Michael Ovid: Difference between revisions

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* Self-Improvement ?
* Scientific Experimentation ?
* Exploration ?
* Genesis ?

=Vital Statistics=
=Vital Statistics=

Revision as of 14:37, 8 July 2018


  • Codename: pardon?
  • Alias: pardon?
  • Allegiance: Independent
  • Concept: The Next Form of Life
  • Eruption: Threatening Situation



Vital Statistics

  • Quantum: 5
    • Quantum Pool: 30
    • Max Spent per Turn: 20
    • Stress Quantum: 5
  • Willpower: 5
  • Health:
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-1)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-2)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]: -0 (-4)
    • [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -5 (-10 (Incapacitated))
    • [ ] Dead
    • Heals at 14x speed, reduces healing times by 4 categories, see also Regeneration II MSta enhancement
  • Taint: 1
    • Temporary Taint: 0
    • Aberrations: 0


  • Initiative: d9
  • Dodge: d
  • Parry: d +[]
  • MAP Reduction:
  • Soak (Total): 2A/13L/22B
    • Natural Soak: 2A/13L/22B
    • Power Soak: 0A/0L/0B
    • Equipment/Other Soak: 0A/0L/0B




Strength 5 Potent
Dexterity 5 Vigorous
Stamina 5 Alive
Mega Stamina 6
Health: Subtract 6 from the potency of any poison, disease or similar bio/chemical intrusion.
I'll Be Back: +12 Incapacitated health levels. While Incapacitated and unable to act, halve all damage, rounded down, to a minimum of 1 health level.
Regeneration II: Instantly heal B/L damage at 1Q/level or A at 6Q/level to a max of 6/turn. Passively heal 14B/L/hour or 6A/day. Regrow missing organs in 5 days.
Robust II: + 2x duplicates of basic health levels.


Wits 4
Intelligence 4
Perception 4


Charisma 3
Manipulation 2
Appearance 5 A Beautiful Creature



Athletics 5 (Swimming 2)
Endurance 5 (Breath 1)
Might 3
Boat 3


Literature 1
Sculpture 2
Awareness 2
Medicine 2
Biology 5
Survival 1


Etiquette 1
Leadership 2
Rapport 2
Style 1

Merits and Flaws


Fame 1 (Divers &c)
Language 3 (English, French, Malay, Spanish)
Ally 1 (Juliet Eden, mediocre heptathlete, nova)
His diving lessons helped her relax and qualify for the Olympics in Rio. Unfortunately she failed to deliver and has been in a slump ever since. They had a fling last year; it didn't work out but they remain close.
Contacts 2 (Admiral Larue, Professor Ohms (tattoo artist and bodymod fetish blogger), Divers &c)


Augmentations and Aberrations


Long-Lived III (biologically immortal)
Encryption (+1 mind reading difficulty)
Ambidexterity (+1d multiple actions when dual wielding)
Improved Kinaesthesia (+[1] to all non-dodge Athletics rolls based on movement or precise positioning)
Environmental Adaption: Aquatic (gills, drink salt water)
Regenerator (healing times -1 category)
Biohazard Resistance II (+[1] to resist poisons/diseases, immune to potency <2 toxins)
Hard To Stop II (-2 wound penalties, incap levels are -10 levels)



Quantum Powers

Biomanipulation 5

  • Level 3

Form Manipulation

  • Pool d9 (man + power)
  • Touch
  • Grant or remove 4xp bodymods or raise or lower physical attribute by 1 per success. Difficulty is Willpower + 1. Resist with Stamina + Resistance.

Shapeshift 1

  • Level 3
  • Pool d6+[6]
  • Scene
  • [+Duration -Slow]
  • Gain up to 7 augmentations per use. 1 augmentation allows moving 2 physical dots or adding one physical dot.
  • Maximum increase of 3 dots.


  • Armour Implants IV (+4B/4L soak)
  • Reinforced Armour II (+2B/2L soak, -2 armour penalty)
  • Protected Vitals (soak lethal, -1 attacker success)
  • Net effects: +8B stamina soak, 6B/6L armour soak, -2 armour penalty, -1 success to successful attacks


  • Augmented Strength III
  • Superhuman Strength II
  • +2 Strength
  • Net effects: Strength 7(+[3])


  • Superhuman Appearance III
  • +3 Appearance
  • Enchanting Feature
  • Net effects: App 8+[1]




Spending Log


Elite Human

7/5/3 attributes
Str 3 Dex 3 Sta 4
Per 3 Int 3 Wit 3
Cha 3 Man 2 App 3
30 abilities
Might 3, Athletics 3 (Swimming 2), Pilot (Boat) 3, Endurance 3 (Holding Breath 1), Awareness 2, Academics (Literature) 1, Medicine 2, Science (Biology) 3, Art (Sculpture) 2, Survival 1, Style 1, Rapport 2, Etiquette 1, Leadership 2
7 merits
Fame 1 (Divers &c), Language 3 (French, Malay, Spanish), ??? 3
4 WP
2 influence

BP (0/15)

  • +1 Int, Cha, App (12)
  • +1 WP (2)
  • +1 Holding Breath (1)

Exemplar Nova

+1 physical
+6 attributes (athletics 2, endurance 2, science (biology) 2)
+1 influence
Quantum 3

NP (0/50)

  • +7 Attributes (+1 str, +1 sta, +1 per/int/wit, +2 app)
  • Quantum 5 (10)
  • Biomanipulation 5 (15)
    • Form Manipulation
  • Shapeshift 1 (3)
    • +Duration, -Slow
  • Mega-Stamina 6 (12)
    • Health
    • I'll Be Back
    • Regeneration II
    • Robust II
  • Augmentations 24xp (3)
    • Long-Lived III (3xp)
    • Encryption (2xp)
    • Ambidexterity (1xp)
    • Improved Kinaesthesia (4xp)
    • Environmental Adaption: Aquatic (4xp)
    • Regenerator (3xp)
    • Biohazard Resistance II (2xp)
    • Hard To Stop II (5xp)




Mundane Spending

Transhuman Spending
