Ultimate Melissa Flint: Difference between revisions

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'''Health Levels'''<br>
Bruised (x2)<br>


Revision as of 12:51, 22 May 2009

Name: Melissa Flint
Nature: Explorer
Allegiance: Elite Agency

Willpower: 6 (5)
Quantum: 2
Quantum Pool: 24 (16)
Initiative: 11
Taint: 2
XP (spent/total): 16/16


Walk: 7m
Run: 18m
Sprint: 36m


Health Levels
Bruised (x2)


Strength: 5 (Athletic)
Dexterity: 5 (Nimble)
Stamina: 5 (Resilient)

Perception: 5 (Observant)
Intelligence: 5 (Bookworm)
Wits: 5 (Bright)

Appearance: 5 (Pleasant)
Manipulation: 5 (Witty)
Charisma: 5 (Eloquent)


Language 5 (French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese) [10]

Academics 4 (History, Culture, Anthropology) [9]
Martial Arts 4 [9]
Melee 4 [9]
Survival 4 [9]
Endurance 4 (free) [9]
Resistance 4 (free) [9]

Athletics 3 (Dodge, Tumbling) [8]
Awareness 3 [8]
Streetwise 3 [8]

Drive 2 [7]
Investigation 2 [7]
Firearms 2 [7]
Rapport 2 [7]
Subterfuge 2 [7]

Stealth 1 [6]
Intimidaton 1 [6]


Node: 2
Mentor: 3
Resources: 3
Attunement 1
Influence 1

Mega Attributes

Mega Strength 1 (Crush)
Mega Dex 1 (Rapid Strike)
Mega Stamina 3 (Resiliency)

Quantum Powers

Flight 1
Force Field 1
Quantum Bolt 2



Anima banner
Eufibre Rejection
Enemy 1


Nobody who knew Melissa at school, or university, for that matter, would have pegged her as 'most likely to be a Nova'. In fact, she was probably one of the people her peers would have thought least likely, being a gangly, unattractive geek, more interestded in dusty history books than anything else. Of course, she was also probably one of the least likely people to whom they would have attached the label of 'tomb robber' or 'treasure hunter', and she was doing that not terribly long after finishing her doctorate, as a postgrad assistant on the various expeditions of one Dr Martin Collins.

Although a respected archeologist, Collins was certainly not above the odd spot of tomb raiding to recover valuable or important artifacts, more to ensure they were placed in museums than to line his own pockets. Melissa picked up most of her practical survival and combat skills at this point, as opposed to simply as sports of some sort; often, her and the good Doctor were not the only people after the solid gold Mayan idol, and their competitors were not usually particularly friendly.

Eventually, Melissa progressed to mounting her own expeditions, and it was during one of these that she erupted. Having successfully retrieved an idol that, according to various folk legends, was supposed to grant the owner PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWAH, she was accosted by a group of rivals. Fortunately for her, they were all equally eager to shoot at each other. Unfortunately for her, she was woefully unequipped for any sort of fight. The stress of having to battle men armed with assault rifles, using only a knife, was enough to trigger an eruption, and combined with a subconscious fixation on the stories behind her cargo, resulted in the manifestation of almost flamboyantly 'magical' quantum abilities, complete with intricate, glowing webs of symbols any time she uses her powers.

A short stint with the Utopia Project convinced her that the whole thing was far too goody-two-shoes for her. Although with perfectly altruistic intentions, many of her activities were, technically, illegal, and they've certainly given her a rater dubious reputation; many archeologists and historians consider her little more than an abnormally considerate grave robber, an accusation that has managed to stick to her rather than her eccentric mentor.

She fully intends to continue with her... unique... profession, eventually, but such things take money. Given a choice between prying very limited funds out of university or government hands, or contriving to earn herself a fortune and funding things out of pocket, she would immediately take the latter. Even a Nova that is only moderately superhuman can make a great deal of cash as an elite, and, in her own opinion, she can handle herself well enough in a fight to be successful. Even if she can't use Eufibre.