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:<b>Arete:</b> 4
:<b>Arete:</b> 4
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 4/3
:<b>Quintessence:</b> 4/3
:<b>Tass:</b> 11 drams (distilled dreams)
:<b>Tass:</b> 11 drams (distilled dreams)

Revision as of 19:20, 26 February 2011

Status Panel

Arete: 4
Quintessence: 4/3
Tass: 11 drams (distilled dreams)
Paradox: 1
Experience: 25/142
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin

Routes To Akasha

Health Tracker

Healthy -0
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5

Basic Stats

Name: Shu Izanagi
Player: Kerrus
Nature: Bravo (Strength/Anger. Regain Willpower when you intimidate or physically force someone to do what you want or back down, or when you utterly defeat someone who stands in your way)
Essence: Questing
Demeanor: Crackerjack (Whatever it is you do, you're the best, and people can't help but be impressed. Regain Willpower whenever you pull off an impressive stunt in the face of incredible odds)
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin
Tradition: Akashic
Concept: TIME NINJA/Edo Era Ranma Saotome
HP: Full
Chantry: Sasayama, White Devil Base
Supernatural Killcount: 1x Victor, 1x HITmark, 1x Hellhound, 2x Technocrats
Active Effects:


All things seek the perfection of enlightenment, and one can see and manipulate the quintessential energy that represents this state of being, the Ki all things are made of, to achieve various effects. By bringing the mind and body to its limits, one can open the door for enlightenment through martial arts and mental focus. By honing the mind and opening the inner eye, one can actually see the flows of Ki through the world, and in time see past the world. All things are only an illusion that hides the true self, the unity of mind body and spirit, the truth that all things are connected. You are you- but you are also me, and by recognizing this I can become you and gain a greater understanding of the universe. While we are many, we are also one, all journeying on the same path, spiralling towards enlightenment. Ki has many facets, for it is an energy of life and idea, shape and being. Through emotions one understands that the world we see is shuttered by the barriers we put up to prevent our awakening, and only by removing these barriers can we truly grow into maturity.



Strength: 4 (Spec: Tough Grip)
Dexterity: 4 (Spec: Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 4 (Spec: Unkillable)


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Alertness: 4 (Eyes in the back of your head)
Athletics: 2
Awareness: 3
Dodge: 4 (Specialty: Sidestep)
Expression: 1
Subterfuge: 3


Do: 4 [Dharmamukti, Jivahasta, Shastamarga, Sunyakaya] (Unarmed vs. Armed)
Maneuvers: Jou Chuan (Soft Fist), Plum Flower Blossom, Ten Thousand Weapons
Meditation: 2
Melee: 5 (Bladed)
Security: 1
Stealth: 3
Survival: 1


Investigation: 3
Medicine: 2
Linguistics: 2 (English, Mandarin)


Avatar: 3
Mentor: 1 (Nakazawa Takumi)
Arcane: 3


Entropy: 3
Life: 2
Mind: 1
Prime: 1
Time: 3


Cyber-ninja Armour

+3 Armour
+1 Intimidation

Notes: Full Coverage. Can be worn under trenchcoat.

Colt Anaconda

Difficulty: 6
Damage: 6L
Rate: 2
Clip: 6
Conceal: J
Range: 35


Diff 6, Str+3L

Buster Sword

Requirement: Str 5 to wield, may wield at -1 die per point of str below 5.
Diff 6, Str+5L

Primium Claw

Diff 4, Str+1L (Agg to supernaturals)

Merits & Flaws

Ambidextrous (1 point Merit)
You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D
Distorted Image (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")

XP Record

12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST)
3 XP (Linguistics: English) Mon, March 3rd, 10:00 (EST)
10 XP (Prime 1) Thurs, March 12th, 12:35 (EST)
3 xp (Do 1)
2 xp (Do 2)
10 xp (Life 1)
24 xp (Arete 4)
7 xp (Life 2)
3 xp (Do 3)
11 xp (Str 4)
1 xp (Lingustics 2)
3 xp (Awareness 3)
3 xp (Expression 1)
3 xp (Security 1)
10 xp (Mind 1)
6 xp (Do 4)
6 xp (Alertness 4)

Combat Notes

Ten Thousand Weapons

Any object you hold, throw, or spit with violent intent does your Do (3) in dice of bashing damage.
If the object was normally capable of doing that much damage, the damage becomes lethal.
If the object does lethal damage, it does an extra die of it.
Conjunctional with entropy+forces

Jou Chuan (Soft Fist)

You can redirect an unarmed or melee attack to another assailant or even return it to the attacker. Roll a Dexterity + Do (Difficutly 7) versus the target's attack roll. If you succeed, you can injure a nearby enemy, including the original attacker, doing damage equal to the attacker's str+weapon dice, and adding any extra successes beyond what was necessary to accomplish the maneuver. Alternatively, you can use this to disarm the opponent, in which case the weapon is automatically ready to use next turn.

Plum Flower Blossom

Rolling Dexterity + Do (Difficulty 6), the character may jump double his jumping distance or bounce from one object to another (roof hopping), for one turn, plus an additional turn for every two successes. If one of these leaps is an attack,it is penalized as if it were an extra action, and has its difficulty increased by 1, but addes +2 damage die.

The Universe According to Shu Izanagi

Shu sees 'rightness'- auras are like seeing with a new set of colours that you couldn't see before. Like going from black and white to high def colour.

Ki is the ultimate expression of the balance of mind body and spirit- a rightness of being. Shu can perceive and manipulate this rightness, and recognizes that all mages use it. A technocrat gathers ki through technolocal implements- mimicking the unification of mind, body, and spirit through the unification of silicon, steel, and electricity. A hermetic invokes godforms, draws pentagrams, and calls things into being by naming them as they are- but all this is just a complicated way of shaping the ki of themselves and the world into a form they can use. When they summon a fireball through a circle of runes, they are channeling ki, the rightness of being, and the recognition that all things are part of akasha in order to produce the flame.

All mages walk the path towards enlightenment, but while the Akashic Brotherhood are the custodians of the path, and indeed know more of its secrets than the others, they are still walkers on the road. Such an ungainly procession we must make, but the Akashics know that each person has a path to walk. The road spirals towards enlightenment, and Akasha is the True Way. Someone who follows another tradition should not be disrespected- for they too are on the path. One day, in this life or another, they will reach for Akasha and Akasha will answer.

From a strict perspective, this view is free of morality, or rather, it is not defined by morality. "Rightness" isn't a matter of action, so much as a matter of being. It is not a moral rightness, but rather a rightness of harmony. Someone can achieve rightness while still being morally wrong- murders committed following Fen Shui where the murderer is in enlightened harmony can have a degree of 'rightness' to them- but it is not the rightness of 'this is the correct action', and it is not a rightness that Shu necessarily accepts in his view of the greater whole of enlightenment.

Achieving perfection through enlightenment is the ultimate goal of every mage, whether they know it or not. The measure of how 'right'- or rather, how 'real' their being is, becomes one of the primary means for determining how close they are on the path. Those touched by ascension are colored with a different brush, a new set of colours, and by watching these colours- through various methods of opening the mind's inner eye, one can learn a great many things. Just as one can understand that a person is lame by the way their muscles move, one can learn that a person has been touched by ascension, or even what emotions that person feels by the colours they are painted in- the flavour of their Ki.

It is perhaps a misnomer to use the term 'rightness', for there is long association between that word and that of moral correctness, but the ethical consideration is not the underlying concern for this philosophy. Rather, it can be said that 'rightness' is a measure of how real something is. If a person is a photo made by main faintly coloured layers, they become more colourful, more real the closer they get to perfection and transcendence. But 'realness' is also a misnomer, for it suggests that those who have not journeyed so far on the paths are less. However, it is more accurate to say that those who have not journeyed so far have not yet become what they will become- they are an ornate process, intricate in its majesty. As they walk the journey, they come closer and closer to their perfection, that rightness of being that opens the way to transcendence and enlightenment. They are not less so much as it is that we cannot see the fullness of their being, for we are further along the path than they, and truly looking down and seeing all of creation is the greatest gift yet ungiven. Do not pity them, for they are on the road. One day they will tread the paths we have tread, and drink the waters we have drunk. One day they will see the rightness in all things, accept it, and look to the future.