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'''Final Stats'''
:SP: 58
:SP Limit: 30
:Population: 150
The  New Brussels arcology was a steep metallic mountain that rose defiantly from the  ruins of Brussels, reaching over a mile in height. It was a fist that pierced the bruised sky and the radioactive malaise that loomed over everything.
:Trangene: 120
:Morale: 6
:Wealth: 300+75
After the survivors of the war climbed out from the deep underground bunkers, they were determined enough to stamp humanities mark on the desolate surface. New Brussels was one of the two capitals of the Euro-African Union, the other being Isandlwana in the remains of South Africa, they were linked by underground maglev that ferried hundreds of thousands between the two cities every day. The two Arcologies were home to several million people, including the political, scientific and military elite of the Euro-African Union.
:PIP: 500+75
:CIP: 690+75
Alfred McNeal belonged to the latter, he was a Political-Military Liason with the Euro-African Defence Agency.  He was the democractic oversight of he's assigned portion of the military, something he took seriously.
:Fabbers: 200
:Delta Dust: 350
A screen showed a wide expanse of ruined urbanity, crumbling buildings and the electromagnetic storms that raged across the sky. It was a depressing view, but he felt it an important reminder of how close the human race had come. Earth would never be restored. The radioactive emissions were from quantum distortions still present in many locations across the planet and it was theorised they could never be repaired, the radiation from the nuclear weapons used in the conflict had long since decayed. The majority of the survivors from across the world had settled onto various colonies founded by national entities with enough resources to build the Einstein-Rosen bridges required.
:Theta Dust: 100
:Military: 55000
Earthers were a relative minority, some states had entirely abandoned it, while others clung on desperately to the old world, The United States was a notable offender in that regard, building arcology after arcology and viciously fighting remnants of the war.
:Doctrines: 80
:Logistics: 60
Abiodun Okeke was a tall man even behind his desk his broad frame dominated the modest room, as Alfred entered he was flicking through various documents on the holoscreen that projected up from the fauxmarble desk. Like much in Abiodun's office it had a classical theme which extended to the mosaic floor and landscape of the ancient city of Carthage that hung behind him.
:Global Tech Level: 23
:Applications: 842(300 Supersoldier)
He looked up, purple cyberdyne eyes regarded him.
:Stockpiles: 2500
:Debt: -1
“Ah Alfred, how do you feel about a trip to the outback?” he asked in a disturbingly cheerful tone
“It's not as if I have a choice sir” Alfred replied back sardonically.
His boss smiled coyly “you always have a choice Alfred, a new life could await you on the off-world colonies, blue sky, green grass and gleaming cities of glass and carbocrete. You don't have to wear these ridiculous radsuits in the colonies”
Abiodun Okeke was a man who never got to the point despite a sharp and capable mind. He always veered off the topic at hand, especially with Alfred. He especially didn't like the fact he had to wear a white form fitting suit of rad-resistant materials with integrated life support and some minor armouring. The arcologies were in most respects, space stations and the risk of an emergency exposure were not insignificant. It didn't bother Alfred, as a field liason, he often had to wear more much cumbersome equipment.
“Sir, the outback?”
“I want you to monitor some of the military Recon & Research teams operating in the red sectors. Full briefing is in your cloud”
Alfred grimaced inwardly at the mention of red sectors. He accessed his UI through his neural interface, accessing his cloud. The briefing filled part of his vision,
“Mr McNeal, as part of the Euro-African Defence Agencies audit of Recon & Research activities, we must ensure the military is not pursuing lines of research outside our democratically appointed remit. I cite the case of Timbuktu 2095, please review it. As such, you are requested to join the 53rd Squadron conducting recon of anomalous structure ten nine two, review their research insitu and observe operational parameters are being adhered to. You will also conduct interviews with staff, to ascertain their opinion of equipment and procedures. Ensure all correspondence is confidential.”
Within the briefing was a hidden file, masquerading as additional background data.
“Mr McNeal, this is a direct request from the  Agency's Internal Integrity Unit. We are concerned that senior commanders within the 53rd Squadron are in conjunction with Defence Contractors, conducting unauthorised lines of research and development and concealing artefacts from anomalous structure ten nine two. You will liason with internal agents integrated into this unit and conduct a off the books investigation. For this mission, you have been temporarily granted Classified Status Rho. I cannot reveal why you have been granted this level of clearence, I can only tell you it will become apparent once you are on site. I'm afraid Mr McNeal, not even the full destruction of Earth's biosphere was quite the most horrific element of the conflict.”
Alfred had a puzzled expression as the briefing flickered from his vision. Abiodun had a very solemn expression, “Sorry Alfred, this isn't quite what we were all elected to do, but the Union needs you. The only other option was a full clampdown by the External Integrity Unit, which depending upon your findings may still happen, mercy on the bastards.”
The External Integrity Unit was a feared police organisation within the Union. They were responsible for policing and prosecuting cases of political and commercial corruption. In the Union, corruption was one of the worst crimes on the books, nomatter how petty.
He'd have to be on his toes, if he fucked up the Internal Integrity review, he'd be potentially be a collaborator in a cover-up.

Latest revision as of 06:31, 14 January 2013

The New Brussels arcology was a steep metallic mountain that rose defiantly from the ruins of Brussels, reaching over a mile in height. It was a fist that pierced the bruised sky and the radioactive malaise that loomed over everything.

After the survivors of the war climbed out from the deep underground bunkers, they were determined enough to stamp humanities mark on the desolate surface. New Brussels was one of the two capitals of the Euro-African Union, the other being Isandlwana in the remains of South Africa, they were linked by underground maglev that ferried hundreds of thousands between the two cities every day. The two Arcologies were home to several million people, including the political, scientific and military elite of the Euro-African Union.

Alfred McNeal belonged to the latter, he was a Political-Military Liason with the Euro-African Defence Agency. He was the democractic oversight of he's assigned portion of the military, something he took seriously.

A screen showed a wide expanse of ruined urbanity, crumbling buildings and the electromagnetic storms that raged across the sky. It was a depressing view, but he felt it an important reminder of how close the human race had come. Earth would never be restored. The radioactive emissions were from quantum distortions still present in many locations across the planet and it was theorised they could never be repaired, the radiation from the nuclear weapons used in the conflict had long since decayed. The majority of the survivors from across the world had settled onto various colonies founded by national entities with enough resources to build the Einstein-Rosen bridges required.

Earthers were a relative minority, some states had entirely abandoned it, while others clung on desperately to the old world, The United States was a notable offender in that regard, building arcology after arcology and viciously fighting remnants of the war.

Abiodun Okeke was a tall man even behind his desk his broad frame dominated the modest room, as Alfred entered he was flicking through various documents on the holoscreen that projected up from the fauxmarble desk. Like much in Abiodun's office it had a classical theme which extended to the mosaic floor and landscape of the ancient city of Carthage that hung behind him.

He looked up, purple cyberdyne eyes regarded him.

“Ah Alfred, how do you feel about a trip to the outback?” he asked in a disturbingly cheerful tone

“It's not as if I have a choice sir” Alfred replied back sardonically.

His boss smiled coyly “you always have a choice Alfred, a new life could await you on the off-world colonies, blue sky, green grass and gleaming cities of glass and carbocrete. You don't have to wear these ridiculous radsuits in the colonies”

Abiodun Okeke was a man who never got to the point despite a sharp and capable mind. He always veered off the topic at hand, especially with Alfred. He especially didn't like the fact he had to wear a white form fitting suit of rad-resistant materials with integrated life support and some minor armouring. The arcologies were in most respects, space stations and the risk of an emergency exposure were not insignificant. It didn't bother Alfred, as a field liason, he often had to wear more much cumbersome equipment.

“Sir, the outback?”

“I want you to monitor some of the military Recon & Research teams operating in the red sectors. Full briefing is in your cloud”

Alfred grimaced inwardly at the mention of red sectors. He accessed his UI through his neural interface, accessing his cloud. The briefing filled part of his vision,

“Mr McNeal, as part of the Euro-African Defence Agencies audit of Recon & Research activities, we must ensure the military is not pursuing lines of research outside our democratically appointed remit. I cite the case of Timbuktu 2095, please review it. As such, you are requested to join the 53rd Squadron conducting recon of anomalous structure ten nine two, review their research insitu and observe operational parameters are being adhered to. You will also conduct interviews with staff, to ascertain their opinion of equipment and procedures. Ensure all correspondence is confidential.”

Within the briefing was a hidden file, masquerading as additional background data.

“Mr McNeal, this is a direct request from the Agency's Internal Integrity Unit. We are concerned that senior commanders within the 53rd Squadron are in conjunction with Defence Contractors, conducting unauthorised lines of research and development and concealing artefacts from anomalous structure ten nine two. You will liason with internal agents integrated into this unit and conduct a off the books investigation. For this mission, you have been temporarily granted Classified Status Rho. I cannot reveal why you have been granted this level of clearence, I can only tell you it will become apparent once you are on site. I'm afraid Mr McNeal, not even the full destruction of Earth's biosphere was quite the most horrific element of the conflict.”

Alfred had a puzzled expression as the briefing flickered from his vision. Abiodun had a very solemn expression, “Sorry Alfred, this isn't quite what we were all elected to do, but the Union needs you. The only other option was a full clampdown by the External Integrity Unit, which depending upon your findings may still happen, mercy on the bastards.”

The External Integrity Unit was a feared police organisation within the Union. They were responsible for policing and prosecuting cases of political and commercial corruption. In the Union, corruption was one of the worst crimes on the books, nomatter how petty.

He'd have to be on his toes, if he fucked up the Internal Integrity review, he'd be potentially be a collaborator in a cover-up.