Homo Vulcanus autopsy report

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Adharan Autopsy Report
Senior Physician-Dr. Miles Hoffman

First Observations

Subject is male, black hair, gray eyes, 176 centimeters in height, weight 105 kilograms. Attempted to breach perimeter of Marine base, was shot and killed by sentries after refusing to comply with multiple demands to stop and surrender for questioning.

Subject's neural implant codes identify him as Michael Silvestra, 35. No record of criminal violations or military service exists.

Twelve entry wounds are observed in upper body, two to lower body extremities. Eight exit wounds observed. Cause of death is likely due to gunshot wound to head. Subject has suffered minimal bleeding despite death and entry wounds. Subject facial and body features 84% identical to baseline values-no evidence of cosmetic enhancement noted, as common to Adharan genofixing.

Subject's skin is similarly textured to plastic, possessing no hair or pores. Subject also possesses membranes protecting the eyes and nostrils, as well as one for the traceartes, similar to Minkowskan vacuum-adaptation. This is likely due to the large concentration of potentially toxic gases in Messier's atmosphere, allowing an Adharan to operate in close proximity to recent volcanic or geothermal activity.

Genetic Analysis

Genetic analysis of tissue samples reveals standard Adharan chromosomal count and genetic markers. As with all Adharan templates, subject displays the lack of IgE production, reducing hypersensitivity at the cost of increased vulnerability to parasitic infection, as well as a increase in anticancer genetic sequences. Foreign material has been detected in cells, probably 'wet' nanomachinery. Subject's mitochondrial configuration has been similarly modified, replaced entirely with engineered nanomachines. The subject also possesses the standard Adharan organelles for improved anaerobic respiration.

Genetic information is duplicated threefold and most intron sequences are removed for improved resistance against random mutation.

Autopsy and Experimentation Report

Drastic modifications have been made to skin tissue-epidermis is approximately 5 times thicker than human norm, reinforced with cellulose and kevlar fiber-weave to resist environmental hazards such as sandstorms. Interestingly the top layer of cells are not dead-they are still alive and self-repairing. Texture is smooth, plastic-like, with no visible pores even under microscope examination. Armoring should stop light hunting rounds as well but is insufficient against military weaponry. Armoring is also somewhat effective against conventional blades and possibly military memknives, although this may not be the case if the blade is wielded by a soldier in a mobility suit.

Subject possesses muscle tissue approximately 25% denser than human norms, with tissue engineered for equal capability at fast-twitch and slow-twitch tasks. Practical improvement in strength and endurance significantly greater than density improvement. Subject's tendons and ligaments show increased resistance to strain and cutting forces beyond human baseline.

Cartilage composition has been modified in joints to improve service life. Skeletal bone has been modified with the removal of the coccyx and restructuring of the legs and spine for more efficient bipedal movement, and has had density increased by 60% and has been coated in layer of toughened material, also found in subject's dermis. Materials analysis shows that tissue layer consists of a combination of cellulose and kevlar fiber for protection against fire, puncture, and abrasion. Skeletal bone has also been colonized by "dry" nanomachinery, with a network of computing systems and piezoelectric generators found. These "framework" augmentations power and monitor the other non-biological augmentation.

All of subject's major blood vessels have multiple redundancies and are protected by puncture-resistant layer. Major arteries have been duplicated and relocated deeper into body core, allowing increased capacity to absorb injury. Arteries are also dual-layer, with the secondary layer designed for self-sealing capacity.

Subject's blood shows no immune response to most allergens and has higher oxygen transport capacity than normal human blood. Blood color is white when oxidized, dark blue when not. After mixing subject's blood with human blood, minimal particulate matter was detected-subject's blood lacks Anti-A/Anti-B antigens and is hypoallergenic-subject can donate or receive blood from human hosts with few ill effects. Subject's blood shows evidence of free floating nanomachinery for oxygen storage, medical maintenance, and immune system bolstering.

Tests of subject's tissue also show a lack of inflammatory response, which simplifies the installation and maintenance of cybernetic enhancement in the subject at the cost of again, weakening immune response. The heavy concentration of bloodborne Hunter-Killer nano is likely to counteract the reductions in natural immune system effectiveness.

Subject possesses radiator gills on neck, back, and groin and possesses higher thermal conductivity in skin, to compensate for lack of sweat glands and evaporative cooling. Subject also possesses a nanohive in the abdominal area, roughly in the position where the liver would be in an unaugmented human being. Subject's nanohive interfaces with the computing structures in his bones. Other organs noted, including a secondary heart and a twin stomach, with the secondary stomach heavily colonized by nanomachinery. Secondary stomach's purpose is to filter out inorganic elements necessary for the maintenance and construction of augmentation structures.

Subject's skull and spine has been modified, with approximately 15% (by mass) replaced with computing systems. Rest of skull bones show higher-than-normal concentration of trace elements and inorganic compounds, likely to improve efficiency of assembler nanomachines in enhancing cognitive capacity. Computing systems interface directly into brain and spinal cord. Lack of surgical scars in back of neck imply that subject's neural interface ports were grown in or implanted with advanced surgical techniques.

Subject is notably sterile. Subject still possesses sexual organs but organs have been inactivated via chemical or electronic cues and have not been producing gametes. Subject's testes are permanently retracted and colonized by inorganic nanomachinery, with radiator gills to maintain lower-than-normal body temperature. Possession of sexual organs is likely insurance in the event artificial reproduction methods are not available, as reproduction of augmentation technologies is unlikely.

Subject's heart and lungs are larger than normal to improve cardiovascular function. Lung tissue design is intended to optimize oxygen absorption in a low-oxygen environment such as Messier, but also will significantly increase endurance in normal-oxygen worlds.


Homo Sapiens Adharae is currently one of the most advanced and versatile transhuman templates in existence, and has also been sufficiently refined for mass production and adaptability. Most interesting is the lack of allergen response or inflammation response and the computing system layering the skeleton-implying that the template as-current was designed for easy upgradability via mechanical or heavy nanotechnological modification. Someone with the Adharan physiology can much more easily tolerate augmentation without requiring said augmentation to be made of hypoallergenic material or shielded from the body. The reasons for this are probably ideological, as heavy use of 'hard' augmentation is a common method of showing religious devotion in Adharan society-but they also incidentally increase the ease of which Adharans can be given combat cyberization.