Liz X Yu Lan Gaiden): +6 (17)
    • Dodge 2: -2 (15)
  • Stardust Memory: +8 (23)
    • Expression 3: -4 (19)
  • Bathhouse Brouhaha: +5 (24)
    • Spirit 4: -24 (0)
  • This Is Bad: +5 (5)
  • The Winds of Kakuri: +8 (13)
    • Gambling 4: -6 (7)
  • The Spider's Web: +5 (12)
    • Occult 2: -1 (11)
  • The Spider Pit: +5 (16)
    • Mind 2: -8 (8)
    • Ally 1 (Milly Boston): -3 (5)
  • Mari-sama ga Miteru: +4 (9)
    • Subterfuge 5: -8 (1)
  • Stupid Ghost Story: +5 (6)
    • Expression 4 (storytelling): -6 (0)
  • Cutting to the Chase: +4 (4)
  • Nefanda Urbs Delenda Est: +6 (10)
  • The HATE Ray: +4 (14)
  • Raining Doughnuts: +1 (15)
  • The KATE Ray: +5 (20)
    • Manipulation 5: -16 (4)
  • Ether Gear Westin: +4 (8)
    • Lore (Demons) 2: -1 (7)
  • Etherjamming: +5 (12)
    • Correspondence 1: -10 (2)
  • Party Crashers: +6 (8)
  • Jal Dzu as Jal Dzoes: +1 (9)
  • Adbusters part 1: +3 (12)
  • Adbusters part 2: +6 (18)
  • Legend of the Dodo Heroes: +6 (24)
  • Carnival Night 1: Dancing All Night: +5 (29)
  • Carnival Night 2: Midnight Madness: +5 (34)
  • Coils of Fate: +1 (35)
  • Carnival Night 3: Princess of Games: +4 (39)
  • Carnival Night 4: The Dream Fades: +6 (45)

Lessons Learned

  • Introduction: Liz learned that her dreams and fantasies are real. That the boring old mundane world is much more terrifying - and amazing - than she ever imagined. She has a lot of exploring to do.
  • The Return of Von Flammenburg: Liz learned that she can't make anything happen just by wanting it to. Outside of the Palace she has to do draw out the thing she wants from some source (and the inside still follows its own internal rules).
  • Meet The Parents: Liz learned the basic structure of the hidden world, both how she interprets it with her magic, and how the broader group of 'awakened' do with the traditions and their war with the technocracy. A world of danger and mystery indeed, but are her teachers trustworthy?
  • Marauder Dreams: Liz learned not to be so trusting just because something looks good to her powers. Sure Mr. Seigen is a cool dude but he could easily have been a villain.
  • Marauder Dreams II: Liz learned that the Ascension War includes a lot of very dangerous situations at short notice, but if she keeps her wits about her and doesn't freak out she can pull through.
  • Tokomandilin's Revenge: Liz learned that you need to keep in mind what the people around you think, or things might blow up in your face. Literally.
  • Shiragon-Sama: Liz learned to keep your obligations in mind or people will be totally unreasonable about them at really annoying times.
  • Gyokuei Qualifiers: Liz learned that Westin piles burdens on himself and that's why he's such a stiff, but he can be reached with traditional Miko tools (like alcohol).
  • Murder! In Hokkaido: Liz learned that some things you stare at will stare back. Not everything is a passive target.
  • The Tea Lady: Liz learned that fixing your laser pistol and throwing magic around isn't of paramount importance. You can achieve a lot just by asking nicely and picking flowers.
  • Tsurara: Liz learned that dreaming has consequences. At first glance, bad ones. But the demon saved her life, and is saving the day.
  • All The Marbles: Liz learned that she can get inside other people's heads, even if they're trying to get inside yours. And if all else fails, cry and beg for your life.
  • Tokyo Tower: This isn't a censored kids' story, it's a horrible complex story for grown-ups. Liz killed someone today. She'll probably have to do it again. She needs to learn to be okay with that.
  • Mage: The Ascension Halloween Special - Dragon of the Desert of Despair: Dragons are awesome!
  • The Empire Strikes Back: Liz learned that choosing to be a hero means she is opposed by villains, necessarily more powerful than she is. They will connive and cheat and play dirty to get at her, and she's going to have to learn to do the same right back.
  • Ceasefire and the Spark of War: Liz was faced with a situation she needed to resolve, and she couldn't. She needed the senior mages to back her up all the way. She needs to get more powerful sooner rather than later.
  • To Each Uisge His Own: Liz learned that people won't help you if you just feed them a sad story, if they think someone else can handle it.
  • Let's Not Talk About This Plan Again: Liz learned that even stuffy Hermetics can summon all kinds of chaos just by thinking in the wrong direction. Don't trust in rules to run the magical world!
  • The Fantastic Game and Story Club: Liz learned that you can't get the drop on a time mage though normal means. More sophisticated drop-getting methods must be developed.
  • Crisis on Infinite CROSSDOWNs: Liz learned that the people and things she treasures in 2009 were the product of a history filled with suffering. A good end may demand a tragic beginning. Sometimes all you can do is try to mitigate the damage.
  • The Last Free Etherite: There's underlying principles in the imagination that need consideration.
  • Fall of a Fortress, Fall of a Hero: Liz learned that you need to remember when to make a swift exit rather than keep on switching allegiances. You gotta know when to hold 'em/Know when to fold 'em/Know when to walk away/Know when to run.
  • Liz x Yu Lan Gaiden: Liz learned that if you have reason to think someone doesn't know something important, make use of that to the fullest extent before they find it out.
  • Stardust Memory: There is a power or structure behind the surface of the story that I cannot simply wish away. Plots obey deeper rules and today I saw those rules kill two people and destroy another. Even with my powers I am still an actor inside the story and I need to know its rules and if they can be broken.
  • Bathhouse Brouhaha: Be ready to improvise in case things don't go to plan.
  • This Is Bad: Liz learned that the true villain can lurk in the most unexpected - and dangerous - places, and that now he has been exposed she, as a main character, must be ready to act against him.
  • The Winds of Kakuri: Even in the depths of despair you can create a single chink of light, then tear it wide into a brand new hope.
  • The Spider's Web: Having a body can be useful even for spirits. She should explore this possibility!
  • The Spider Pit: Fate is a tricky thing to work with but it CAN be done. Prophecies can be interpreted any number of ways. A good twist ending makes perfect sense but at the same time is totally unexpected.
  • Mari-sama ga Miteru: Liz has learned about the power of friendship. By convincing someone you're their friend you can hook them easily. She might feel bad about this when she wakes up.
  • Stupid Ghost Story: Liz learned that even if you're operating in your speciality, it's best to have backup.
  • Cutting to the Chase: Liz learned that even the gauntlet of a city can be weakened by getting the right people into the right place. Ikeda has brought magic back to one of the greatest Techno strongholds and they're barely managing to cover it up. Imagine if this power were used for good...
  • Nefanda Urbs Delenda Est: Liz learned the power of deception and misdirection. You don't need to fight everything, nor should you. It's better to let them do the heavy lifting for you and steal their hard work.
  • The HATE Ray: Trad authorities are old and crusty and dumb and obstructive just like technocrats. Don't rely on them.
  • The KATE Ray: This is the second person we've run across who is convinced a terrible doom is coming. Maybe they have a point and it's our job to avert it.
  • Ether Gear Westin: What's important about an object is what people think it is, and that can be lots of different things at the same time.
  • Etherjamming: Spirit magic is far more potent with the backing of something powerful behind it.
  • Party Crashers: Liz learned about the power of crowds. Stealth is normally presented as skulking in the darkness, but it can also be in plain sight.
  • Adbusters part 1: Liz learned that wise old masters are too steeped in the status quo to recognise truly dangerous threats - and too trusting of the Technocracy's abilities.
  • Adbusters part 2: Liz learned that if you don't have the infrastructure yourself you can hijack somebody else's.
    • The Queen of Games learned that the games mortals play have far more visceral penalties. But that is the nature of the game. To what extent is she willing to accept that? Part of her rails against that body slumping to the ground.
  • Legend of the Dodo Heroes: Liz learned that some of her friends are not good schemers and may need micromanagement on mission.
  • Carnival Night 1: Dancing All Night: The Queen of Games learned that it's not possible to change the 'material' (what?) world as easily as the dreaming. It's sluggish, and sticky. But if you make the people in it believe in what you do, they will give you the power to do so.
  • Carnival Night 2: Midnight Madness: The soulless cry out for instruction. The void inside the Very Serious Men can be as much a weakness as a strength.
  • Carnival Night 3: Princess of Games: See? Their mighty goliath is now yours, for you gifted him a soul.
  • Carnival Night 4: The Dream Fades: You don't make all the rules.


  • Expression 5 (8 XP)
  • Gambling 5 (8 XP)
  • Artistic Expression 2 (3 + 2 XP)
  • Crafts 2 (3 + 2 XP)
  • Enigmas 4 (game theory) (2 + 3 XP)
  • Lore (bygones) 2 (1 XP)
  • Lore (demons) 2 (1 XP)
  • Lore (umbrood) 2 (1 XP)
  • Lore (wraiths) 1 (3 XP)
  • Lore (wuffs) 1 (3 XP)
  • Linguistics 4 (translation) (1 + 2 + 3 XP) [English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Hindustani, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian]
  • Charisma 4 (irresistible) (12 XP)
  • Appearance 4 (????) (12 XP/6 XP magical)
  • Arete 5 (32 XP)
  • Entropy 4 (16 + 24 XP)
  • Mind 3 (16 XP)
  • Time 2 (18 XP)
Combat Training
  • [Possible Int 3 (8 XP) to lower Westin's Instruction difficulty]
  • Strength 2 (4 XP)
  • Athletics 3 (2 + 4 XP)
  • Brawl 1 (3 XP)
  • Dodge 3 (4 XP)
  • Firearms 2 (2 XP)
  • Life 3 (10 + 8 + 16 XP)
  • Mind 4 (24 XP)
  • Prime 4 (24 XP)
  • Correspondence 2 (18 XP)
  • Propaganda 4 (3 + 1 + 2 + 3 XP)

To Do

  • Cheat!
  • Bind a spirit to protect the family
  • Found a Craft
  • Awaken the spirit of her ancient pack of cards
  • Perform a Dreamquest
  • Write a book
  • Ride the dragon
  • Fuck over the Syndicate at least once
  • Expand her umbral authority
  • Obtain a replacement weapon
  • Apologise to Son Yu
  • Pay back Mari

Technocrat Liz
Liz's Notebook