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*2125 million taps of Mana generated by the land per quarter.
*2125 million taps of Mana generated by the land per quarter.

Each season, 11.5 thousand new common Avalonians seek work, and 2 thousand high income individuals offer additional services. <br>
Each season, 11.5 thousand new common Avalonians seek work, and 2 thousand high income individuals offer additional services. The average Avalonian earns between 5000 denarii and 7000 denarii per season. The bottom 25% earn, on average, 3,000 denarii. The richest 10% earn from 15,000 denarii up to more than 1,000,000 denarii. <br>

==Educational Institutions==
==Educational Institutions==

Revision as of 22:03, 22 October 2009

Avalonian Republic
File:Avalon Flag.jpg
Flag of the Republic of Avalon
Politics and Religion
Capital: Civitas Avalonis (Avalon)
Largest City: Civitas Avalonis (Avalon)
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Prime Minister: Gregory Alexandropos
Monarch: Empress Eostre Odina IV
Date Established: Winter 1864 AE
Magic and Religion
Primary Religions: Alteran Uristism, Elder Polytheism
Primary Alignment: Force
Primary Magical Language: RUNTRAN derivative
Primary Magical Schools: Force, Matter,
Population and Economy
Population: ~2 Million
Ethnic Groups: God-Blooded (Avalonian, Asgar)
Languages: Avalonic, Dwarvish
Currency: Denarii (G)
Food Production: 11 (1 surplus)
Tax Revenue: 2468 thousand Denarii
Mana Output: 2125 million taps
Resources: 750 Adamantium
20 Levistones
170 books

The Avalonian Republic peacefully arose more than three thousand years ago with the death of the last Avalonian Emperor and the end of Augusta dynasty. After more than 1600 years of autocratic regimes punctuated by periods of civil strife and crises of succession, the Avalonian people were tired of submitting to the Imperial Throne at Civitas Avalonis. In the last centuries of the Avalonian Imperium, dramatic social liberalization occurred and nominal parliamentary rule had slowly subverted imperial authority. In the year 1864 AE, the Avalonian Republic was officially established. The old Senate was incorporated into a new parliament, which included a House of Citizens, and a Prime Minster was elected by the combined Parliament to head the new republic.

Since that time, the Avalonian Republic has endured within and on the towering Olympic Mountains on the Eastern Island, east of Thule. A century after it's establishment, the Avalonian Republic became aware of the growing power of the Empire of the Alfar to the southwest. Foreseeing an inevitable conflict with the Elvish empire, and perhaps realizing that they were unable to directly challenge the Alfar, the Avalonian Republic chose to isolate and hide themselves from the eyes of the rest of the world. The treacherous territory that composed the heart of Avalonian Republic often deterred most would-be adventurers or fools from entering the Republic's realms. For the first 3000 years of its existence, the Eternal Blizzard prevented all but the most hardened of creatures from even reaching the Olympic Mountains. Seen from afar, the Olympic Mountains appear as nothing but lifeless snow-capped peaks. For three millenia, the Avalonian Republic managed to avoid conquest by the Empire of Alfar. As luck would have it, the Alfar never made it to Thule. However, the preparations and precautions established by the early Republic would not be tested until more than three thousand years later during the ravages of the Necromantic War.

During the war, the Eastern Island was mostly ignored thanks to its remote location as well as the Eternal Blizzard. The few Necromantic expeditions that did manage to penetrate the mountains never returned back to report on their discoveries. But now, with the rest of the world in a state of chaos and disarray, and a bold, adventurous young Prime Minster residing in the Parliamentary Residence, the Avalonian Republic is the on the verge of returning to the world stage for the first time in over three thousand years.

Artist's Impression of Avalon in 135 AE

Racial Characteristics

God-Blooded (orig. Alfar Asgar), Avalonian Human Mix (25 points)

Modern historians, anthropologists and archeologists generally accept that the current Avalonian people are a mix of the original inhabitants of some unknown ancient civilization and ancient humans from Lemuria. Whether these survivors of the ancient civilization were minor deities or partial deities is a matter of much speculation. The popular notion is that several bands of the original inhabitants of Atlantis managed to escape the great calamity and reach the shores of Thule, where they traveled all the way to the Olympic Mountain range. Somehow, this last remnant of Atlantis managed to discover the vast Underdark Lightfield within the mountains. There, they found a band of humans residing within the Underdark. Scholars, however, generally do not support the 'Atlantis Theory', claiming that there is absolutely no evidence to conclude Atlantis even existed. How humans ended up in the lightfield is a mystery to this day. Many citizens believe that it was the doing of the Old Goddess Altrea, although there is no general consensus among scholars and experts. Whatever the origin, there is no doubt that Avalonian civilization is at least as old as the Alfar Empire, with the Republic and the Imperium comprising almost 5000 years of history. Avalonians are on average much tougher and stronger than the average human and also possess longer lifespans. Although they aren't nearly as long-lived as the Alfar, the average normal lifespan of an Avalonian can reach a little over 300 years. Avalonian mages are also particularly gifted in terms of the potency of their magic. The notion that these abilities are the result of "divine" blood has been generally accepted by Avalonian society even today.


As of 5300 AE, there are are approximately 2,001,400 citizens residing within the realms of the Avalonian Republic. Approximately one million of those reside in Avalon. An additional 900,000 reside within the underground city of Asgarth. About 50,000 reside in Nova Atlantia. The rest are scattered throughout the Eastern Island, although most of them reside in the temperate regions in the southwest coast and the hills to the east of the Olympic Mountains.


Of the more than two million residents, approximately 53% are male and 47% are female, leading to a ratio of 1.12 Avalonian males for every female. About 20% of the population is under 50, 46% are between 50 and 200, and 34% are over 200 years old. Despite the long lifespans of the Avalonians, birth rates tend to be relatively low, as conception is slightly more difficult compared to humans. On average, there are about 2.35 children per mating pair.

There are no other ethnic groups within the Avalonian Empire besides the Avalonians. While most Avalonians are between 1/8th and 1/4th deity and human, there are dwarvish features in some of the population perhaps indicating possible dwarvish blood in a very small sector of the population.


Main Article: General Avalonian History

Pre-Imperial History

Historians have typically estimated that semi-divine survivors of an ancient civilization landed on the shores of Eastern Thule and established civilization some two thousand years prior to the establishment of the Republic around 500 BAE. Through the intervening years, the Avalonian civilization thrived in the Underdark Lightfields within the Olympic Mountains, eventually becoming a city state with the expansion of the city of Asgarth. In 212 BAE, one of the few dates historians are certain of, a schism occurred, and a large number of Avalonians headed towards the surface to find new opportunities. One group discovered the Olympian Valley, near the peak of Mount Olympic. Within decades the settlements within the valley quickly expanded to become Civitias Avalonis, the city of Avalon. For the next four hundred years, both city states existed in a cold war state.

Artist's Impression of Asgarth in 135 AE

Imperial History

This period in time, starting with official establishment of the Imperium 235 AE, represented the beginning of an age of reason for Avalonian civilization. Much of the superstition during the pre-imperial times was replaced with reasoning and rational logic. The old Elder Polytheism gave way to a brand of Uristism. Scientific discoveries abounded during this period and there was a strong undercurrent of magical and physical exploration. However, there was a great deal of chaos underlining the supposed order of imperial society. Fickle, ineffective monarchs dotted the historical time-line, leading to several political purges and more than a few succession crises. This was as much an age of strife as it was an age of reason.

During the period, the Imperium expanded the territory under it's control, establishing a new settlement, Nova Atlantia, on the hillsides of the eastern coast of the island. Airships, crewed by curious adventurers and naturalists mapped out the boundaries of the continent of Thule, encountering new races and civilizations.

Asgarth in 5200 AE

Republican History

The Avalonian Republic, established in 1864 AE, was marked by four distinctive periods. The early Republic, from 1864 BAE to about 1984 AE, continued the trend of cultural, scientific, and magical advancements established in the last centuries of the Imperium. This period of time also marked the most politically invigorated and innovative time in Republican history. Contact with the Alfar in 1984 AE eventually led to a period of more than 3,000 years of isolation and marks the beginning of the second major period of history in the Republic. Although the Avalonian Republic would not officially close its borders until 2081 AE, the period of trade and outward expansion and exploration came to a sharp end in 1984 AE. Most historians admit that the Avalonian Republic's collective obsession with avoiding conquest by the Alfar would affect Avalonian society to the present day. Avalon's famous mage soujourners also began as an institution around this time. Throughout three millenia, those mages that went out into the distant lands would represent Avalon's only link to the outside world.

The third period of time was marked by the arrival of the Necromancer Lords. 3,000 years of stagnation took its toll on the Republic and knowledge of the fall of the Alfar only seemed to push Avalonian society further towards entropic collapse. The discovery of the Nercomancers shook the Republic out of its spiraling cycle of institutional rot and political stagnation. Less than half a decade after their discovery, first contact between the Necromancer Lords and Avalon resulted in bloodshed with the complete annihilation of the Necromancer exploration force. Throughout the next decade, two more invasion attempted would be thwarted including the final and largest attempt resulting in the Necromancer Invasion of 5161. Though the "Necromatic Period" was the shortest period in Republican history, historians believe the Necromatic wars played a pivotal role in the development of the Republic in modern times. The war resulted in a complete reformation of almost every single major government, political, and social institution and set the stage for the end of Avalonian Isolation.

The final period runs from 5200 AE, at the end of the Necromatic War to the present. Like the first half-century of the early Republic, this period of time was characterized by rapid economic, scientific, and magical advancement followed by intensive political reform and liberalization of social and foreign policies. Time will tell if this trend will continue, or be cut short another incident like the Alfar first contact.


Republican Political History

Despite the democratic rhetoric that filled the etherwaves during the formation of the Republic, Republican political history was little different from Imperial political history: short bursts of violence and chaos inter-spaced in long periods of stagnation. Primarily, the Early Republic was mostly concerned with hammering out and solidifying confidence in key government institutions and political structures. While corruption was technically kept to a minimum, there was no real democracy. The same social class that had ruled the Imperium were elected into power in the Republic through judicious vote-purchasing campaigns. However, even the illusion of accountability and technical possibility of falling out of power were enough to force the social elite to at least attempt to raise the standard of living of their constituents. Undoubtedly, the average citizen was better off during the early Republic than at any other time in Avalonian history.

The onset of the Age of Isolation, the 3,000 year period in which the Avalonian Republic essentially cut all contact with the outer world, created an interesting political phenomena. For the first few centuries, political ossification started to set in, but without any of the usual corruption. Stories from the Mages sent to outer world kept politicians relatively united in their efforts; the government was just as affected as the common citizenry by paranoia against Alfar conquest. However, by the 3rd millennium AE, even the fear of Alfar conquest was no longer enough to prevent institutional rot from setting in. Corruption quickly set in, with votes being controlled by local and city district political machines and bosses. Refusal to obey these political bosses often meant economic and social ostracization. At several points during this period, political infighting within Parliament degraded to the point that it allowed for several opportunistic monarch to seize power. Most notably, from 2931 AE to 2952 AE under Loki II and from 3422 AE to 3450 AE under Sleipnir I, the Avalonian Republic essentially reverted to an imperial government. In both instances, however, the would-be emperors inevitably died under mysterious circumstances, no doubt assassinations, before republican institutions could be permanently destroyed. Reforms in the 3500's following these incidents are credited with preserving the Republic in a reasonably functional state until at least 5150 AE. At the very least political ossification was slowed. Despite the moment of chaos, Republican politics, indeed, Republican society in general, remained relatively unchanged, in the grand view, throughout the 3,000 years of isolation. It would not be until the Necromatic War that true change would come.

Government Structure

Political Parties and Factions

Magecraft and Magic

Magical History

Magical and Historical scholars generally believe that the original semi-divine beings that came to Eastern Island practiced life-based magic. However, upon discovery of both the mysterious human colony and the ruins of a dwarven civilization, complete with magical texts, life magic was generally abandoned and replaced with force-based magic. Despite the magical nature of the Avalonian people, prior to the Imperium, Magic was considered the sole domain of a very select group of individuals. Out of a civilization of over a hundred thousand, there were perhaps at most sixty individuals at any given time who would qualify for the title of "mage". Most of these would have been mainly adepts. Magic was also very personal and secretive at this time.

Avalonian Mages in 5300 AE

By the Imperial Era, Magic and magical knowledge had begun to seep and proliferate into the magical sphere. The various magical societies also began to organize into a single societal institution. The (Avalonian) Guild of Mages was formed shortly after the establishment of the Imperium in 240 AE. The Council of Archmages, led by the most powerful mages in the land officially convened for the first time in 241 AE. In theory, the Guild of Mages is led by the Council, but in reality, the Council exercises only loose authority over the Guild. By 300 AE, the Council of Archmages and the Guild of Mages became independent political entities within the Avalonian Imperium. While everyone was technically subservient to the Emperor and the Imperial Court, the Council of Archmages was the closest institution that had "parallel" authority.

By the late Imperial Era, the ability to study Magic had become relatively common-place. If one had the will, the motivation, and the ability to study for long hours, one could become a mage. In fact, the establishment of the Augusta Incantation Academy led to the formation of the "matter" school of Magic within Avalon as well as the opening of magical knowledge to the public. Even life magic found a small niche within this new academia-based magical society in the form of the Bene Vitae School.

The trends continued through the Republic. Even during the Age of Isolation, magical knowledge continued to advance, especially in the field of Underdark Lightfield Formation and Olympic Valley Formation Principles.


Due to Avalonian Magic's heavy dwarven influence, the current language of spells is unsurprisingly based on a derivative of RUNTRAN. While modern RUNTRAN (RUNTRAN-A-2.7) barely resembles the RUNTRAN of 5,000 years ago, the fundamental principles have remained. Recently, however, with the opening of Avalonian society, magical scholars have attempted to develop completely new languages from the ground up, or at least based on different principles than traditional RUNTRAN.

Magical Hierarchy

As the Guild of Mages and Council of Archmages matured, a hierarchical rank system slowly arose, designed to outline the general power of an individual mage:

  • Adepts - Those who graduate from any accredited undergraduate magical study program enter the Guild of Mages with the rank of adept. It should be noted that there are hundreds of adepts in the Imperium. The 20 adepts currently listed as under military service are simply the two 20 adepts in the land as determined by over capability.
  • Masters - Those who enter a teaching or instruction position of some sort are generally awarded the rank of Master. While traditionally, Masters often took one or two apprentices at any given time. Today, Masters tend to fulfill their instruction and research requirement as professors and faculty of the various educational institutions in the land. In theory, an adept who has chosen to forgo the instructional requirement can overpower a mage of Master rank. Recently, the rank of Master has begun to be awarded to adepts who reach a certain level of ability.
  • Archmages - The most powerful of Masters are award the rank of Archmage and inducted into the Council of Archmages. Currently, there are only four Archmages, but historically, the number has shifted anywhere between three to five Archmages.

For more information regarding mages and the military, see Military of the Avalonian Republic.


Since it's inception, Avalonian Magic has traditionally been utilized in combat contexts. Whether as an offensive, defensive, reconnaissance, or healing tool, Avalonian Magic has been at the forefront of military application. During the Republic Era, however, the uses of Magic expanded towards more pedestrian needs, such as farming, construction, and other consumer applications.

Still, despite it's diversification, Avalonian magic still is utilized heavily in combat situations, with the military working closely with mages in combat operations and combat training. No better example of the power of Avalonian Magic exists than the Necromancer Invasion of 5161 AE. Archmages and Masters played a pivotal role in destroying the invasion force and saving the Republic. Because of its martial nature, Avalonian magic is seen as being one of the most potent forms of Magic in Thule.

Despite this, the philosophy of mages within Avalon has generally been both peaceful and academic. While an average modern mage could annihilate a small infantry formation with relative ease, emphasis is placed more on the theory and procedures behind producing the magic than the actual effect or application. For this reason, within Avalonian society, mages are seen as peacekeepers as opposed to warriors.


Main Article: Domains of the Avalonian Republic

The Avalonian Republic's territory comprises the entirety of the surface of Eastern Island off the east coast of Thule as well as various subterranean spaces. No natural rivers run through the area and fresh water is obtained entirely from aquifers and primitive desalination plants along the coast. Several different terrains can be found on Eastern Island although the island is primarily dominated by the tall peaks of the Olympic Mountain range. In addition to their great height, the Olympic peaks are covered in snow year-round, often with furious seasonal blizzards raging around them. The foot of the mountains are somewhat more temperate, like the rest of the island. Still, winter generally covers almost two seasons on most of the island. The Olympic Valley, a magical verdant and temperate patch of land lies nestled within two of the highest Olympic peaks. Unlike the rest of the mountain range, it experiences a more typical weather pattern. Winters can be chillingly cold, but still hospitable unlike the rest of the mountains. To the east of the mountains lie the slightly less treacherous Hills of the Norn which lead all the way to the eastern coast of the island. Tundra-like wilds spread to the northwest and a small patch of relatively warm, fertile, and temperate land, the Penelopean Fields, lies to the southwest.

Below the surface, vast Underdark lightfields reign within the mountains. Unlike the surface, temperatures tend to stay within a warm and temperate range. Strange magical orbs light the fields, simulating sunlight and the rocky soil is surprisingly fertile. This allows a long growing season.

The core of the Avalonian Republic resides within the Underdark Lightfield surrounding the city of Asgarth underneath the skyrange mountains. Avalon, the capital city lies nestled within the Olympic Valley. The only other major settlement, Nova Atlantia, lies in Vertha Province on the Hills of the Norn east of the Olympic ranges.


Main Article: Military of the Avalonian Republic

The Aesir 5283 AE

Historically speaking, Avalon's military has consisted of traditional formations of poorly protected but heavily armed infantry formations, led by a small contingent of elite troops or 'knights'. This structure persisted for the most part even through the Republican era, even though 'knights' no longer existed as a military or social class. The invention of the Arquebus furthered the tendency to rely on disposable troops. Mages were also heavily relied upon, given the magical tendencies of Avalonians as a civilization, but they were never fully incorporated into the military. Airships were utilized as well, but there no distinctive military doctrine or tactics were developed to take advantage of air-power.

By the time the modern Republic came around, this situation became unacceptable and untenable. Avalon's brief brush with the Necromancer Lords in the late 2100s essentially gutted the military. Out of a force of over 20,000 soldiers, only 4000 survived. An entire generation of young Avalonian men were wiped out leading to a brief population crisis. With new technology gained form the Necromatic War, the reorganized Army of the Republic focused instead on a small, but technologically advanced, well armed and well armored infantry force working in conjunction with the Avalonian Navy, the Guild of Mages and mechanized units.


Main Article: Economic Budget Records

The Avalonian economy is based on a combination of agricultural output, internal trade, and manufacturing. During the Pre-Imperial times, the economy mainly focused on Agriculture. As agricultural methods improved, more and more of the economy moved towards other professions, such as mining, medicine, scholastic study, teaching, etc.

Economic expansion continued during the Imperial Era when various Levistone and Adamantium mines were opened, bringing in large amounts of natural resources and raw material with which to power the economy. A small influx of trade further stimulated the economy. This expansion continued into the Republican Era, but was sharply curtailed during the the Isolationist Period. Wealth and the economy became stagnant, but population increased (albeit slightly). After 3,000 years of stagnation, the average Avalonian was poorer in 5200 AE than in 1864 AE. With the Eternal Blizzard abating and the government adopting more liberal social and economic policies, the age of the market has returned to Avalon.

Currently, Avalon's rich lands and natural resources provide the Republic with a wide variety of natural resources.

  • Seven Domain/Provinces produce more than 11 million milletons of Food, with over 1 million milleton in excess each season.
  • Three Adamantium Mines provide almost 750 thousand milletons of Adamantium for use in buildings, weapons and skyships.
  • Two Levistone Quarries provide more than 20 thousand tons of levistones.
  • 170 Books published and printed per season.
  • 2468 thousand Denarii collected in taxes per quarter.
  • 2125 million taps of Mana generated by the land per quarter.

Each season, 11.5 thousand new common Avalonians seek work, and 2 thousand high income individuals offer additional services. The average Avalonian earns between 5000 denarii and 7000 denarii per season. The bottom 25% earn, on average, 3,000 denarii. The richest 10% earn from 15,000 denarii up to more than 1,000,000 denarii.

Educational Institutions

Main Article: Major Educational Institutions of Avalon

College of Avalonian Magic in Avalon

Despite its relatively small size, the Avalonian Republic supports five major prestigious educational institutions as well as dozens of trade schools, small colleges, and other learning centers. Personal education costs in any of the five major institutions is partially subsidized by the government. Competition is stiff and admission standards are very strict, encouraging only the best students to apply.

Early childhood education is provided by system of schools maintained by the government and free of charge to the public. From these public schools, students who graduate may choose to pursue additional education. For those interested in Magic or magery in general, this usually leads to an application for admission to Augusta Incantational Academy or the College of Avalonian Magic. Those few who are interested in Natural Arts or even obscure Life Magic apply to the Bene Vitae School of Life. Young boys eager for adventure and glory often decide to apply to the Arcadian Officer's Academy in the hopes of joining the Avalonian Armed Forces. Finally, those with more general scholarly interests or wishing to become civil servants feed into the massive Avalon Republic National University.

Avalonian secondary education institutions are more than just centers of learning and knowledge. Throughout Avalonian history, universities have often spawned various political and social movements. Most of the advances made by Avalonians were born from the various labs and workshops in these hallowed halls. Some of the schools, namely the Bene Vitae School of Life and the two magic academies have been suspected of pursuing their own mysterious agendas.

Society and Culture

Dramatis Personae - Notable Individuals