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===The Known Polities===
===The Known Polities===
====The Crisium Technetronic====
====The Eezo Technetronic====
The Domes of Crisium are punctured inummerably with the vaulting starscapers that characterise much of Luna, the low sprawling domes seem more a foundation than the heart of many nations, especially so in the Technetronic.  
The Eezo lie near the centre of Reconnect civilization. One of the first states to begin to uncover the secrets of posthumanity, they have a significant interest in 'apex' technology and invest much of their national resources into further uncovering the mysteries, whether of military or political benefit or not. The Eezo are known to sell this information, for a price, operating on the principle of equivalent exchange.
Luna for all it’s wealth, power and technology faces many of the same problems any other nation does, rapidly expanding technology and an increasing awareness of just how far ahead the posthumans were. It presents a daunting prospect to people and polities and Crisium with it’s posthuman research facilities, find itself at the centre of many of these questions.
While Eezo invests a minimum in military force, it invests a maximum in posthuman technology, resulting in a space fleet of considerable ability.
Outside the laboraties however, Corporate oversight from Triton Dynamics increasing collides with an informed populance mistrustful of the megacorporations that seem to dominate many aspects of their lives. Agitators from Earth, Mars and the outer colonies vie with the powerful Luna based interests and not all are non-violent in their protest against perceived greed and a danger of meddling in forces that lead to the collapse.
====The Union====
The Union is collectivist state, a careful arrangement of several systems whose capital is one of the larger asteroid habitats in known space. As a galactic heavyweight, their power lies in the plentiful resources their 'raw' systems provide, easily accessible mineral resources in quantities that leave lesser polities in awe.
The resources are considered the property of all in equal measure, as such proceeds from the vast mining operations are shared equally amongst the populace, in the form of direct income and government services.
===The Big Three and The Big Fourth===
===The Big Three and The Big Fourth===

Revision as of 19:48, 15 January 2011

Setting & Backstory


"The Big Bang was a start, but the Singularity is the beginning"

The Posthumans are or were virtually inscrutable beings, they rapidly diverged from the mainstream of humanity society in the late 21st century, retreating into their Catherdral fortresses of exotic matter and other esoteric forms of construction.

What is known is that they were elevated to a cognitive ability far surpassing even the most heavily cybernetically rewired nervous systems of a ‘normal’ human, entombed in virtual existences that offered unparalleled processing power and operating on a level far timely than our own. Some estimates postulate posthumanity in it’s brief existence, had a civilization spanning dozens of millennia.

All that is left of them that humanity knows of, is scattered enclaves, science stations, computational grids and other trinkets. Some of their devices still function, most of their 'cities' remain, but of the digital intelligences, nothing can be found.

The Known Polities

The Eezo Technetronic

The Eezo lie near the centre of Reconnect civilization. One of the first states to begin to uncover the secrets of posthumanity, they have a significant interest in 'apex' technology and invest much of their national resources into further uncovering the mysteries, whether of military or political benefit or not. The Eezo are known to sell this information, for a price, operating on the principle of equivalent exchange.

While Eezo invests a minimum in military force, it invests a maximum in posthuman technology, resulting in a space fleet of considerable ability.

The Union

The Union is collectivist state, a careful arrangement of several systems whose capital is one of the larger asteroid habitats in known space. As a galactic heavyweight, their power lies in the plentiful resources their 'raw' systems provide, easily accessible mineral resources in quantities that leave lesser polities in awe.

The resources are considered the property of all in equal measure, as such proceeds from the vast mining operations are shared equally amongst the populace, in the form of direct income and government services.


The Big Three and The Big Fourth

"Megacorp, there today, here tomorrow"

Poseidon Energy

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Yuma Flats Energy Consortium, Radiation King Mining & Moondust Construction.
Poseidon Energy is a corporation that deals primarily in the fields of radionuclide mining, nuclear fuel manufacture and transport, as well as reactor design and operation. As one of the major precollapse demarchy corporations, it had extensive ties with posthumanity and managed to weather the subsequent decades after the collapse to remain one of the leading businesses of today.

Triton Dynamics

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Lockheed North, Winchester Mechanical
Triton Dynamics is a former subsidiary of Poseidon Energy, though in the collapse it lost in value considerably, due to the use of now defunct posthuman technology in many of it’s designs and was bought out by unknown parties. Triton Dynamics is a leading manufacter of high end military hardware, including starships and aerospace vehicles. Various subsidiaries are also responsible for civilian model freighters, spinners etc.

BAE-Zeus System’s

Primary Headquarters: Luna
Important Subsidiaries: Zybandi Hyperdiamond
Formed by the merger of two collapsing Regressor and Demarchist corporations BAE-Zeus Systems today is a design and producer of military and civilian electronics, vehicles and is also a construction magnate, thanks to Zybandi Hyperdiamond, a leading designer and producer of hyperdiamond based architecture.

West Tek-Mitsubishi

Primary headquarters: Earth
Important Subsidiaries: Wattz Electronics & Genesis Life
An entirely Regressor company, West-Tek-Mitsubishi is designs and constructs some of the most highly advanced non-posthuman derived technology in known space. Both a civilian corporation and a military contractor, it is responsible for everything from groundcars, spinners, to laser rifles and armoured vehicles. Due to the rarity of it’s technology, it charges a high price to consumers for anything Tier 4 and ownership of a battalion equipped with Wattz 3000 Laser Rifles is prestigious.