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:Sole Survivor 3
:Sole Survivor 2
:Will have her Vengeance One Day 3
:Will have her Vengeance One Day 2
:Actually from an important family 2

==Deus Ex Machina==
==Deus Ex Machina==

Revision as of 15:59, 20 August 2013

Amanda Antioch

Name: Amanda Antioch
Age: 17
Origin: Student
Image Song: not sure yet
Priorities: Mecha, Deus Ex Machina, Schima, Attributes Skills
Background: From the disputed regions of West Asia, Amanda's family became refugees after her town was destroyed by fighting between Neo-Byzantine Units and the locals. Her entire family was killed and she became a refugee. Wounded in the battle inhaling toxic fumes, she traveled to space as part of a resttlement program. Now she's trying to put her life back together.


  • Power: 1
  • Grace: 1
  • Smarts: 2
  • Knowledge: 2
  • Charisma: 1
  • Rhetoric: 1
  • Perception: 1
  • Integrity: 5

Willpower: 6
Initiative: 2
Friends: 2
Style: 2


Survival against the odds 2


VPM1 Indra
24 points

A tall silver humanoid of mirror bright material with four arms. It stands rather bigger than most robots, with various saphire designs across it. These clear sections reveal intricate circuits within.

Amanda totally fell into the cockpit. It's sort of a shame Amanda isn't Indian, then again getting a mecha that exactly matches your ethnicity is pretty suspect.

Melee 1 (Active defence vectors)
Skirmish 4 (Indraastra Projectile Mode, Indraastra Energy Mode)
Long-Range 4 (Indraastra Solid Light Mode, Shaurya Helix CPB)
Parry 3 (Defense vectors, energy shield)
Defend 4 (Anti-beam armour, Defense Vectors)
Intercept 3 (Black Light ECM, Defense Vectors)
Special 2 (Hyper Maneuver System, Veil Stealth System)
Pilot 3 (AID system, neural link up)


Sole Survivor 2
Will have her Vengeance One Day 2
Actually from an important family 2

Deus Ex Machina


Cosa Sakharov

Age: 18
Eyes: Gold/India Green heterachromia
Hair: Periwinkle
Origin: Student
Priorities: Attributes, Deus ex Machina, Schema, Skills, Mecha
Background: A totally ordinary student who's also a psychic Russian experimental New Man.


  • Power: 3 (Sporty)
  • Grace: 3 (Quick reflexes)
  • Smarts: 3 (Off the cuff)
  • Knowledge: 3 (Perfect recall)
  • Charisma: 3 (Looks great in a pilot suit)
  • Rhetoric: 3 (Master bullshitter)
  • Perception: 3 (Pentachromat)
  • Integrity: 3 (Shounenry)
  • Willpower: 12
  • Initiative: 3
  • Friends: 3
  • Style: 3


Newtype Bullshit 3 [Remotes]


Sukhoi Su-R17bis(KM)
As the Russian Federation crumbled under the socio-economic onslaught of the Union of Trans-Siberian Commonwealths, a secret plan was hatched to repel them militarily via the use of psychodriver-piloted mobile suits. One of the old machines for this program (which was a dollar short and a day late and never launched) ended up being piloted by Cosa. The fact that High Muscovy - the legal inheritors and only remnant of the Russian Federation - have not tried to remove it from his possession is completely not suspicious.
Melee 1 (Alpha Edge)
Skirmish 1 (250mm shotcannon)
Long-Range 3 (Dual Beam Bits)
Parry 1 (Armor)
Defend 2 (Armor)
Intercept 3 (ECM, Auto-Dodge System)
Special 3 (Kontol Mneniya, Psyframe, Minovsky Scattering System)
Pilot 0


Parents [5]
Novy Zvedya Project [1]

Deus Ex Machina


"Captain" Anastasiya du Lac

Player: 100thlurker
Age: 36
Origin: Military
Priorities: Skills, Attributes, Schema, Deus ex Machina, Mecha
Background: Anastasiya du Lac is a rather (in)famous war hero from the Hegemony of Russian nationality (and French descent) who fought as a ranking officer in the hegemonia's famed tágma tōn varángōn special forces unit, otherwise known as the Varangian Guard. Witnessing the Russian Federation come apart at the seams as a teen, she chose to flee down the Dniepr and join the all-Russian Varangian Guard, successfully lieing about her age. It was only after a literal chest full of medals and a promotion to the rank of dekarchos that the truth came out. Her story was spun into propaganda gold in the skilled hands of the hegemonia PR machine.

The captain defected(?!) for unknown reasons. Many question the sincerity of this change of heart, and her sanity, given her that she has performed the Hegemony salute at inappropriate moments despite visibly struggling to restrain herself, often resulting in a media frenzy. It's joked that she's caused more damage to the G.33 by defecting than she has by fighting against it.

As a result of being traumatically wounded quite frequently throughout her career in the hegemonia's service, including one spectacular bomb incident only a few months prior to her defection, it's rumored one of her limbs is entirely prosthetic. It doesn't help that she insists on wearing gloves, something she noticeably did not do in the many publicly available PR vids from her youth, and seems to suffer troubling lapses in memory.

"It's a kopis. Do you want one? Head to the nearest recruiting office today. I'll see you there." *wink*

Sometimes wears an eyepatch. What's up with that?


Power: 4
Grace: 4
Smarts: 4
Knowledge: 2
Charisma: 3
Rhetoric: 1
Perception: 3
Integrity: 2

  • Willpower: (4 + 2)/2 [2]
  • Initiative: (4 + 4)/2 [4]
  • Friends: (1 + 3)/2 [2]
  • Style: (3 + 4)/2 [3]


CQB: 3 (kopis)
Military Equipment: 3 (ROBOT ARM)


"Okay, look, I know what you're going to say, and in my defense I never did get a driver's license...What?" (14)

HaHC-01-p-a akontistai
As the Hegemony's war efforts began to heat up, combat studies and hard won experience indicated that outdated, generalist heílotes was becoming increasingly ineffective even as a mass-produced second rate machine. A plan was put into motion to iterate the aging but quite substantial heílotes fleet into a family of cheap, mutually supportive specialist designs collectively known as the psiloi. Three variants have been fielded thus far: the toxotes with long range coilguns for mass suppressive fires, the sphendonitai armed with cruise missile launchers to destroy specific targets, and the stripped down light skirmisher akontistai. For such a large scale project much of the details were successfully kept a state secret until war hero Anastasiya du Lac unexpectedly defected in dramatic fashion by crashing one of the akontistai variant prototypes undergoing atmospheric flight trials into a hillside - and not a few windmills - in Dutch territory.

Melee 2 (Frequency kopis)
Skirmish 4 (Chest-Mounted Scramjet CIWS, akon semi-automatic SRGM launcher)
Long-Range 0
Parry 2 (physical parmē buckler)
Defend 3 (Reactive Armor, Chest-Mounted Scramjet CIWS)
Intercept 1 (Flares)
Special 1 (Thruster Packs)
Pilot 1 (Special Forces training)


"Please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't remember killing your father at all." 2
Totally a War Hero (on the wrong side) 4

Deus Ex Machina


Roman Valiant


The Red

Name: 27th Hero of the People, the Red (Baron)
Age: ???
Origin: Military (+3 attributes)

  • Mecha (24)
  • Attributes (20) +3
  • Skills (4)
  • Schema (4)
  • DEM (1)

"I have no regrets."

The Red. The 27th Hero of the People, travelling Earth and the Plates alike, seeking to right wrongs, correct injustices and fight for the cause of world peace. Predictably, this is not a job with high life expectancy.

A lot of Red's history is unclear - even her true name is not known, the girl herself being a war orphan picked up by her adopted father, the 26th Hero of the People, from a warzone, surrounded by dead bodies in a purged village, her past life mostly forgotten amidst the trauma. She grew up in the homeland of her father, Poland, and in time regained her happiness - and eventually followed in her father's footsteps, taking on the name of Red.

It is, however, known that she is a member of a far larger organisation - organisation both capable of providing her with a bleeding-edge mecha prototype straight from Bumar-Dassault's future warfare design bureau and training her from her youth to be an incredibly capable pilot. The death of her father, fallen in his line of duty, only hardened her resolve - and in the recent years she has taken on the mantle of the Hero, proving herself the most viable candidate of all, travelling from hotspot to hotspot along with Rudy - and occasionally organisation's other assets - following her dream, her blood hot and her spirit soaring, even if in practice the path she walks is lonely and doomed to an early death.

Ironically, despite her often communist ideological leanings, she adopted both the nickname and the aesthetic of the greatest of the historical aces - Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, with her heavily stylised flightsuit, taking after World War 1 pilot uniforms, and the prevalence of the colour red, among other things. (although her by-now infamous memory material scarf is, in fact, white and red, in honour of her father's homeland) She's about as self-aware about this as a teenager buying a Che Guevara shirt at a supermarket is, though.

Her true age is not certain, though she appears to be very young for a pilot.


  • Power: 2
  • Grace: 3
  • Smarts: 3
  • Knowledge: 2
  • Charisma: 3
  • Rhetoric: 4
  • Perception: 2
  • Integrity: 4

Total: 23

Derived Attributes:

  • Willpower: 12
  • Initiative: 3
  • Friends: 3
  • Style: 3


  • Flying: 3 (Aircraft)
  • Firearms: 1

Mecha: Rudy

Red's combat machine, named after an old hero from a distant war. Bleeding-edge military equipment that she had been familiar with and trained on ever since she was a child; it is basically an old familiar to her, more a friend and companion than merely a tool, with its AI drones, themselves highly sophisticated military machines built as miniature versions of Rudy, serving as both friends and pets to her. (as actual living friends rarely stay living for very long in this line of work)
  • Melee: 1 (Space CQC)
  • Skirmish: 5 (High-Maneuverability Missiles, Beam Laser, Szarik-class AI Drones)
  • Long Range: 3 (Alte-Schmied Heavy Anti-Ship Railgun, Long-Range Missiles)
  • Parry: 1 (Beam Shields)
  • Defend: 3 (Hyperalloy Armour, High-Maneuverability Verniers)
  • Intercept: 3 (Sun Flare Flash Bombs, Szarik-class AI Drones)
  • Special: 3 (Szarik-class AI Drones, Starbow Break Thruster System, Self-Repair)
  • Pilot: 5 (Red Baron, Childhood Friends, The Baron's Flightsuit)

Total: 24


  • The Hero of the People: 3
  • Scion of the Salvation Project: 1