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Influence is the ability of your nation to get its way with other states.  
Influence is the ability of your nation to get its way with other states.  
:Rank 0 (0 points):  Space North Korea or similarly unpleasant and insular regimes.
:Rank 0 (0 points):  Your unimportant and nobody much cares about what you want or have to say
:Rank 1 (1 point):  Diplomatic blunders or simple lack of care is common.  You're not quite playing on Diety, but the popular press is rarely favorable to you.
:Rank 1 (1 point):  Diplomatic blunders or simple lack of care is common.  You're not quite playing on Diety, but the popular press is rarely favorable to you.
:Rank 2 (2 points):  You are just another body in the Hyper Galactic Space UN.
:Rank 2 (2 points):  You are just another body in the Hyper Galactic Space UN.

Revision as of 05:18, 10 October 2013

Making A Heavens Wake nation

Simply assign your points to each of the categories until you run out. That'll give you the basis around which to write up the details of your nation.

Modifiers listed apply bonus points towards a particular rank, rather than directly modifying the Rank itself. For example, (Infrastructure +3) means that three bonus points are automatically added to the Infrastructure category, and (Growth -2) means that two points are subtracted from Growth. The player must make up the remainder to gain a new rank, if only part of the point cost is fulfilled; excess points are wasted.

Negative modifiers do not need to be bought up to zero, though values below 0 can be assumed to be particularly exaggerated.

You have 35 points to build your nation


Rank 0 (0 points): A single city, either on a planet, moon, asteroid or space habitat. Low millions
Rank 1 (2 points): A particularly large metropolis, high millions. Adds +1 Growth Potential.
Rank 2 (3 points): A lesser state, a small nation or particularly huge metropolis. Low tens of millions. Adds +1 to Infrastructure.
Rank 3 (5 points): A fairly typical midsized nation, high tens of millions. Adds +1 to Infrastructure and Military.
Rank 4 (6 points): A large nation with a substantial, diverse population, low hundreds of millions. Adds +2 to Space Fleet and Infrastructure but suffers -1 to Growth Potential.
Rank 5 (7 points): A top-tier state with a massive population. Space-China. High hundreds of millions. Adds +3 to Infrastructure, +2 to Space Fleet, but suffers -1 to transhumanism above rank 1 and -2 to Growth Potential.


Rank 0 (0 point): Minor genetic engineering has spliced in desirable traits from exceptional humans, but except for a few outliers, everyone remains functionally ‘natural’ if generally healthier, fitter and perhaps smarter than 20th century humans. All of humanity is at this level, due to the social programs of the 21st century. Most people at this category live well into their late 1st century.
Rank 1 (2 points): Significant genetic engineering allows for the implementation of more radical changes through transgenic techniques. Truly superior specimens are becoming the norm. Reproductive speciation is a possible side-effect, though uncommon and can be mediated..
Rank 2 (4 points): ‘Strong’ transhumanism starts to skirt the edge of what’s no longer truly ‘human’, at least in the eyes of some. Reproductive speciation is inevitable.
Rank 3 (6 points): You are in many ways barely human. Massive cybernetics and genetic enhancements, melding the human body with exotic nanosymbiots or phase imaging polymers, or downloading your entire population smart matter entities comes under this level (depending on tech level). Add +1 Apex Technology but suffer -1 Diplomacy when dealing with any power with Transhumanism ranked at 2 or less.


Rank 0 (0 points): Well, you could probably rearm a warship . . . Construction Rating 20, max size 4
Rank 1 (1 point): Construction Rating 30, max size 6
Rank 2 (2 points): Construction Rating 40, max size 10
Rank 3 (3 points): Construction Rating 50, max size 15
Rank 4 (4 points): Construction Rating 60, max size 40
Rank 5 (5 points): Massive, well developed planetary and spaceborn industry. Construction Rating 70, max size 100
Every additional Rank of Infrastructure adds 5 to the Construction Rating

Growth Potential

Rank 0 (0 points): Overcrowding and resource shortages are chronic; you need relief and now!
Rank 1 (1 point): Either planning or natural growth has put you at a comfortable maximum, but you have nowhere to grow.
Rank 2 (2 points): You have room to grow, but not much
Rank 3 (3 points): Most of your resources have been set up to be exploited but you haven't even begun to do so yet.
Rank 4 (4 points): So many natural resources you're probably selling them to people.
Rank 5 (5 points): The Frontier. Resources are plentiful, with plenty you probably haven’t even begun to tap yet.

Military Support

Rank 0 (0 points): No deep space fleet whatsoever, just a handful of short-range corvettes. 50 fleet points
Rank 1 (1 point): 300 support points
Rank 2 (2 points): 450 support points
Rank 3 (3 points): 500 support points
Rank 4 (4 points): 700 support points
Rank 5 (5 points): 800 support points
Every Rank past 5 adds +100 fleet points


Rank 0 (0 points): No deep space fleet whatsoever, just a handful of short-range corvettes. 50 fleet points
Rank 1 (1 point): 200 military points
Rank 2 (2 points): 350 military points
Rank 3 (3 points): 490 military points
Rank 4 (4 points): 620 military points
Rank 5 (5 points): 740 military points
Every Rank past 5 adds +100 military points

Influence is the ability of your nation to get its way with other states.

Rank 0 (0 points): Your unimportant and nobody much cares about what you want or have to say
Rank 1 (1 point): Diplomatic blunders or simple lack of care is common. You're not quite playing on Diety, but the popular press is rarely favorable to you.
Rank 2 (2 points): You are just another body in the Hyper Galactic Space UN.
Rank 3 (4 points): Your diplomats are tireless and your nation often displays local leadership, with the occasional flashes of greatness.
Rank 4 (6 points): Your leaders routinely expect to get Nobel Peace Prizes every year they're in power.


Rank 1 (1 point): Typical hypercorp security measures.
Rank 2 (2 points): Run of the mill intelligence apparatus.
Rank 3 (4 points): Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
Rank 4 (6 points): Sure, I can get the information you want chummer. Got the nuyen?

General Advancement

Rank 0 (0 points): Your nation’s overall advancement level in fundamental fields such as energy generation, metallurgy, etc is below the norm. Major powers that have low technology like this almost certainly compensate with an assload of industry.
Rank 2 (4 points): Average advancement, no glaring weaknesses or strong points.
Rank 3 (8 points): An impressive display of technological aptitude that puts you above most of your peers. Fusion Torches, Particle beams, lasers

Apex Technology
The legacy of posthumanity, Apex technology is typically far beyond understanding, violating basic physics.

Rank 0 (0 points): Only basic Apex technology, you've got access to the only common ubiquitous designs
Rank 1 (1 points): You've cracked open a few postie vaults, you have access to two Uncommon Apex Techs
Rank 2 (2 points): You've been busy
Rank 3 (3 points):
Rank 4 (5 points):
Rank 5 (8 points):

For full Superweapon rules, see the relevant section below.

Apex Production

Rank 0 (0 points): 50 Apex Production Points
Rank 1 (1 points): 100 Apex Production Points
Rank 2 (2 points): 150 Apex Production Points
Rank 3 (3 points): 200 Apex Production Points