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Although promotion upwards is fairly standard, Adhara often promotes soldiers with particularly high levels of competence and drive "sidewards" into more prestigious units. The prestige of being a member of the AEF or Manus Dei is such that there are inevitably more applicants than there are ever acceptances, with the rejection rate being anywhere from 30% for the AEF to over 75% for the Manus Dei.
Although promotion upwards is fairly standard, Adhara often promotes soldiers with particularly high levels of competence and drive "sidewards" into more prestigious units. The prestige of being a member of the AEF or Manus Dei is such that there are inevitably more applicants than there are ever acceptances, with the rejection rate being anywhere from 30% for the AEF to over 75% for the Manus Dei.
====The tenets of the Manus Dei====
*First tenet: Uphold your faith as a scholar peace and as a warrior in battle.<br>
*Second tenet: Uphold your duty to the Adharan peoples, no matter where this duty takes you or what it asks of you.<br>
*Third tenet: Show no mercy in battle but no hatred in peace. He who is fighting against you today merely misunderstands. He will come to learn in time.<br>
*Fourth tenet: Show no disrespect to those of lesser ability, brook no hatred towards the apostate. In time they will, too, learn by example.<br>
*Fifth tenet: Our brothers are most valued. Stop at nothing to get one back.<br>
*Sixth tenet: As one of the hands of god, you continue a lineage based on your name. Your body is a mere vessel for your heritage. Do not hesistate to sacrifice it if god wills that it be done.<br>
*Seventh tenet: Remember your comrades and their deeds. As long as one still remembers, the Manus Dei will never cease to be.<br>
*Eighth tenet: The enemy is not the true obstacle. Your doubt is.<br>
*Ninth tenet: Be swift, efficient, and precise. Waste no energy on atrocity or unnecessary action. Every move should be considered, every action consciously decided on. The pancreator did not bless you with a mind of silicon and crystal-matrix processors to waste it on actions that a beast could take.<br>
*Tenth tenet: As a champion of transhumanism, the Church of the Imminent Eschaton, and of the Adharan peoples, all eyes are on you. No matter the situation, act with discipline and precision.

=Old Version=
=Old Version=

Revision as of 18:16, 30 July 2009

Run by MJ12.

System Info
World Name: Messier
Map ID: White 25
Surface Gravity: 13.2 m/s2
Climate: Desert
Atmosphere: Nitrogen/Hydrogen/Methane/Carbon Monoxide, 81 kPa


30.4 million
Population Breakdown: >99.9% augmented
Capital: Chrysalis City
Type of Power: Independent Enclave
Domestic Support: 100%
Wealth: 230 + 300
Industry: 460 Domestic + 120 Fabricator
He3: 600 Deliveries - 300 Terraforming

Strategic Resources:

100 Delta Dust
54 Condensates
36 Hyperglions
36 Computronium
40 Monopoles

Sphere Second Edition

This is Adhara as of the current Sphere game.

National Overview

As Of August 2195

Genre: Blessed be you by the light of Blake (Religious Transhumans) :|

Head of State: 

Head of Government: (decide later)

Government: Dictatorship

History Paths

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. - Voltaire

A1) Longshot Mission (+Fabs)

Adhara was originally colonized by ideologues believing that equality could only be reached when everyone was made equal. This turned into a religious fervor in a fairly short span of years.

A2) Dominantly Transgene (++Transgene)

Given the religious pressure towards advancement and human enhancement that the early Adharans had, it was no surprise that they embraced modification. To worship their creator, they would create him, and his heavenly host, via augmentation and AI research.

A3) Hell World

They chose a world that was actively hostile to human existence, with conditions reminiscent of primordial Earth. It was their Eden.

A5) Adapt (Radical Morphological Change)

Humanity had become weak and broken with their sin, which made many think that Adhara was hell. They were wrong, of course. It was Eden.

B1) Transgene Migration (+Population, +Transgene)

Despite their status as a religious cult, the offer of free top of the line bioenhancement to anyone who emigrated was sufficient to bring many into the fold, and the technology used to enhance the men and women who arrived developed rapidly. And for a time, it was good.

C1) Military Action (+Military)

However, such could not last. One sect believed in the divinity of the posthumans and their constructions, including feral drones. Other sects disagreed. Disagreements on ideology soon spiraled into full blown warfare after a few drone raids.

C3) Training Ground Religious Warfare (+Doctrines)

Warfare between religious sects threatened the integrity of the Adharan project.

Chaotic) My Little Lacus Cyber-Ghandi (+Transgene, -Military)

One brave preacher-cyberneticist came to the front, his words of peace immortalized in the Book of Blake.

D1) Isolated (+Stockpiles)

All this, of course, went unnoticed by the vast majority of the galaxy, as the Breakdown occurred near-simultaneously.

D2) Go Weird (++Transgene)

In that time, Adharans, united again, started further development of their bodies and minds, turning them into the most capable transhumans in known space.

E1) Sign the PACT (+Aerospace Technology, +ECM Technology, +Pulse Technology, +Carrier Technology, +Wealth, -Theta)

As Adhara was a notorious hive for feral drones after the reconnect, a PACT peacekeeping mission was sent in to reduce the likelihood of feral drone raids on nearby colonies, crushing its nascent government and installing a dictatorship.

H1) Transhumanize! (+Transgene, +CIP, +tech, -morale)

But even still, science and religion marched on in Adhara, hand in hand.

H2) Arms Production Center (+PIP, +RP, +weapon tech)

But now the science, instead of being focused on tools to bring man closer to godhood, became focused on ways to fight their fellow man.

H3) Area 52 (++Doctrines, ++Tech)

Its advanced technical base, hostile environment, and heavily enhanced population made Adhara an excellent place to test doctrines, advanced technology, and put a hostile environment survival school.

Total Path Bonuses: Radical Morphological Change, +Fabs, +++++++Transgene, +Population, +Stockpiles, +PIP, +CIP, +Wealth, +RP, +++Doctrines, +Weapons Tech, +++Technology, -Morale, -Theta

Faction Bonuses: +Aerospace Technology, +ECM Technology, +Pulse Technology, +Carrier Technology


The 21st century Brazilian debacle was one of the many obstacles that transhuman technologies had during their adoption. The discreditation of mental enhancment technologies was a harsh hit to the Church of the Imminent Eschaton, which was a rapidly-spreading religious view that mixed concepts from sources such as Christianity, Hinduism, and quantum physics. The major tenets of said religion, that God had made man in His image to create himself in the future, a perfect loop of reincarnation and divinity, and that the method to get closer to God, to worship Him, was by heavily enhancing oneself in body and mind, made it anathema in the backlashes against human enhancement, both mental and physical, that occurred. The founder and his flock left, eight thousand strong, finding a world to colonize. The loss was palpable, as many of the worshippers of the Church of the Imminent Eschaton were brilliant or at least dedicated scientists and engineers, specializing in human enhancement.

Ironically or perhaps by fate, the proto-Adharans had generally used mechanical or nanotechnological methods instead of the Brazilian retroviruses for cognitive enhancement, replacing chunks of skull with solid-state machine. Thus, they avoided most of the problems of said enhancement.

The world they chose was Messier, in the Adhara star system, with conditions extremely similar to primordial Earth. Perhaps in a few hundred million years, life would evolve in its organic-rich seas and its harsh rocky continents. The symbolism of having a true Garden of Eden, a world like that which developed humanity, instead of the false gardens that others sought, was combined with pragmatism-by ensuring that only the heavily enhanced could survive the environs without severe technological aid, it ensured that they would be left alone for the most part.

The colonists set forth rebuilding themselves and building a society, one where the circumstances of your birth were unimportant, as enhancement was offered freely, to save one's soul. Adharan evangelist-cyberneticists traveled far and wide, spreading the word, to a range of responses ranging from interest to open hostility-but there were those, the poor, the sick, the ones who saw a method to improve their lot in life-and so they went and were enhanced. Most of them converted, whether out of indoctrination or out of gratitude. Some did not, and came back with their augmentation. Sometimes nations sought to deal with Adhara, sending converts and money and supplies in exchange for blueprints. The touch of Adharan design, whether purchased outright or reverse-engineered, can be seen in most of the cybernetic and some of the genetic augmentation in the human sphere, even today. It seemed like despite their fundamentalist roots and their belief, they were on their way to building a true Eden, one where all that mattered was your ethics and drive.

Near the Breakdown, though, a demagogue interrupted this process of self-improvement. Karin Shiva and her doctrine that the posthumans were living gods, or at least angels, became popular over the years, and with the Breakdown, the religious schism spiraled into full-blown warfare. Machinery and technologies were repurposed to the art of war, and Adhara had not evolved so far away from human normality that they had lost their taste for it. The arms race that resulted brought theoretical advancements in human augmentation, as well as weapons and armor technology, into practical use, and the directed evolution of the Adharan augmentation suite catapulted them into, essentially, the most augmented transgenics in the human Sphere.

Eventually, one man, Gregor Blake, came to the forefront. A famous and skilled deacon-cyberneticist, he could take no more of seeing his children maimed by weapons of war, and spoke out. His own personal charisma and sayings brought peace, if an uneasy one, and immortalized his words in the Book of Blake. However, the doctrine of posthuman divinity became more and more accepted as time went on, eventually leading to Adhara becoming infamous for trading or at least not interfering with posthuman-derived feral drones. After the Reconnect and before the start of the ZOCU war, such incidences became so bad that the USASF assisted a pro-US and anti-drone faction of the CoIE in a coup, backing their dogma with a carrier battlegroup and divisions of US Marines. Today, Adhara still feels the the US presence, in the form of the Howard F. Magnus Marine Survival School, a significant USASF presence nearby, and a small but still prominent undercurrent of bitterness and pro-independence sentiment.

The ZOCU conflict did not do much to affect Adhara's stance, either pro- or anti-PACT, its government still grateful to the US deposing those who followed the doctrine of posthuman divinity, the people generally ambivalent or slightly displeased. Although flareups in insurgency operations and terrorism occurred as the Marine presence was lightened due to need, in general the withdrawal of peacekeeping forces did much to prevent Adhara from breaking away and going independent or outright joining ZOCU. Adharan ground forces are somewhat infamous for having fought on both sides, a significant amount of heretical Eschatonics defecting outright to ZOCU, while Adharan combat cyborgs fought on the side of the PACT. The few Adharan on Adharan conflicts in the ZOCU war were the most brutal ground conflicts in existence, as neither side expected or provided mercy to the other. No prisoners were taken, no surrenders were offered or accepted-the only acceptable outcome in either case was the elimination or routing of the enemy.

Postwar, the Adharan defectors as well as many who believed completely in posthuman divinity have been slowly trickling to ZOCU or Independent worlds which do not mind their dogma as long as they back it up with skill in warfare or bioengineering.

The Adharan

Homo Sapiens Adharae autopsy report


Adharan society is based off of one tenet-equality. Equality in ability as well as equality in opportunity. Adharan education, medical care, and augmentation are all subsidized, with privatized or semi-privatized education, healthcare, or mods being a high crime. Inheritance and wills are illegal, with any property at the time of death (save a very small allowance for heirlooms, slightly larger if the heirlooms are inherently without utility such as jewelry or the like) returning to the state. They have not been able to eliminate the "old boy's club" entirely, as the rich still have connections, but they have been able to curtail it somewhat with social stigma-many Adharans refuse such help due to said.

Although nominally secular worshippers of the Church of the Imminent Eschaton are still favored, especially in occupations where augmentations are routinely upgraded or replaced such as military or high-risk construction fields. This is most visible in the field of human augmentation, where someone without a divinity degree is unlikely to be accepted into a prestigious program (and is not very likely to be accepted into any program)-although not an explicit policy this is a heavy societal norm.


The Adharan military has three arms with nominally separate chains of command, although in practice someone is expected to defer to someone of equal rank in a higher-prestige unit. These arms are generally separated by quality of training, harshness of selection, and miscellaneous requirements, with all personnel starting in the Adharan Colonial Defense Forces, issued basic equipment and given basic training. ACDF personnel are expected to defend Adhara from foreign invasion and assist in civil affairs.

ACDF personnel who perform particularly well in practice are allowed to attempt to apply to the Adharan Expeditionary Forces, the arm generally deployed to quell external threats whenever PACT requests assistance from its member-states in a peacekeeping action or the like. ACDF personnel are generally heavily enhanced with cyberware and given training roughly equivalent to a ranger or parachute battalion in the PACT or EU. Although cross-training with the USMC is common there are often minor issues with conflicting egos between the two sides. Furthermore, some have criticized the AEF for their particularly large egos as well as the common condescension they show towards baselines (whereas the ACDF are generally friendly and the MD are generally indifferent).

The Manus Dei, the Hands of God, are the most elite arm of the Adharan military, and the most selective. The basic requirements to attempt to join are at least 2 years' service in the AEF, a divinity degree, and an Atherholt Trauma Function score of 88 or above. Manus Dei generally serve as special forces, although they are technically a fully independent (if small) military with their own naval, armor, and aerospace arm as well. Although there are still noncombat occupations in the Manus Dei, all members are expected to be at least capable of functioning as elite light infantry if necessary no matter if they are chaplains, intelligence analysts, naval crew, or pilots. For this reason the Manus Dei training regimen is extremely tight packed, pushing even Adharan augmentation to the limits as personnel get a minimum of respite, sometimes training for more than 20 hours a day for weeks on end.

Although promotion upwards is fairly standard, Adhara often promotes soldiers with particularly high levels of competence and drive "sidewards" into more prestigious units. The prestige of being a member of the AEF or Manus Dei is such that there are inevitably more applicants than there are ever acceptances, with the rejection rate being anywhere from 30% for the AEF to over 75% for the Manus Dei.

The tenets of the Manus Dei

  • First tenet: Uphold your faith as a scholar peace and as a warrior in battle.
  • Second tenet: Uphold your duty to the Adharan peoples, no matter where this duty takes you or what it asks of you.
  • Third tenet: Show no mercy in battle but no hatred in peace. He who is fighting against you today merely misunderstands. He will come to learn in time.
  • Fourth tenet: Show no disrespect to those of lesser ability, brook no hatred towards the apostate. In time they will, too, learn by example.
  • Fifth tenet: Our brothers are most valued. Stop at nothing to get one back.
  • Sixth tenet: As one of the hands of god, you continue a lineage based on your name. Your body is a mere vessel for your heritage. Do not hesistate to sacrifice it if god wills that it be done.
  • Seventh tenet: Remember your comrades and their deeds. As long as one still remembers, the Manus Dei will never cease to be.
  • Eighth tenet: The enemy is not the true obstacle. Your doubt is.
  • Ninth tenet: Be swift, efficient, and precise. Waste no energy on atrocity or unnecessary action. Every move should be considered, every action consciously decided on. The pancreator did not bless you with a mind of silicon and crystal-matrix processors to waste it on actions that a beast could take.
  • Tenth tenet: As a champion of transhumanism, the Church of the Imminent Eschaton, and of the Adharan peoples, all eyes are on you. No matter the situation, act with discipline and precision.

Old Version

Below is the original (first Sphere) background information and statistics for Adhara.



  • Pac-Am: Allied
  • ESA: Neutral
  • EU: Neutral
  • Sino-Russian Arm: Neutral
  • Rim Powers: Neutral
  • ZOCU: Cold


Medium Shipyards (Free)
Mecha Factories (10 SP)
Impractical Engineering (20 SP): Although the incredible machines built by these processes are inefficient, the low population of Adhara makes any qualitative advantage necessary to offset their quantitative disadvantage.
Covert Operations (10 SP): Special Warfare's restructuring, combined with the ability of Adharan augmentation and genetic engineering techniques to turn anyone into a supersoldier, has allowed them to massively expand the ranks of Adhara's covert operations unit by finding and recruiting ex-special forces too old to work in the field and who miss the most dangerous game of all.
People's War (10 SP): Adharans are born and bred for hostile environment survival. Combined with their networking expertise and common use of flash-implanted skills, makes them incredibly deadly soldiers on the ground or in the air.
Obermensch (15 SP): An Adharan is massively augmented, with redundant genetic code, backup organs, skin designed to survive impacts from sandstorms or micrometeoroids, radiation repair systems, optimized muscle, and carbon-fiber laced bone. Although few of these modifications were specifically intended to make better soldiers, an Adharan body is an excellent frame for a soldier, superior to almost any transgene in the Sphere. Further improvements made to the military bodies make them even more capable
Compuphile (15 SP): Mentally, an Adharan is modified with massive cognitive augmentation-cognitive backup, wireless interfacing, and all the savant abilities that most transgenes expect, interfaced with circuitry where it could do the job better. The knowledge needed to create the external systems that enhance a mind can easily be applied to creating autonomous drones as well, and is.
Extreme Transhumans (10 SP): An Adharan can survive in some of the most hostile environments known to man unaided due to how they were designed and built. The only disadvantage of these augmentations, if one could call it that, is an inhuman appearance and the inability to reproduce without external assistance-and even then, that is being worked on. Advanced medical techniques and repair nanotech, after all, could theoretically be applied to creating a full, if immature, Adharan in a womb.
Cyberize (10 SP): Where the flesh cannot be further enhanced, one works using metal and plastic. Adharans already are cybernetically modified to coincide and complement their genetic augmentation, and their augmentations are works of art, fusing the cutting edge of exotic biotechnology and advanced cybernetic augmentation into a cohesive, beautiful whole.
Bioroids (15 SP): Adharan reproduction is done by artificial construction of bodies in gestation tanks, rather than via the act of sexual intercourse, thus giving Adhara the capability to mass produce bioroids.
Advanced Technology (75 SP): The Collective has stepped closer and closer to the edge of singularity than many other powers have, and their technological base has been very thankful for it. Cognitive enhancement technologies have begotten generations of genius researchers.
Deep Core Mining (15 SP): Adhara is, although hostile, incredibly rich in strategically useful resources. The white dwarf in the binary star system is an excellent source of exotic matter usable in computer systems and also a different form usable for reactionless drives.
External Modules (7 SP): We can work in every situation you do... and we fight in 'em all, better than you! (5 basic ones + external close combat systems + external extended range).
Crossing the Line: USA (Free): Although Adhara is no longer using much of the original research, the DARPA cognitive-enhancement and soldier-enhancement systems researched in the 2020s and 2030s were a critical stepping-stone to the technologies needed to create the bodies Adharans use today-in fact, several Adharan genetic sequences carry DARPA "legacy code" in them, more than a century old but still recognizable as their work. This idealized view of history, as well as their need for (relatively) undisturbed work, has led them to seek closer ties to the US. Out of national interest, the US and Japan have responded in kind.


Access To Information Act (+10 SP): Given the networking and lack of respect for privacy of any sort that the Adhara Collective has, it is impossible to keep anything truly secret here.
Active Terraforming (+15 SP): A very significant portion of Adhara's helium-3 supply is being fed into the posthuman automated terraforming systems that have rendered Adhara semi-livable. If this was to be cut off, it would be a matter of weeks, months at most, before the planet regressed to a state where even the highly augmented Adharans would be incapable of living on it.
Active Terraforming (+15 SP): 173 He3/month used
Untrust Funds (+20 SP): The Adharan collective is, by default, unequipped to generate a flow of wealth or expand businesses-it is more akin to an insect hive than a society. Although there is still some degree of credit flow, the communistic nature of the Collective greatly hampers normal economic growth.
Environmental Trainwreck (+10 SP): The planet they live on has average temperatures in the 50 degree celcius range at daytime, no naturally occuring water whatsoever, a very oxygen-poor atmosphere, gravity 20% higher than Earth's norm... and this is after a century of work. A baseline will require protection against sandstorms and the sharp silicon-grasses, as well as an oxygen mask, to survive in the wild. Most of the helium expenditure goes to keeping the environment stable, not actually terraforming it.
Airless Rock (+10): To be blunt it doesn't have much of an atmosphere period.


"Messier was a chrysalis for a new form of life, created from the caterpillar of the human genetic code, cocooned in the clouds of a dead world."
-Jonas VanVechtin, The New Breed, Chapter 12.


The Adharan collective are descended from two disparate groups: Extreme transhumans who wanted to show precisely what they were capable of, and then the refugees who thought any place, no matter how horrible, would be better than staying on Earth, taggers-along who accepted the ideals out of pure pragmatism. They asked for the most hostile planet the posthumans could provide, to show what they were capable of. They were given it. And the process of enhancing themselves to survive it went on. Decades were spent on orbital stations, slowly creating and refining the technologies necessary. They were to be able to survive on any world, a grand experiment of transhuman technologies, the most extreme expression of such.

It took decades for this transformation to take place. Whereas other colonies built up their infrastructure over the slow period of decades, Adhara was busy creating the infrastructure for new creation, preparing all of its citizens for a new existence. There were few disagreements, because few knew of the true scope of this project. Even most of the researchers knew little about how deep the changes truly went. For how would one create a new lifeform... and curse it with the frailties of the human mind and form? In 2120, when the Core made contact again with Adhara, they were prepared to see something akin to all the other transgene or cyborg-populated planets, despite the statements made before. They were shocked at the collective, at how changed it was. On a planet which nobody wanted, which nobody cared for, they had bought themselves the decades needed to create new life in earnest.

Adhara seemed like a dead ringer for joining ZOCU-except that it was never oppressed, if only by pragmatism. No sane baseline would go anywhere near it unless they had to, and Adhara had little of worth. Although it was a resource-rich system, the Adharans themselves were perfectly willing to sell equipment to fund their expansion of both their research and industrial power. Their modifications were already proving to be critically useful in this situation, allowing surprising speed of expansion, and the knowledge gained from their enhancement and research processes could be applied to military applications very well. However, they had sacrificed military expansion, and with the potential threat of being caught in the middle of both sides, they functionally threw their lot in with the Core during 2187. This made them very few friends, but without ever having been defeated or occupied, they were free to improve themselves.

Currently, the Adharans are one of the founding members of the Progressive Transhuman Coalition, for obvious reasons. They are, strangely enough, at least in part the voice of moderation, due to their semi-close association with the Core in the ZOCU-Core war. Their policies and actions are mostly political. Although the Adharans deny any use of military force to assist the PTC and its goals, there have been some evidence of Special Warfare Arm interventions in anti-transhuman Rim Worlds and against the terrorist group December 23. This evidence tends to be limited enough and spotty enough, though, that the Adharans have never acknowledged one of these operations, and so far most nations have found it quite convenient to ignore these "interventions", never investigating them in earnest.


Adhara, being a networked groupmind, generally tends to have few subjects there is critical disagreement on. The last subject there was significant internal disagreement on was the 2187 ZOCU-Core war, where a significant minority of the population supported throwing their lot in with ZOCU. This minority has shrunken and gotten significantly quieter as the years have gone by, though, at least in part because of ZOCU coming off as the losers of the war.

Adhara's current close ties to the United States are partially because of historical respect. DARPA's work on soldier systems in the 2020s and 2030s was instrumental in creating the framework which the Adharans further built on. This work is looked back upon as some of the first steps on the road to Adhara. Although not worshipped, the successors of that mantle are certainly looked upon warmly. Also, appeasing the Core gives them more time. If war does not break out, it will not matter, and if war does break out, certainly being closer to the Core should give them more of a chance to survive the ensuing melee.

Furthermore, Adharans believe that humanity will inevitability become transhuman, and it matters little if it happens a decade or a century or a millenium from now, as long as the ideal lives. And the genie is already out of the bottle. It is already too late to put it back in.

Dramatis Personae

Command Staff

Lieutenant General (ret.) Rachel Ajay, ex-head of DARPA AugCog "Networked Intellect" project: Primary Leading Personality, Adharan Collective military

Major (ret.) David Shaw, AugCog test subject (combat awareness): Administrator, Adharan Special Warfare

Mohammed Farouk, ex-World Transhumanist Association: Primary Leading Personality, Adharan Foreign Affairs


Stevan Ibrahim: Alpha, "Zombie" Combat Unit

Aida Prier: Alpha, "Poltergeist" Unit One

Alexis: Adharan Negator

Cunningham: Adharan Pilotform

Rogue Operators

Mikhail Andropov: Alpha, "Wraith" Combat Unit

Anja: XO, "Wraith" team one

Ryan Middleton: Alpha, "Phantom" Test Unit

Common Adharan Terms

Special Warfare Designations

Due to all Special Warfare agents having had their connection to the main Adharan network severed willingly (the closest equivalent of the loss, for most augments or baselines, is committing suicide), all Special Warfare agents are given codenames that reflect their view of themselves as no longer truly living, but yet not truly dead, taken from the names of the undead.

Banshee: Banshees are naval operatives. The first Banshee bodies were introduced in late 2194 with the Black Ops couriers, and more will come online as Special Warfare expands its navy.

Einherjar: Einherjar are heavy combat operatives not primarily trained and equipped for covert missions. However, their heavily reinforced, inhuman bodies give them great staying power at far lower cost than the equivalent infiltration-capable ones.

Lich: Liches are electronic warfare specialists-hackers, signals, communications, and other electronics support. Liches generally stay at Kether Rock and give support via hyperwave, although there are field electronics agents.

Phantom: Special Warfare pilots fall under this category. This includes both shuttle, support craft, and combat pilots.

Poltergeists: Poltergeists are combat-capable infiltrators equipped for various roles. Jack of all trades units, they are not yet deployed but will make up the majority of the special operations units Adhara can deploy.

Spectre: Spies and other non-combat infiltrators, including special operations support teams are codenamed Spectres.

Wraith: Wraiths are combat-capable infiltrators, primarily equipped for light combat and reconnaissance instead of heavy assault. Refits are increasing their ability to survive heavy combat, but their primary role is still intel-gathering and black ops missions where stealth is more vital.

Vampire: Vampires are psychological warfare operatives. Vampires, like Liches, rarely are found in the field, preferring to stay at base and assist with operations planning.

Zombie: Zombies are assault operatives who have the body types and skillset needed for covert operations as well as combat.

Weapons Technologies

Assault Cannons: Heavy support weapons, assault cannons are large-caliber heavy railguns that are simply too heavy and have too much recoil to be wielded by even most augments. Adharan military, with their heavily engineered physiognomies and superhuman attributes, use these heavy, lethal, and very much not subtle implements of destruction as heavy support weapons.

Catalyst Rifle: A multipurpose rifle using a combination of a particle beam (for shield overloading) and railgun (to launch the catalytic agent) to eliminate targets. Catalyst rifle chemical agents tend towards the multi-role, using high-powered tailored acids and enzymes to liquefy organic and inorganic substances alike. Source of a minor controversy because of the potential for human rights violations.

ELF: Electron Flux Whips are standard melee weapons on Adharan Orbital Frames, with longer range than the more conventional vibroblades or beam sabers used. However, their chaotic movement and lowered striking power mean that only a skilled pilot can take advantage of its range and erratic beam to win victories over an enemy.

Hyperedge blades: Unlike the powered "vibro" or "beam" melee weapons that many powers use, Adhara prefers backup weapons that are not rendered useless by running out of power. Made of advanced composites and reinforced with B-Titanium fibers, these hyperdense, nigh-unbreakable blades cost as much as vibroweapons but when wielded by the heavily augmented have nearly as much punch. Variations of these include hyperedge claws, which are commonly fitted to Adharan mobile suits and Orbital Frames, and equipped with pinpoint barrier fields to allow parrying of powered energy weapons. Special Warfare variants are often also vibroblades, or include a self-replenishing toxin coat and a magnetic accelerator in the hilt, allowing the blade to be turned into a projectile.

Mag Rail: The common Adharan infantry arm, Mag Rails are high-powered particle beams with short-duration pulse, long-duration pulse, and continuous beam settings, as well as having "smart" functionality and multiple attachment points for accessories. Common accessories include a gyroc launcher, breaching shotguns, hyperedge bayonets, as well as sensor systems. Like many Adharan weapons, they are secured by both wireless, fiberoptic, and skin-link connections, without which they will refuse to fire. Designated Marksman, LMG, and SMG variants of the Mag Rail exist, and heavier weapons are often found on Adharan mobile suits.

TS-EM: Tight Stream Electromagnetic weapons are powerful weapons which are primarily capable of disabling electronics, including the electronic firing systems of most rifles, even shielded cybernetics, and power armor electronics. As the level of power necessary for this is extreme, TS-EM weapons are capable of causing fatal burns to human beings at most ranges, unlike most anti-electronic weapons. Their extreme power requires high-efficiency superconductors, so TS-EM weapons will either have to be liquid-cooled or work via rhenium coils for the forseeable future until materials science advances further. Like Mag rails, they have multiple attachment points and smart functionality, the weapons themselves integrating a very limited tactical AI that helps with target identification and analysis.

Wave Cannon: Continuous-beam particle weapons, Wave Cannon are a common armament for Adharan naval vessels, Mobile Armors, and Orbital Frames.

Strategic Resources

Strategic Resource Stockpile

  • B-Titanium: 129
  • Computronium: 66
  • Condensates: 28
  • Delta Dust: 100
  • Hepatizon: 56
  • Hyperglions: 68
  • Iotimiline: 90
  • Lotus: 0
  • Metamaterials: 118
  • Monopoles: 286
  • Neo-Telomerase: 0
  • Protoplasma: 0
  • Rhenium: 112
  • Sakuradite: 300
  • Xenomorphs: 20

Level 2 and 3 Strategic Resource Stockpile

  • Drexlers: 107
  • Insidium: 10
  • Red Mercury: 2
  • Stable Monopoles: 175
  • Theta Dust: 30



"They (the Adharans) are not masters of the art of war. They have not learned the lessons of modern warfare firsthand, and they have had little of the esprit de corps that is only created with time. Nevertheless, sheer physical superiority, excellent networking and command protocols, and a willingness to abandon the human form for performance increases more than compensates for any inadequacies, real or imagined, in their combat experience."
-The New Breed, excerpt of an interview of Brigadier Gen. (ret) Alexander Wong

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
-Where there is unity, there is victory. (Adharan Combat Arms Motto)

Air Dominance 4
Little more than overpowered cardiovascular systems designed to fuel augmented brains and nervous systems, hooked into nutrient feeds and neural interfaces, Adharan pilotforms are not trained with the benefits of frontline experience, nor is Adharan doctrine particularly advanced. What they are is, by far, the fastest reacting pilots, with the highest G-tolerances and the finest control of their craft. Although freakishly inhuman, little more than ovoid blobs of flesh and cybernetic implants, what does one care of a knife's aesthetics, as long as it can kill well?

Combined Arms 4
Adharan bodies were never originally designed as soldiers. However, given the sheer amount of military-derived bioware and cyberware in them, the speciated Negator variant is one of the deadliest soldiers in the human Sphere. Despite lacking combat experience and the amazing doctrine that several nations rely on, the sheer physical and mental superiority of Adharan soldiers, as well as the flexibility inherent in the Adharan command net, is often enough to carry Adharan battleplans. SIGINT 2: A networked power with advanced parallel processing abilities, Adhara needs no experience in signals intelligence when they can just brute force most cyphers in the same time or less it takes trained analysts to break them with subterfuge.

A networked power with advanced parallel processing abilities, Adhara needs no experience in signals intelligence when they can just brute force most cyphers in the same time or less it takes trained analysts to break them with subterfuge.

"It has always been said that the most dangerous assassin is one prepared to give his life for a cause, who will fire the killing shot fully knowing that they will not survive. Fortunately, such people are, and have always been, few and far between. But what when you can and do create a unit made solely of soldiers who believe themselves already dead?"
-The New Breed, excerpt of an interview of Brigadier Gen. (ret) Alexander Wong

mors vincit omnia
-Death conquers all. (Adharan Special Warfare Motto)

Secret Missions 2
Adharan Special Warfare is the only Adharan combat arm with true combat experience, and a fair amount of it, in many situations and environs. Combined with Adharan expertise in engineering both minds and bodies to a situation, and general Adharan physical superiority to foes, this has created an incredibly deadly, lean special operations apparatus.

Espionage 1
In theory, Adharan covert ops should be very easy to locate due to various factors. In practice, this doesn't work out quite as neatly as people expect. Do not expect an Adharan agent to stand out like other Adharans does, whether they work in software or wetware. Expect them to be invisible, whether they are eyes or hidden daggers.

Adharan Special Warfare

The Black Operations units of the Collective are modified for the ability to withstand prolonged periods of loss of communication with others, making them, as a rule, generally incredibly abnormal as far as the collective's military forces go. Most of them are borderline sociopathic, psychologically and physiologically modified to deal with being alone after decades of constant communication with others.

Total Upkeep: 1 Supply

Special Warfare Combat Teams

1 Wraith Special Combat Unit (Experimental Special Operation Force)
Adharan Special Warfare teams sometimes need their own soldiers. Wraiths are those soldiers. Wraiths are intended for silent operations, where firepower and armor are less useful than stealth, but they can hold their own in a fight.
Unit Cost: 260 IP, 10 Red Mercury, 10 Insidium, 10 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Infiltration
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Insidium Dermal Armor
+1 Red Mercury Shock Rifles
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) Delta Dust Ocular Sensors
+1 (slotfree) Hyperglion Artificial Neural System
+1 (slotfree) Loyalty Conditioning
+1 (slotfree) Urban Warfare Training
+1 (slotfree) Systems Integration
+0 (slotfree) Vacuum Operations Adaptations
Modified due to the revised mission profiles special warfare has been dealing with, and the relative reduction of combat-light "greenside" operations, the Wraith teams have been modified with far heavier weapons and better armor. Although still capable of quiet infiltration, they are now more than equipped for a fight.

1 Zombie Special Combat Unit (Experimental Special Operation Force)
Zombies are modified Wraith units, designed for open combat. Extremely heavily enhanced, equipped with advanced armor and shielding, and loaded with advanced technology, they are incredibly expensive but also immensely deadly.
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 10 pts Hyperglions, 10 pts Sakuradite, 10 pts Protoplasma
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
+1 Spatial Displacers (Teleporters): 10 Theta Dust/force
+1 Penetrator Mag Rails (Weapons): 10 sakuradite/force
+1 Regenerative Armor (Armor): 10 protoplasma/force
+1 Personal Point Defense/Shielding (Active Defenses): 10 Hepatizon/force
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 10 pts hyperglions/force
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Training
+3 (slotfree) Systems Integration
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation

2 Poltergeist Special Warfare Teams (Special Forces)
Unit Cost: 110 IP, 10 B-Titanium, 10 Rhenium, 10 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Infiltration Cosmetic Modifications
+1 Enhanced TSEM (Tight Stream Electromagnetic) Weapons (Rhenium Weapons)
+1 Semi-Powered Assault Suits (B-Titanium Armor)
+2 (1 slotfree) R-Grade Cybernetic Reconstruction
+1 (slotfree) Neural Augmentation Web (Hyperglion ACE system)
+1 (slotfree) Loyalty Conditioning
+1 (slotfree) Urban Warfare Specialized
+1 (slotfree) System Integration
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation
A combination of the Wraith and Zombie concepts, the Poltergeist is a generalist special forces team which can work well in a combat-heavy or a combat-light situation. Although not loaded down with proof-of-concept technology like the other Special Warfare teams, Poltergeists are nevertheless extremely well equipped. Most notably, Poltergeists were indoctrinated using more advanced techniques, rendering them far more stable than the former teams.

Special Warfare Intelligence Units

4 Network Guardians (Spies)
Unit Cost: 30 WU
+1 Counterespionage

8 Spy Rings
Unit Cost: 20 WU

3 Wet Works Spy Networks
Unit Cost: 50 WU
+1 infiltration
+1 espionage
+1 exfiltration

1 Advanced Wet Works Spy Network
Unit Cost: 60 WU
+1 infiltration
+2 espionage
+1 exfiltration

Adharan Collective Military Arm

Ground Combat Arm

Adharan infantry, similar to its special warfare arm, are generally top-notch in quality and capability. However, due to the need for numbers, expendable drones are often fielded autonomously in networked battalions, as they can be used in high-risk operations without any need for loss of Adharan or allied life. Psychological monitoring and a bit of mental modification allow the normally highly empathic Adharans to take life without going insane, although none of this is taken remotely as far as the psychological warping of "old" Special Warfare agents.

Total Upkeep: 27.5 Supply

1 Scuta Elite Infantry Battalion
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 20 B-Titanium, 10 Xenomorphs
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
+1 B-Titanium Dermal Armor
+1 B-Titanium Battle Claws (Melee)
+1 "What was that- AIEEEE!" (Fast Tracking)
+1 Skitter Skitter SKREE! (Mobility)
+1 (slot free) Xenoborgs (Cybernetics)
+1 (slot free) "They're coming outta the walls!" (Urban Combat Adapted)
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation
+0 Xenomorphs

5 Negator Elite Infantry Batallions
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 10 B-Titanium, 10 Sakuradite
Unit upkeep: 1 supply
Elite Adharan soldiers deployed for frontline combat, Negators are well equipped for high-intensity warfare. Normally, they would be deployed with Renouncers as support.
+1 Hybrid Armor Mesh (Armor): 5 B-Titanium/unit
+1 Penetrator Mag Rails (Weapons): 5 Sakuradite/unit
+1 Personal Point Defense (Active Defenses)
+1 (slotfree) Urban Combat Training
+2 (slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) Swarmbot Drones
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation

10 J-Spec Nexus System (Adharan Refit) Elite Infantry Battalions
Unit Cost: 25 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply
+1 Infantry Protection System
+1 Advanced Individual Munitions System
+1 Tactical Awareness System
+1 Adaptive Camouflage System
-1 High Upkeep
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation
Base Purchase price: 30 Wealth

46 Renouncer Military Spiderdrone Swarms (Foot Infantry)
Unit Cost: 10 IP, 2 Computronium
Unit upkeep: 0.5 supply
Designed to provide a (relatively) inexpensive counter to other powers' infantry, the spiderdrones are inexpensive and expendable, and their light weaponry is effective enough.
+1 (slotfree) Full AI Control: 1 Computronium/unit
+1 CARLAM Armor Mesh (Armor)
+1 Light Mag Rails (Weapons)
+0 Vacuum Operations Adaptation

2 M-772B Pack Howitzers
Unit Cost: 15 IP
Unit Upkeep: 3 Supply
+2 Compact
+1 Smart Warheads
-1 Mobility (Manpacked)
-1 Armor (Gunshield only)
An update of a Pac-Am classic, the M-772B is now being license-built by Adharan factories. Capable of being carried and deployed by an infantry unit, these howitzers allow an infantry unit portable fire support.

Tactical Aerospace Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 28 Supply, 40 He3

The Tactical Aerospace arm of the military is bare-bones, as the prevailing military doctrine uses mobile suits and orbital frames for almost all combat roles. Recently, several acquisitions have been made of more dedicated weaponry.

4 Apis Multirole UCAV flights
Designed for multirole defensive use, the Apis UAV is a fairly expensive drone aircraft, intended to counteract stealth aerospace units and reconnaisance with a combination of advanced sensors and jamming.
Unit Cost: 10 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 supply, 1 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit
+1 Boosters
+1 Weapons
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM)
+1 Sentinel Active Probe (Sensors)
-1 High Profile

4 F-87 Hellcat Fighters
Unit Cost: 32 IP
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
Requires 4 DP/unit
+1 Agility
+1 Fusion Microthrusters

2 R/AV-25 Hopi Gunship Flights
Unit Cost: 30 IP, 5 Metamaterials, 5 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 2 He3
Requires 4 DP/unit
+1 Metamaterial Electronic Conceal System
+1 Smart Missiles
+1 Sensors
+1 Low-Observability Condensate Drive

Multirole Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 284 Supply, 592 He3, 21 Monopoles

The multirole combat arm consists of mobile suits and frames, which are capable of operation in virtually any environment. Designed for versatility, the original project to build these, Project Shanameh, succeeded admirably, although the end result was highly expensive. Most Adharan mecha forces are extremely high quality but low in quantity, although less-expensive mobile suits are employed to shore up these number woes.

1 Farangis-II Orbital Frame
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 15 Monopoles/yr
Unit Cost: 180 IP, 15 Theta Dust, 15 B-Titanium, 15 Hepatizon, 15 Hyperglions, 30 Sakuradite
DP: 4
+1 Zero Shift System
+1 B-Titanium Composite Armor
+1 Hepatizon Dispersion Fields
+1 Sakuradite Beam Rifle
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 15 Hyperglions
+1 Monopole XXL Fusion Engine
+3 Systems Integration

5 Afrasiab-III Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 105 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
Requires 4 DP/Unit
Mass Production variants of the Afrasiab are somewhat less capable but also much less expensive.
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM): 15 computronium/unit
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 Dispersion Fields (Shields)
+1 Armageddon Wave Cannon(Weapons)
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated

2 Afrasiab-IV Orbital Frames
Unit Cost: 105 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Rhenium
4 Supply, 10 He3 Upkeep, requires 4 DP
105 IP cost/unit, 15 Condensates, 15 Rhenium
+1 Perforator Linac Rifle (Rhenium Weapons)
+1 Carbon-Laminate Armor
+1 Grav Shields
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 (slotfree) AI Assistance

1 Fereydun Orbital Frame
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 15 Condensates, 15 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 10 He3
Requires 4 DP/Unit
An anti-shipping OF design, the Fereydun is built around the Afrasiab frame but is much more specialized.
+1 Anti-Shipping Weapons
+1 Armageddon Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Blink Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 15 Condensates/unit
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 15 Hyperglions

1 Dahaka Super Mobile Armor
Unit Cost: 1000 IP, 125 Condensates, 125 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 40 Supply, 100 He3
Requires 1 Docking Collar
The Dahaka is a proof-of-concept demonstrator for the "super mobile armor" concept, recently built and fielded. Inordinately expensive, it's yet to be seen if its capability matches its cost.
+1 Dual Apocalypse Wave Cannons (Weapons)
+1 CARLAM Lattice Armor (Armor)
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Mirage Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 125 condensates
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 125 hyperglions

1 Siamak Primus EW Mobile Suit
Unit Cost: 100 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
Advanced Fleet Coordination designs, the Primus variant has enhanced sensors and EW gear. To decrease their vulnerability somewhat armor has been increased and an extensive defensive EW suite added, but maneuverability has been sacrificed.
AWACS: x5 Cost
+1 Network Node (Command)
+1 ECM Suite
+1 CARLAM Lattice Armor (Armor)

1 Siamak Eminus Experimental Mobile Suit
Unit Cost: 112 IP, 4 Theta Dust, 4 Rhenium, 4 B-Titanium, 4 Hepatizon, 4 Condensates, 4 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 6 Monopoles/yr
+1 Theta Dust Zero Shift System
+1 Rhenium-Enhanced Particle Impactor
+1 B-Titanium Hybrid Armor
+1 Hepatizon Shield/Countermeasure Suite
+1 Inertia-Control Drive
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) ACE System
+1 (slotfree) Monopole XL Fusion Engine
+4 (slotfree) Systems Integration

25 Sir K SR-K Mobile Suits: 16 IP/unit
Unit Cost: 16 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
+1 120mm Railguns
+1 Composite Armor

57 Siamak-Deva MP Mobile Suits
Unit cost: 12 IP, 4 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/unit
An upgraded Siamak, the Deva variant is faster than the original owing to its condensate-based inertialess drive.
+1 Condensate Inertia-Control Drive

10 Siamak-II High Performance Mobile Suit
The "Siamak II" is an advanced design that squeezes every erg of ability out of the old Siamak frame. Specialized II variants await construction.
Unit Cost: 32 IP, 4 Condensates, 4 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
Requires 2 DP/Unit
+1 Agility
+1 Twin Particle Beams
+1 Carbon-Laminate Armor
+1 Flitter Reactionless Drive (Boosters): 4 Condensates
+1 (slotfree) ACE system: 4 Hyperglions
+1 (slotfree) Highly Automated

10 Siamak-B Mobile Suits: 80 IP (finish Feb 2194)
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
An upgraded variant of the Siamak, these mobile suits are designed primarily for anti-mobile suit work.
+1 Fo/Fi Drive
+1 Carbon-Laminate Armor
+2 High-Agility Missiles (Weapons)

Strategic Aerospace Combat Arm

Total Upkeep: 147 Supply, 362 He3

2 Isurus Special Warfare Destroyer
Unit Cost: 128 IP, 16 Rhenium, 16 Metamaterials, 16 Condensates, 16 Delta Dust, 60 Stable Monopoles
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 CP
+1 Rhenium-Enhanced Missile Launchers
+1 DIBBUK Metamaterial Stealthskin
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Cargo Capacity
+1 (slotfree) Stable Monopole Core
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) Systems Integration
+0 Condensate Inertia-Control Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

1 Mako Interface Striker (Destroyer)
Recent acquisitions, Adharan Makos are used for assault boarding operations as well as transport of high value, compact cargo.
Unit Cost: 96 IP, 16 Condensates, 16 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 4 supply, 12 He3
+1 Swarm Missiles
+1 Cargo
+1 Stealth
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Inertia-Control Drive (Condensates)
+0 Delta Dust jumpdrive

1 Parabellum Battlecruiser (Battleship)
Comissioned by Vantar, the Parabellum is a powerful fleet asset with fast attack capability and the ability to hold a large air wing.
Unit Cost: 600 IP, 100 Hepatizon, 100 Condensates, 100 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 25 Supply, 120 He3
DP: 40
+1 Aerospace Capability
+1 Heavy Missile Batteries
+1 Composite Armor
+1 Hepatizon Defense Field Drones
+0 Superhangars
+0 Condensate Inertial Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

1 Chernobog Alpha Heavy Cruiser (Cruiser)
The "Chernobog" designs are the first Adharan-native capital ship design to be fielded and their flagship design. Like many examples Adharan military hardware, they are heavily automated, inordinately expensive, and potent for their mass.
Unit Cost: 280 IP, 40 Condensates, 40 Computronium, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Holocaust Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Reinforced structure (Armor)
+1 ECM Suite (ECM): 40 Computronium
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+0 Inertia Control Drive: 40 Condensates
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

2 Antietam Primus Heavy Cruisers
Unit Cost: 280 IP, 40 Delta Dust, 40 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Particle Beams
+1 Pinpoint Barriers
+2 Armor
+1 Heavily Automated
+0 Condensate Inertial-Control Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive

2 Antietam Heavy Cruisers
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Particle Beams
+1 Pinpoint Barriers
+2 Armor
+0 Fusion Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive

2 Truxton Destroyers
Cost: 96 IP, 16 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
+1 Particle Beam Cannons
+1 AA Tracking
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Armor
+0 Rocket Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive
Base Purchase price: 140 Wealth
Availability: Limited

3 Morana Escort Destroyers
Unit Cost: 112 IP, 16 Sakuradite, 16 Delta-Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 8 He3
4 DP
The Morana design was commissioned from Hampshire to support Adharan cruiser and light carrier designs with anti-strike craft cover.
+1 AA Missile Racks
+1 Beam Cannons: 20 Sakuradite
+1 Grav Shields
+1 ECM
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+0 Superhangar
+0 Gravity Drive
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive: 16 Delta-Dust

2 Zarya-B Fleet Support Frigates
Unit Cost: 40 IP, 10 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
+1 AAA Missile Launchers
+1 Fast Tracking
+1 Armor
+0 Grav Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

3 Zarya-A Fleet Support Frigates
Unit Cost: 40 IP, 30 Computronium, 10 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 4 He3
+1 Computronium ECM
+1 Computronium Sensors
+1 Armor
+0 Grav Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

1 Inchon Landing Platform Dock (Light Carrier)
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 30 He3
DP: 40
Cargo: 20,000
+1 Armor
+1 Pin-Point Barriers
+1 Cargo Capacity
+1 Aerospace Capable
+0 Fusion Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive

2 Perun Alpha Assault Carriers (Light Carrier)
A fairly general carrier design, albeit higher technology than average. What more needs to be said?
Unit Cost: 240 IP, 40 Computronium, 40 Delta Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 60
+1 Hangar Capacity
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Reinforced Hull (Armor)
+1 Network Node (Command): 40 computronium
+0 Inertia Control Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

2 Perun Beta Assault Carriers (Light Carrier)
Unit Cost: 200 IP, 40 Delta Dust/unit
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 60
+1 Hangar Capacity
+1 Dispersion Screens
+1 Reinforced structure (Armor)
+0 Inertia Control Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

Planetary Defense Arm

Total Upkeep: 43 Supply, 86 He3

11 Sentinel Listening Posts
Not armed and very lightly armored, these listening posts are designed to spot enemies long before they can respond and feed targeting data to friendly forces.
Unit Cost: 10 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+2 Protector Active Probe (Sensors)
-2 Unarmed
-1 Poorly Armored

17 Oculus Defense Satellites
Oculuses, named for their eyeball-like look, are the anti-capship portion of the defensive network, using scaled up mag-rail technology for anti-capital ship combat.
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Judgement Wave Cannon (Anti-Shipping Weapons)
+1 Defiler ECM Suite (ECM)
-1 AA
-1 High Profile

15 Watcher Defense Satellites
Watchers are designed for anti-fighter use and protecting the Oculus designs from enemy strike craft.
Unit Cost: 20 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 2 He3
+1 Extended Range Weapons
+1 Anti-Fighter Mag Rails (AA)
-1 High Profile

Civilian Shipping and Logistics

Total Upkeep: 36 Supply, 120 He3, 30 Monopoles

1 Very Fast Courier: 20 IP, 12 Delta Dust
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 CP
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 6 Monopoles/yr
FTL Speed: 12 ETW/W
+1 (slotfree) Monopole Core
+2 Delta Dust FTL Drive
+1 Militarized
+0 Rocket drive
-1 High Maintenance

2 Special Warfare Stealth Couriers
Unit Cost: 64 IP, 8 Metamaterials, 4 Condensates, 4 Delta Dust
Upkeep: 1 Supply, 12 monopoles/year
Cargo Capacity: 10,000
+2 Metamaterial Cloaking
+1 Armor
+1 Militarized
+1 Aerospace
+1 (slotfree) Monopole Core
+0 Condensate-Enhanced Inertial Drive
+0 Delta-Dust FTL

4 Heavy Conveyors
Unit Cost: 20 IP, 20 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 6 Supply, 20 He3
Cargo: 8 HLVs/Cargo Pods
+0 Gravity-Resist Drive
+0 Civilian Delta-Dust Jumpdrive (10 Delta Dust)

8 "Firebird" Military Dropships (Heavy Lift Vehicles)
Military dropship variants, the Firebirds are armed and armored for assaulting hot LZs.
Unit Cost: 60 IP
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply, 5 He3
Cargo Capacity: 10,000
+1 Heavy Mag Rail Batteries (Weapons)
+1 CARLAM Reinforced Hull (Armor)
+1 Degrader ECM Suite (ECM)
+1 Mirage Inertia-Reduction Drive (Gravity Drive)

8 Cutty Shark Assault Transport (Basic Freighters)
Unit Cost: 20 IP, 4 Condensates, 4 Delta Dust, 4 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 5 He3
Cargo Capacity: 30,000
+1 Militarized
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Reinforced Hull
+1 Computronium AI
-1 High Upkeep
+0 Condensate Inertial Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
Because those infantry have to get to the ground somehow.

32 Cargo Containers
Cargo containers. Can't live without 'em.
Unit Cost: 5 IP/unit
Cargo Capacity: 20,000

Total Upkeep

Total Force Upkeep: 566.5 Supply, 1200 He3, 51 Monopoles

Supplies Available

205 TL4 supplies stockpiled

Items Under Construction


Special Warfare Units Under Construction

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Ring (finish 01/2196)
Unit Cost: 60 WU +1 Infiltration
+1 Espionage
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Loyalty

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Ring (finish 12/2195)
Unit Cost: 60 WU +1 Infiltration
+1 Espionage
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Loyalty

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Ring (finish 11/2195)
Unit Cost: 60 WU +1 Infiltration
+1 Espionage
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Loyalty

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Ring (finish 10/2195)
Unit Cost: 60 WU +1 Infiltration
+1 Espionage
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Loyalty

1 "Advanced Wet Works" Spy Ring (finish 09/2195)
Unit Cost: 60 WU +1 Infiltration
+1 Espionage
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Loyalty

1 "Wraith" Special Warfare Team (under refit) (Special Forces) (finish 10/2195)
Unit Cost: 260 IP, 10 Red Mercury, 10 Insidium, 10 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
Refit Cost: 80 IP, 10 Red Mercury, 10 Insidium
+1 Infiltration
+1 Exfiltration
+1 Insidium Dermal Armor
+1 Red Mercury Catalyst Rifles
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) Delta Dust Ocular Sensors
+1 (slotfree) Hyperglion Artificial Neural System
+1 (slotfree) Loyalty Conditioning
+1 (slotfree) Urban Warfare Training
+1 (slotfree) Systems Integration
+0 (slotfree) Desert Warfare Training
Modified due to the revised mission profiles special warfare has been dealing with, and the relative reduction of combat-light "greenside" operations, the Wraith teams have been modified with far heavier weapons and better armor. Although still capable of quiet infiltration, they are now more than equipped for a fight. Their prototype Red Mercury Catalyst Rifles are nearly identical to the Einherjar-used ones, with more expensive superconductors and advanced electronics making up for the loss of size. Capable of functioning either as a powerful particle beam weapon and a devastating chemical weapon delivery system, these Catalyst Rifles give the Wraiths incredible punch.

2 Force Reconaissance Teams (Special Forces) (finish 11/2195)
Unit Cost: 80 IP, 20 Hyperglions, 10 Metamaterials
Unit Upkeep: 0.5 Supply
+1 Metamaterial Stealthskin
+1 Hyperglion Data Processor (Sensors)
+1 Prosthetic Myomer Booster (Mobility)
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) Hyperglion Tactical Array
+0 Vacuum Adaptation
Equipped with advanced target designation gear and stealth equipment, Adhara's new Force Recon teams will be there in the front marking targets and making sure its soldiers don't run into an ambush.

1 Force Reconaissance Team (Special Forces) (finish 12/2195)
Unit Cost: 80 IP, 20 Hyperglions, 10 Metamaterials
Unit Upkeep: 0.5 Supply
+1 Metamaterial Stealthskin
+1 Hyperglion Data Processor (Sensors)
+1 Prosthetic Myomer Booster (Mobility)
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 (slotfree) Hyperglion Tactical Array
+0 Vacuum Adaptation
Equipped with advanced target designation gear and stealth equipment, Adhara's new Force Recon teams will be there in the front marking targets and making sure its soldiers don't run into an ambush.

2 Assassin Special Operations Teams (Special Forces) (finish 01/2196)
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 10 Rhenium, 10 Hyperglions
Unit Upkeep: 0.5 Supply
+1 Rhenium Multipurpose Carbines
+1 Infiltration Modified
+1 SERE training (Exfiltration)
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetic Augmentation
+1 (slotfree) Hyperglion Tactical Network
+1 (slotfree) Loyal to the Last
+0 Vacuum Adaptation
A knife in the back or a shot in the dark can sometimes have far more impact than a thousand bombing runs.

Ground Combat Arm (Infantry)

1 "Einherjar" Ranger Battalion (Elite Infantry): 90 IP, 10 RM, 10 Insidium
Completed: 03/2196
Unit Cost: 90 IP, 10 Red Mercury, 10 Insidium
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply/unit
+1 Red Mercury Catalyst Rifles
+1 Insidium Exoskeletal Armor
+1 Prosthetic Myomer Booster (Mobility)
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetic Augmentation
+1 (slotfree) Drone Support
+1 (slotfree) Urban Warfare
+0 Desert Warfare Adaptation
The Einherjar takes the original Negator design and drastically modifies it to Special Warfare standards. Insidium armor protects from weapons fire as well as keeping the advanced cyborgs low-profile, and their fault-resistant cybernetic augmentation adds further protection. A prototype artificial musculature booster allows high speeds in short bursts, and their standard armament is a high power Catalyst Rifle, a multi-purpose rifle with a Red Mercury particle beam for anti-shield work, paired with a railgun that fires catalyst darts that can liquefy both armored and unarmored targets. Seconded to Special Warfare, the Einherjar are not in the normal military chain of command, and will answer only to Adhara's covert ops division.

30 "Guardian" Infantry Battalions (finish 11/2195)
Unit Cost: 16 IP
Unit Upkeep: 0.5 Supply
+1 Prosthetic Myomer Booster (Mobility)
+1 Personal Shield Drones
+1 Microslug Accelerators
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 Swarmbot Drones
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation
Equipped with excellent weaponry, capable of very high foot speeds due to their myomer booster systems, and very well protected, Guardians are capable all-round infantry units.

30 "Guardian" Infantry Battalions (finish 12/2195)
Unit Cost: 16 IP
Unit Upkeep: 0.5 Supply
+1 Prosthetic Myomer Booster (Mobility)
+1 Personal Shield Drones
+1 Microslug Accelerators
+2 (1 slotfree) Cybernetics
+1 Swarmbot Drones
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation
Equipped with excellent weaponry, capable of very high foot speeds due to their myomer booster systems, and very well protected, Guardians are capable all-round infantry units.

15 "Renouncer" Combat Spiderbot Swarms (finish 09/2195)
Unit Cost: 5 IP, 1 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Weapons
+1 Armor
+1 (slotfree) full AI Control
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

10 "Renouncer" Combat Spiderbot Swarms (finish 10/2195)
Unit Cost: 5 IP, 1 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Weapons
+1 Armor
+1 (slotfree) full AI Control
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

10 "Renouncer" Combat Spiderbot Swarms (finish 11/2195)
Unit Cost: 5 IP, 1 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 1 Supply
+1 Weapons
+1 Armor
+1 (slotfree) full AI Control
+0 Desert Combat Adaptation

Ground Combat Arm (Armor)

Bavakh Combat System (Super Robot) (212/350 IP spent)
Unit Cost: 350 IP, 50 B-Titanium, 50 Condensates
Unit Upkeep: 20 Supply, 50 He3
Cargo Space: 100,000 CP/1 Latch Point
+1 B-Titanium Armor
+1 Tentacles! (Mobility)
+1 Particle Impactors
+1 Condensate Vectored-Thrust System
+1 AI Tactical Assistance
Designed to provide overwhelming force, the Bavakh Combat System is one of the rare non-humanoid mecha designed or fielded by any power. Equipped with extremely durable armor as well as a powerful continuous-beam particle weapon and flight capability, the weapon has powerful tentacles that allow a rapid clip of movement on land as well as superior direction control in space.

Tactical Aerospace Combat Arm

Multirole Combat Arm

1 "Farangis-II" Orbital Frame: (finish 11/2195)
Unit Upkeep: 4 Supply, 15 Monopoles/yr
Unit Cost: 180 IP, 15 Theta Dust, 15 B-Titanium, 15 Hepatizon, 15 Hyperglions, 30 Sakuradite
DP: 4
+1 Zero Shift System
+1 B-Titanium Composite Armor
+1 Hepatizon Dispersion Fields
+1 Sakuradite Beam Rifle
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+1 (slotfree) ACE System: 15 Hyperglions
+1 Monopole XXL Fusion Engine
+3 Systems Integration

Strategic Aerospace Combat Arm

Planetary Defense Arm

Civilian Shipping and Logistics

4 Cutty Shark Assault Transport (Basic Freighters)-finish 09/2195
Unit Cost: 20 IP, 4 Condensates, 4 Delta Dust, 4 Computronium
Unit Upkeep: 2 Supply, 5 He3
Cargo Capacity: 30,000
+1 Militarized
+1 Aerospace Capable
+1 Reinforced Hull
+1 Computronium AI
-1 High Upkeep
+0 Condensate Inertial Drive
+0 Delta Dust Jumpdrive
Because those infantry have to get to the ground somehow.

Exports Under Construction

To PCs

1 Chernobog Alpha cruiser to New Mercia for 600 WU (finishes October 2195)
1 "Chernobog Alpha" Heavy Cruiser (Cruiser): 280 IP, 40 Condensates, 40 Computronium, 40 Delta Dust
Unit Upkeep: 10 Supply, 20 He3
DP: 2
+1 Holocaust Wave Cannon (Weapons)
+1 Janusoptic Laser Array (Active Defenses)
+1 Reinforced structure (Armor)
+1 ECM Suite (ECM): 40 Computronium
+1 (slotfree) Heavily Automated
+0 Inertia Control Drive: 40 Condensates
+0 Delta-Dust Jumpdrive: 40 Delta Dust

