Shu Izanagi: Difference between revisions

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Kerrus (talk | contribs)
Kerrus (talk | contribs)
Line 180: Line 180:
:<b>Distorted Image</b> (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")
:<b>Distorted Image</b> (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")

== XP Record ==
== XP Expenditure Record ==

:12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST)
:12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST)

Revision as of 18:49, 16 May 2013

Status Panel

Arete: 4
Willpower:, 6/7 (Japan)
Quintessence: 2/3 (Japan)
Initiative: +7
Tass: 9 drams (distilled dreams)
Paradox: 4 (Japan)
Experience: 13/220
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin
Spheres: Time 3/Life 3/ Entropy 3/ Mind 1/ Prime 2

Routes To Akasha

Active Rotes

Five Success 'Permanent' Mind Shield


Time Slipping Kata +1 Action

Health Tracker

Healthy -0
Bruised -0
Hurt -1
Injured -1
Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Crippled -5


1. Multiple actions. Always reserve a dodge when in combat.

Basic Stats

Name: Shu Izanagi
Age: 23 (Subjectively)
Player: Kerrus
Nature: Crackerjack (Whatever it is you do, you're the best, and people can't help but be impressed. Regain Willpower whenever you pull off an impressive stunt in the face of incredible odds)
Essence: Questing
Demeanor: Bravo (Strength/Anger. Regain Willpower when you intimidate or physically force someone to do what you want or back down, or when you utterly defeat someone who stands in your way)
Languages: Japanese, English, Mandarin
Tradition: Akashic
Concept: TIME NINJA/Edo Era Ranma Saotome
HP: Full
Chantry: Sasayama, White Devil Base
Supernatural Killcount: 1x Victor, 1x HITmark, 1x Hellhound, 2x Technocrats, 1x Stealth Boomer
Active Effects:


All things seek the perfection of enlightenment, and one can see and manipulate the quintessential energy that represents this state of being, the Ki all things are made of, to achieve various effects. By bringing the mind and body to its limits, one can open the door for enlightenment through martial arts and mental focus. By honing the mind and opening the inner eye, one can actually see the flows of Ki through the world, and in time see past the world. All things are only an illusion that hides the true self, the unity of mind body and spirit, the truth that all things are connected. You are you- but you are also me, and by recognizing this I can become you and gain a greater understanding of the universe. While we are many, we are also one, all journeying on the same path, spiralling towards enlightenment. Ki has many facets, for it is an energy of life and idea, shape and being. Through emotions one understands that the world we see is shuttered by the barriers we put up to prevent our awakening, and only by removing these barriers can we truly grow into maturity.



Strength: 4 (Spec: Tough Grip)
Dexterity: 4 (Spec: Lightning Reflexes)
Stamina: 4 (Spec: Unkillable)


Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2


Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3


Alertness: 4 (Eyes in the back of your head)
Athletics: 5 (Parkour/Ninja Roof Jumping)
Awareness: 4 (Auras)
Dodge: 4 (Specialty: Sidestep)
Instruction: 1
Persuasion: 1
Subterfuge: 3
Streetwise: 1


Archery: 2
Do: 4 [Dharmamukti, Jivahasta, Shastamarga, Sunyakaya] (Unarmed vs. Armed)
Maneuvers: Jou Chuan (Soft Fist), Plum Flower Blossom, Ten Thousand Weapons
Meditation: 3
Melee: 5 (Bladed)
Security: 1
Stealth: 3
Survival: 1


Investigation: 3
Medicine: 3
Linguistics: 2 (English, Mandarin)


Ally: 1 Kobayashi
Ally: 1 Rui Sato
Ally: 1 Li Shenshung
Ally: 1 Li Xia
Ally: 1 Laurence Wong
Avatar: 3
Mentor: 1 Nakazawa Takumi
Arcane: 3


Entropy: 3
Life: 3
Mind: 2
Prime: 2
Time: 3


Cyber-ninja (Kana) Armour
A little scuffed, but still good

+3 Armour
+1 Intimidation

Notes: Full Coverage. Can be worn under trench coat.

Colt Anaconda
Never used, sitting in a drawer in Undergundam

Difficulty: 6
Damage: 6L
Rate: 2
Clip: 6
Conceal: J
Range: 35

Nanoforged (Eli) Katana
Not the best thing Eli's ever made, but useable.

Diff 6, Str+3L

Grand Klaive Claidmell
Contains the war spirit of Taramell, an elemental of lightning.

Requirement: Str 5 to wield, may wield at -1 die per point of str below 5.
Diff 6, Str+5L
Taramell is a Greater Storm Elemental.

Willpower: 8
Rage: 9
Gnosis: 6
Power: 4/60

Airt Sense: 1 power, it can intuitively sense the flow of the spirit worlds, and can find its way around them. The sword can be used sort of as a delving rod.
Control Electrical Systems:. 1-5 Power. The Spirit rolls its Gnosis against a variable difficulty depending on the complexity of system. Success gives it brief control.
Short Out: a variant of the above, also using Gnosis just to shut down electical systems temporarily.
Lightning Bolts: 2 power per damage die. The sword can throw them from its blade. The elemental rolls its Willpower to hit, and then dice up to its Rage for damage.
Updraft: 3 Power. The sword uses a flash of static to launch a human sized object into the air. This can be the wielder, or someone else nearby in melee range
Also, if you break the sword and/or release Taramell you get a one time cast of Creat Wind at the massive storm level.

Rikaku - Primium Claw
One of two, claimed from a fallen HITMark

Diff 4, Str+1L (Grade 2 Primium)

Supernatural Bone Bow (KJ Weapon)
Weapon of Nami, a KJ enforcer who suffered an abrupt case of spontaneous cerebral explosions. Powerful dark magic, and too difficult for Shu to even draw yet.

Strength 6 to wield, +2 difficulty to hit at Strength 4.
Normal Arrows do Strength+2L, Bone Arrows do Str+4L, and get +3 dice to seek out living targets

Merits & Flaws

Ambidextrous (1 point Merit)
You can perform tasks with your offhand at no penalty- such as wielding two weapons :D
Distorted Image (1 point flaw) (Images, reflections and the like of Shu depict him as though he were his namesake- specifically, the God Izanagi wielding the white spear "Amenonuhoko")

XP Expenditure Record

12 XP (Dex to 4) Wed February 26th, 2:09 (EST)
3 XP (Linguistics: English) Mon, March 3rd, 10:00 (EST)
10 XP (Prime 1) Thurs, March 12th, 12:35 (EST)
3 xp (Do 1)
2 xp (Do 2)
10 xp (Life 1)
24 xp (Arete 4)
7 xp (Life 2)
3 xp (Do 3)
11 xp (Str 4)
1 xp (Lingustics 2)
3 xp (Awareness 3)
3 xp (Pursuasion 1)
3 xp (Security 1)
10 xp (Mind 1)
6 xp (Do 4)
6 xp (Alertness 4)
4 xp (Athletics 3)
3 xp (Streetwise 1)
24 xp (Life 3)
6 xp (Awareness 4)
6 xp (Athletics 4)
8 xp (Prime to 2)
3 xp (Archer to 1)
3 xp (Background - Ally [Kobayashi] to 1)
2 xp (Archery to 2)
3 xp (Instruction to 1)
8 xp (Athletics to 5)
7 xp (Mind 2)
12 xp (4 dots of ally)
2 xp (Medicine to 3)
4 xp (Meditation to 3) 3/18/2013

Combat Notes

Ten Thousand Weapons

Any object you hold, throw, or spit with violent intent does your Do (4) in dice of bashing damage.
If the object was normally capable of doing that much damage, the damage becomes lethal.
If the object does lethal damage, it does an extra die of it.
Conjunctional with entropy+forces

Jou Chuan (Soft Fist)

You can redirect an unarmed or melee attack to another assailant or even return it to the attacker. Roll a Dexterity + Do (Difficutly 7) versus the target's attack roll. If you succeed, you can injure a nearby enemy, including the original attacker, doing damage equal to the attacker's str+weapon dice, and adding any extra successes beyond what was necessary to accomplish the maneuver. Alternatively, you can use this to disarm the opponent, in which case the weapon is automatically ready to use next turn.

Plum Flower Blossom

Rolling Dexterity + Do (Difficulty 6), the character may jump double his jumping distance or bounce from one object to another (roof hopping), for one turn, plus an additional turn for every two successes. If one of these leaps is an attack,it is penalized as if it were an extra action, and has its difficulty increased by 1, but addes +2 damage die.