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==FBH Stuff==

Revision as of 16:01, 22 November 2013

Daphne 2.0 Protosheet

Name: Dominating Powerhouse Negotiator (Daphne)
Concept: Combat-Maid
Exalt: Alchemical
Caste: Soulsteel
Motivation: Battle and defeat the champions of the Realm, and prove Autocthonian superiority in Creation
Intimacies: Leaf, cigars, the Autocthonian Expeditionary Force, the Leaf Group

Stamina: ***** ** (+2 from Charm)
Manipulation: ****
Perception: ****

Strength: ***
Dexterity: ***** *(+2 from Charm)
Appearance: ***** * (+2 from Charm)

Charisma: **
Intelligence: **
Wits: ***

Athletics: ****
Awareness: ***
Dodge: **
Martial Arts: **
Melee: ****
Resistance: **
Integrity: ***
Larceny: **
Linguistics: **
Presence: **
Performance: *
Socialize: ***
Stealth: *** (Ambush)
Survival: *
Bureaucracy: *
Craft (Fire): *
Investigation: **
Lore: **
Medicine: **


Compassion: *
Conviction: ***
Temperance: **
Valor: ****


Allies: ** (Hess, Moonsilver Alchemical)
Artifact: ***** (Beam Grand Daiklaive (3m commit, 5 mote activation))
Artifact: *** (Essence Capaciter (gives three motes/h, 1 mote commit))
Artifact: ** (Precision Goggles)
Artifact: * (Flaw Scanner)
Artifact: *** (Victorious General’s Galea, Soulsteel)) (4m Commit)
Class (3 Free): ***
Eidelon: ****
Familiar: ** (Monitor)
Savant: *

Dedicated Slots (16)
Fourth Dexterity Augmentation (1m)
Fourth Dexterity Augmentation (0m)
Fourth Stamina Augmentation (1m)
Fourth Stamina Augmentation (0m)
Fourth Appearance Augmentation (1m)
Fourth Appearance Augmentation (0m)
Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier (1m) (Loom Server Migration, Essence-Muting Baffles, Deep Cover Mode)
Husk-Shaping Apparatus (2m) (Voice Modulator Field, Essence-Warping Anatomy)
Aim Calibrating Sensors (1m) (Inward Focus Refractor) [Array: Aggressive Engagement Suite]
Recursive Fractal Targeting Calculations (1m) [Array: Aggressive Engagement Suite]
Magnetic Joint Bearings (1m)
Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit (1m)
Subcutaneous Armour Plating (1m)
Exoskeletal Armour Plating (1m)
Transitory Invulnerability Engine (Valor) (1m) (Sustained Invulnerability Engine)
Body Reweaving Matrix (1m) (Pattern Restoration System)

General Slots (4)
Manifold Transhuman Implants: (Terrifying Mane, Claws [on the hair-tips, retractable], Wolf’s Pace) (1m)
Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus (1m)
Pain Suppression Nodes (1m) (Emergency Damage Compensators)
Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh (0) (Death-defeating Processors)


Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification (3 -2 health levels) (1m)
Rogue Cell Isolation Protocol (0m) [Array: Interrogative Engagement Suite]
Transcendant Brutality Programming (1m) [Array: Interrogative Engagement Suite]
First Manipulation Augmentation (1m) [Array: Interrogative Engagement Suite]
Fifth Strength Augmentation (1m)
Hydraulic Musculature Reinforcement (1m)

Essence: 5
Willpower: 6

Personal: 21m (4m after install)
Peripheral: 51m (41 after commit)
Installed: 17m
Committed: 10m

Personal: 4m
Peripheral: 41m

Bonus Points: 15 + 20 (Bonus from FBH)
Essence 3 (10 BP)
Alloyed Reinforcement of Flesh (1 BP)
Magnetic Joint Bearings (1 BP)
Artifact to 5 (Beam Grand Daiklaive) (2 BP)
Eidelon to 4 (2 BP)
Artifact 3 (Flaw Scanner, Precision Goggles) (1BP)
Artifact 3 (Victorious General’s Galea, Soulsteel) (1 BP)
Specialty (Stealth: Ambush) (1 BP)
Auxiliary Essence Storage Unit (1m) (1 BP)
Strain-Resistant Chassis Modification (3 -2 health levels) (1m) (1 BP)
Rogue Cell Isolation Protocol (0m) (1 BP)
Transcendant Brutality Programming (1m) (1 BP)
First Manipulation Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)
Fifth Strength Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)
Hydraulic Musculature Reinforcement (1m) (1 BP)
Fourth Appearance Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)
Subcutaneous Armour Plating (1m) (1 BP)
Exoskeletal Armour Plating (1m) (1 BP)
Transitory Invulnerability Engine (1m) (1 BP)
Body Reweaving Matrix (1m) (1 BP)
Recursive Fractal Targeting Calculations (1m) (1 BP)
Fourth Dexterity Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)
Fourth Stamina Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)
Fourth Appearance Augmentation (1m) (1 BP)

XP Total: 250
XP Spent:
XP Retained:

Essence to 4 (27)
Essence to 5 (36)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Dedicated Slot (4)
Submodule: Loom Server Migration (2)
Submodule: Essence-Muting Baffles (4)
Submodule: Deep Cover Mode (3)
Submodule: Vocal Modulator Field (5)
Submodule: Essence-Warping Anatomy (3)
Submodule: Emergency Damage Compensators (6)
Submodule: Inward Focus Refractor (4)
Submodule: Death-defeating Processors (6)
Submodule: Pattern Restoration System (6)
Submodule: Sustained Invulnerability Engine (6)
Array: Aggressive Engagement Suite (2)
Array: Interrogative Engagement Suite (3)
Dexterity to 4 (9)
Manipulation to 4 (9)
Stamina to 5 (12)
Athletics to 4 (6)
Awareness to 2 (2)
Awareness to 3 (4)
Martial Arts to 2 (2)
Melee to 4 (6)
Integrity to 2 (2)
Integrity to 3 (4)
Larceny to 2 (2)
Linguistics to 2 (2)
Presence to 2 (2)
Socialize to 2 (2)
Socialize to 3 (4)
Stealth to 2 (2)
Stealth to 3 (4)
Investigation to 2 (2)
Lore to 2 (2)
Medicine to 2 (2)
Valor to 4 (9)

Cassandra Reinhart Possible Statistics


Template: Seraph: (+2 Physical, +2 Aleph, +1 Smarts, +1 Education, +1 Charisma)
Class: Lictor (+1 Pilot, +1 Charisma, +1 Rank)

Pilot: 7 [6+1] (21)
Aleph: 8 [6+2] (21)
Physical: 3 [1+2] (1)
Smarts: 5 [4+1] (10)
Education: 5 [4+1] (10)
Charisma: 7 [5+2] (15)

Pilot (Melee) 2 (3)
Charisma (Cute) 1 (1)
Education (Medical) (1)

Rank: 1 [0+1]
Command (Mecha Squadrons): 1 (1)
Conspiracy (Seraphim): 3 (6)
Tuneup (Crack Pilot): 4 (10)

Traits: Blademaster

Advantages: Type Master (Newtypes) 3

Disadvantages: Adventurous -3

Aleph Powers (18):

High-Level Control (3)
Limit Break X 2 (4)
Spatial Awareness (2)
Empathic Detection (1)
Newtype Flash (2)
Inspirational Aura (6)

Mecha: Oceanid

Rank: LV2 (10 + 4 (Tuneup))
Melee: 4
Firepower: 1
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Special: (3) Alpha Edge, Aleph Matrix, Aleph Bits

Cass-chan New Game Build

Magnate Nation

The Myriad Collective

In the Longshot colonies, manpower was always in short supply. Immigration being nonexistent and planetary environments often hostile, settlers needed as many people as they could get to fulfill their needs. Producing children was paramount, but incapacitating the female populace for extended periods - and waiting for the child to come to term - was simply not acceptable. A year could mean the death of a people, and the loss of a colony. No one could be wasted, and they needed more - human nature was their greatest enemy.

For colony that would become the Myriad Collective, it was necessary to change. The planet they landed on - dubbed Angrboda, in a bitterly ironic move – was host to dozens of bizarre monstrosities, harrying expansion and troubling the populace. The fearsome predators prevented anything but the most careful expansion, and made agriculture troublesome at best. The need for defense limited manpower in other areas, and the already-meagre labour pool shrank. Couples with the attrition rate with the local wildlife, extinction was a consideration.

Faced with a hellish world and total isolation from Earth and its other longshots, the geneticists decided to undertake a daring alteration. Using dozens of volunteer test subjects, the colony separated the female reproductive organs into a separate entity, designing a being solely tasked with producing children. The end result was a new life form - a non-sentient, living human womb, designed to produce scores of new members for the race. The population fears faded; the colony had its manpower, thanks to the first Genesis.

It wasn't long before the scientists began to refine their process, upgrading production and improving genetic stock. Inevitably, they turned their attention on themselves and their offspring, as well; conventional childbirth was, after all, no longer necessary. Leaps and bounds were made in genetic theory and development, fuelled by new discoveries on their monstrous world and greater attempts to study the wildlife.

When it was found after the Breakdown, by a Minkowski-crewed exploration vessel, Angrboda's people were barely recognizable. The Myriad Collective stretched across the planet, build around their sprawling Factories – where hundreds of thousands of their kind where bred, teeming out into space.

The Claves

The Genesis

The quintessential creation of the Myriad Collective, these strange creatures are the mother of all its members. Yet, they can barely be considered human - fleshy globes the size of a small hut, lined with folds that extrude the children for collection by Drones or other attendants and placement into nurseries. These creatures are completely nonsentient - they're little more than immobile baby factories.

Geneses are fed through dozens of mouthes on their underside, which are often hooked to feeding tubes by the engineers. Breeding factories contain hundreds of Geneses, attended by Drones and by Mainline Engineers. Children are collected by Drones and deposited in nurseries for proper education (or in other areas as noted below). A Genesis produces tens of thousands of children over its life-span, before succumbing to a menopausal condition that leaves them inert, and they are euthanized.

Geneses are entirely reliant on the rest of the Myriad for survival. However, they are physically resilent, protected by toughened skin and layers of ablative fat, and are capable of communicating their desires through a series of bellowing howls (which all members of the Myriad are conditioned to understand). Damaging a Genesis is a capital crime, and it unthinkable to most members of the society. Nonetheless, the factories are some of the best-guarded facilities on Angrboda.


The vast majority of the Myriad population are Mainlines. They fulfill most of the roles of a sentient society;

Mainlines are surprisingly human-like, outwardly. They are universally lithe, even the most muscular appearing wiry, with angular features. They even have apparent males of females – however, these differences are merely cosmetic. No mainlines possess reproductive organs – they don't need them, because the Geneses and Drones handle breeding. Sexual dimorphism tends to be much more limited, and varied – traits are more assorted, with muscular women or effete men more regular. Their organs are more compact, their nervous and circulatory systems more efficient.

Mainlines develop faster than baseline humanity, reaching physical and mental maturity at 16. The average Mainline lives as long as most humans, and remains fit up until the end of their lives. Mentally, they are similar to regular humans, with similar wants and needs. They can even love and have relationships, which are identical to most other places in the Sphere, except for the lack of reproduction.


A Genesis has several dozen wombs, all constantly being fertilized and bearing children. Each birth consists of 5-10 children; out of these, one is always a Drone, containing the genetic information of its siblings.

Drones are the non-sentient breeding stock of the Myriad collective. They spend their lives nesting in the factories, moving from Genesis or Genesis and fertilizing them to maintain production. They are quite clever, able to understand complex commands and able to warn engineers when something is wrong with the Geneses or with their nests.

Drones are humanoid, strangely bulbous figures, standing at seven feet all with a hulking gait. Most notable is their lack of mouth, instead feeding through a prehensile tube hanging form their chin. They have short, broad fingers, designed for climbing.

If somehow the factory is damaged or shut down, Geneses can emit a low-key bellowing noise, demanding food. Drones instinctively respond to this, and can scavenge and even hunt for animals and plants to feed their matrons. Engineers train Drones to find food, cultivating their instincts – the Drones actually contribute greatly to the care and health of the Geneses.

Drones are well-treated, often given comforts for their necessary role in the growth of the Collective. Killing a drone is a capital crime, and harming one is more serious even than harming a Mainline.

Finally, Drones also possess an ability to incorporate DNA from mainlines, to add them to the breeding pool. Mainlines send genetic samples to the factories to be incorporated into a gel that is fed to the Drones, allowing unique or desirable mainline qualities to be carried on through the drones. Dead Mainlines are often recycled and added to this pool.


Factors, or 'Queens', are Mainliners who have been genetically modified to take a direct role in managing the Factories and the breeding stock. Through a mix of cybernetic and genetic fixing, Factors gain the ability to direct the Geneses and Drones on a level that other mainliners cannot.

Factors use a combination of complex pheremones, harmonics, and Aleph abilities to directly command the nonsentient clades. They can even convey complex orders to their charges, coordinating them to tasks they could never manage themselves. They can even control what genetics drones transmit and influence what qualities Geneses imbue to their children – their control reaches the level of mind control ,and even influences the cellular level.

Factors resemble the Mainliners they once were, except for the bulbus sack-like organs mounted on their backs, and large cybernetic fins extruding from their shoulders. The sacks contain their pheremones and the chemicals that encourage their Aleph abilities, and the fins broadcast harmonics. They are also implanted with large flight-capable glider units, attached to their backs, which protect the sacks and allow them to fly about.

There is generally one Factor per every fifty Geneses, tasked with monitoring it in conjunction with mainline engineers. In emergencies, a Factor can manage a factory alone, relying on the drones to keep efficiency. Factors are often derived from especially competant engineers, or Aleph-sensitive individuals, or both.

Minor Clades

Aside from the main body, several other nonsentient 'variants' of humanity have been produced for various reasons.


The guard dogs of the Factories, these creatures are constructed from human DNA spliced with that of a vicious bear-like predator native to Angrboda. These hulking monsters patrol the factories, responding to distress calls from the Geneses with violent reprisal to anyone caught harming them. They also serve as assistants to law enforcement, and bodyguards for Factors.


The data center of the Collective, these creatures are essentially giant cybernetically-enhanced human brains re-purposed into computers. Most operate as weak or even strong AI, managing the information networks and analysis software of their Mainline operators.


Skitters are a combination of human DNA and a native beetle, designed as symbiotic custodians for the Geneses. They keep their charges clean and hygenic, removing dead tissue and filth; if the host is threatened, they can even swarm the attacker and sting them with poisonous bites. Skitters are about the size of a rabbit, though much flatter. They are popular pets, especially for Queens who can actually control them using their innate abilities.

History Paths

Exploration Era
1) Hell World: Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +150 PIP, + 50 CIP)
2) Limited (+ 150 dust, + 5 SP)
3) None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
4) Nano-Factories (+ 100 Fabers, +100 PIP)
5) Backwater (+ 100 PIP)

Colonization Era
1) Longshot (+2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 20 SP, +5 to SP limit)
2) Outer Expanse (+ 60 population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 25 SP, + 20 transgene)
3) Pod People (+ 180 Population, + 300 Wealth, + 100 CIP)
4) Idealists (+ morale)
5) Civilian Government Sponsored (+ 60 Pop)
6) Whoever we could get (+60 pop)
7) Natural Disaster (+ morale)
8) Na'vi Attack (+200 Wealth, + 2,500 military)

Breakdown Era
1) Stability! (no modifiers)
2) Go Weird (+ 40 Transgene, + 100 CIP, +4 Logistics, 10,000 military)

War Era and Aftermath
1) "I'm a Magnate!" (+100 CIP, + 15,000 military, +20 SP, +5 morale, Magnate Tech Paradigm)
2) "We come in sixpacks" (+ 180 Pop, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
3) The Science of War (+20 transgene, + 1 logistics, ++ doctrines, + morale)
4) Future Government (+2 Morale, +20 Transgene)


Radical Morphological Change
Pop: 600
Transgene: 100
Military: 30 000
Logistics: 5
PIP: 700
CIP: 600
Fabers: 200
Dust: 150
Wealth: 700
Morale: 10
Doctrines: 2
SP: 70

Glories Nation: Lotusgrad

Name: Lotusgrad (formerly Galava) Concept: Manufactured Paradise for Delusional Superweapon


A rich but poorly-militarized nation, Galava leaped onto the Glory bandwagon, pouring billions into magical and technological research. They developed quickly, no doubt due to superior funding, and rumours abound that the established black market provided them with several 'lost' research logs or procedures. And while they developed their rituals and picked their candidates, they started to experiment with other abilities that could be achieved using this method; when their first Glory, Dominika Slaputin was completed, they began to conduct tests to determine what other abilities could be achieved. One scientist Olga Frulvish, became fascinated with psychic development; she made waves when she used drugs to allow Dominika to read basic thoughts. Her experiments took time, as the product head, Mikhael Federov, refused to allow her to use the two subsequent Glories. It wasn't until the Sonja Dotzevii was selected to be the fourth Glory that she was given authorization to apply her theories to the process.

The result was amazing. Sonja manifested the power to create wide-scale illusions, as well as to directly influence multiple minds. Her powers presented a new concern for the treaty-makers; within weeks, she had retaken several disputed territories completely, as their people surrendered and military forces turned on each other. Morale had never been higher for Galava; money poured into the scientific community. A fifth Glory was awakened, this one with the power to create and alter life forms; the future looked great for the nation.

It all changed on October morning. Sonja was sent to pacify a terrorist organization that was operating in the western region; she was authorized to use her powers to locate and bring them into custody. No one is sure what happened there, but Sonja left shortly after deployment, heading towards the capital. The terrorists were all found dead.

It didn't take long for her to force her way into Parliament's doors, backed by thousands of mind-controlled soldiers and civilians. There in that chamber, she declared the end of Galava, of her realization of her true nature as one of the awakened Fair Folk. She declared herself Czarina of the Lotus, Guardian of the Elven Pasture, and that Galava would return to the only living Fey czardom as Lotusgrad, the seat of the Elven world on earth and last bastion of its power.

Panic broke out in some areas. Assassination attempts were met with harsh and quick retaliation. The remaining Glories were stunned at the change - and even more stunned when Lotus greeted them as her Duchesses when they confronted her. Before they could do anything, though ,the Parliament announced the coronation of their monarch, and the nation's official reorganization into a monarchy. The miliatary lent its full support behind their Czarina; the people were quickly pacified.

When the remaining Glories confronted the Prime Minister, they discovered the truth - a blok of wealthy and powerful officials had decided to willingly support the Princess, with recommendation of the scientists that created Sonja and of her handler, before his disappearance. He told them of how this put less stress on the Czarina, curbing her irrational moods and violences against the people. They chose to support her self-delusion, rather than fight it - they believed it best for survival.

The Glories, after discussion and the overwhelming influence of the First, chose to accept their positions in the Lotus Kingdom, if only until they could find a cure for their friend. Resistance against the new rule remained, but Lotus' moods and the influence of the blok slowly eroded that. Buildings were constructed of special materials that could hold the Czarina's illusions, allowing her to reshape the country in the image she desired. With the fifth Glory's help, soon the land was filled with strange animals, both the desires of the Queen and the remains of those punished for offending her.

Dramatis Personae

Czarina Lotus, Guardian of the Elven Pasture

Real name: Sonja Dotzevii

Czarina Lotus was born under the name Sonja, to a wealthy trader based in Galava. She was the fourth Glory to be created, and was gifted with an experimental power - wide-range telepathy and mental manipulation, allowing her to conjure illusions and affect thoughts. This power allowed her to take control of entire armies and drive populaces insane with imagined horrors. What they did not expect was that it would affect her own sanity, as well.

After returning from her last official mission, Sonja revealed her hand. Unleashing her power on the populace, she gathered an army of civilians and military alike, marching on the House of Commons. She declared the end of the false nation, and the return of the ancient ways and revival of the true rules of the land - the fair folk, with her as their Czarina. She proclaimed herself Lotus, after the flower which supposedly bloomed within her mind on that battlefield, and renamed the capital Lotusgrad, and the nation the same thing. The other girls were prepared to fight her, but feared civilian death and her threats to cleanse the nation; politicians preempted them with attempts to negotiate.

The Duchesses

Dominika: The first Glory created by Galvana, Dominika is the de-facto leader of the others. She also suffers the most from Lotus' presence, due to the experiments performed on her giving her nascent psionics; she rarely sleeps and has horrid nightmares. For now, she obeys the Czarina, but is attempting to gather allies to overthrow her supporters and end this illusion.

Yuliana Wyrv: The second Glory, Yuliana is a shy girl with glasses. She is afraid of Lotus and her horrors, but thinks that she can coax the girl back to sanity. She and Sonja were great friends before her madness, and she hopes that some of her old schoolmate remains locked within the insane Fae Czarina.

Anya: The third Glory, Anya is a vicious, brutal girl with a sarcastic and a sadistic streak. Contrary to her sisters, she loves her position of nobility and lords over her private fiefdom with terror and capricious wiles. However, she has little love for the Czarina beyond that, and would turn on her if she could do so and keep her kingdom.

Darya: The Fifth and final Glory, Darya was created shortly after Sonja, and was subject to experiments - in her case, she was given the ability to induce mutations. She can create monsters, or transform people in strange ways, with the Czarina using her to 'curse' criminals to feral existances. Very scientific and analytical, she studies tirelessly in her spare time, stopping only when requested by the Czarina or others to perform services.



Total Points:(60)

Czarina Lotus: (15)

Stability: 2
Normal Powers: 5
Special Powers: 5
Endurance: 3

Powers: Illusions, Mind Control, Teleportation, Invisibility, Telepathy

Dominika: (13)

Stability: 3
Normal Powers: 4
Special Powers: 1
Endurance: 5

Powers: Teleportation

Yuliana: (12)

Stability: 4
Normal Powers: 4
Special Powers: 0
Endurance: 4

Anya: (10)

Stability: 1
Normal Powers: 5
Special Powers: 0
Endurance: 4

Darya: (10)

Stability: 3
Normal Powers: 1
Special Powers: 3
Endurance: 3

Powers: Create Lifeforms, Polymorph Others, Shapeshifting


Total Points: (100)

Weak Conventional Forces: 10

World Leader in Science: 60

Medium Economy: 30

Virgo Corvid full bio

The Virgo Wing made its name in the System Wars, like most famous examples of that era, by dying. Before their fatal emergence, they were an elite squad of combat suits, specializing in brutal, heavy-hitting tactics. They were mostly known for their teamwork – both their impressive coordination in battle, and their extreme personal dysfunctions outside of it. Conflicts ranging from petty rivalries, political differences, and romantic competition over the team’s single female member (who, complicatedly enough, eventually became squad leader) were thought to translate into deadly tactics, killer instincts, and the occasional act of merciless violence.

The wing consisted of Valerie Haven, the only female member and its eventual leader, a dutiful and charismatic soldier; The educated and reasonable Henry Kay, a sound tactician and the team’s liason to the brass; brash scrapper Diarmud Wilson, a hotshot with a strong affection for Valerie; pilot and mechanic Leroy Spears, Valerie’s on-and-off boyfriend; and the troubled Nathan Short, who specialized in hard-hitting close-combat.

Their act of fame, however, came from their final mission, where they were sent to prevent a devastating doomsday strike by League officer Lucille Vachelli, the pilot responsible for the war’s first colony drop. The resulting conflict – later referred to as the Wells Conflict - ended with the narrow aversion of utter destruction, but also in the mutual destruction of both Vachelli and the entire Virgo Wing. Only Haven and Spears survived, but both were severely injured in both mind and body. Valerie never recovered from the accident, and slipped into a permanent coma after three months in a mental health facility, after which she was euthanized. Leroy, not wishing to be near his damaged lover, took retirement to Earth’s Great Britain due to permanent injuries; he was found dead not six months after Valerie, stabbed in his home by a League sympathizer.

And that is where the pilot’s stories ended, with little fanfare. Their names were recorded on the Geneva Icon of Peace, the war monument in the capital; a statue was build in Diarmud’s hometown of Copenhagen in his unit’s honour; a thesis or two were written by International Relations graduates for their doctorates. But Virgo Wing had another act to play out, behind the curtain.

After the Wells conflict, the pilots’ remains were collected by the Sol-Fed military, and transferred to a group of scientists who had been monitoring the group’s missions. Their funerals were closed casket, with the official line being that there were no remains found. Valerie’s remains were turned over to them as well, and with Spears looking to live a long if sedentary life, was quietly assassinated with evidence planted to implicate League agents. His remains were finally brought to a remote Tenshi Corporation facility, where the scientist had gathered all of the remains and implants left of the Wing – and their recorded brain-scans, kept from early on when they were selected for the project.

Over the course of years, the Scientists used the DNA, scans, augments, and even whole limbs in an intensive and unprecedented reconstructive process. Using cutting-edge technology and Seraph gene-therapies and cloning technology, they generated something new – a single, sentient entity, composed of the genetic material of over a dozen individuals, and data from Virgo Wing’s brain-scans and cranial implants coupled with various combat algorithms. The subject – dubbed ‘Virgil’ as an ironic joke – was completed five years after the death of the last Virgo Wing pilot, awakening to sentience in a cold laboratory surrounded by his creators.

What happened next has been classified by the Tenshi Corporation and the Solar Federation; but it was largely believed that the original, Virgil, suffered from side effects of the treatment, which led to an emergency situation. All data of his growth and education are sealed and often lost; all that is known is that he expired, and was used to create a second, similar entity. This subject, named 'Virgo', was female; no such incident seemed to happen. Critics claim that the original male model was terminated and rebuilt because of internal power-struggles; some imply that the Seraphim movement favoring all-female transgenes was to blame. Regardless, there was no further incident - with the creation process, at least.

Given the last name ‘Corvid’, after the late director who authorized the project, Virgo was put through an intensive education and development regimen, to evaluate her mental and physical potential. Tests were promising – she showed complete human intelligence, capable physique, and standard empathy. Even more remarkably, tests showed an unusually high Aleph capacity, resulting in abnormal predictive and perceptive ability. However, they also noticed several troubling personality traits: bouts of emotional intensity, unusual speech quirks, and a troubling ability to forcibly override her own instincts and emotions for no apparent reason. A few of her handlers noted a possible echo of the Wing’s internal conflicts and tendencies for brutality, but this was deemed within limits.

Virgo completed her final training normally, at the Mars War Acadamy, where she graduated with distinction as a Suit pilot. Her heavy genetic augmentation and cybernetic implants placed her in the S-Class category, and a cover story of her being the son of a wealthy starship magnate placed her out of suspicion to most. Her early missions showed promise, and he was quickly commissioned to the counterterrorism unit INTACT.

Virgo appears to be a Caucasian woman in her late twenties, with long, black hair, and dark blue eyes. She also has what appears to be a form of chimerism – while her face is largely unblemished, her skin is a slightly lighter shade along her upper right jawline, running down her neck. Her torso is a barely-visible cross-stitch of several subtle shades of skin. Like the condition, different parts of his body have different DNA – but rather than two fraternal patterns, Virgo consists of several, altered by modification to prevent organ conflict. She has one visible implant by her right eye, which resembles a small, metallic knob protruding from the skin just above it. She is a small-boned, wiry-looking woman, with a long, smooth face extended by a slight widow's peak. Her long fingers and six-foot-five height further add to this. She has a precise, gentle voice, that raises to a firm clarity.

Virgo is aware of her nature, and can’t really see how it would be a problem. She is fascinated by humans and the kinship she has with them – she considers himself one of them in most senses, noting only a difference in ‘the configuration of the mind’. An educated woman, she nonetheless revels in her eccentricities – commenting blithely on various minutae that catch her interest. She is profoundly curious, to an almost oblivious degree at times. In combat, she tends to develop strange fixations on opponents, and favours a quick, unrelenting brutality.

Spending a short time as a test pilot, Virgo joined INTACT as a xeno-specialist and analyst, as well as an Aleph pilot. She is known for her acute fascination with alien artifacts, to the degree that she recalibrated a recon drone to detect alien signals. Her quarters and laboratory are littered with crystalline samples from alien sites that she studies, as a part of her placement as field analyst. This unsettling behavior only amplifies the rumours of Virgo using Aleph- and drug-assisted interrogation practices on prisoners, a controversy that began early in her INTACT career. While no formal charges have been laid, her presence tends to unsettle security officals and human-rights activists alike.

Alien Sky Nation

Name: Cognition Expansion Network (CEN)
Concept: MMI/MXI researchers

Description: The CEN is a group dedicated to adapting to Gaia, by means of eliminated the boundaries between the human and their tools. Using Mind-Machine Interfaces and other cybernetics, CEN researches allow humans to directly interface with machines, and possibly control them as extensions of their body. Their final goal is to create humans that are greater than the sum of their parts, able to expand and change their existence through interfaces.

The Vectors have opened up a whole new echelon of human-expansion research among the CEN, as well. Biologists as well as cyberneticists, CEM has begun to research Mind-Xenoform Interface - the ability to link with Vector-based technology, notably Fractals and hybrid humans. Excursions into Vector-heavy regions are popular, and the CEM analysts search eagerly for new planetary discoveries.

Working Build


Ori-1) Tsiolkovsky Community (+10 Manpower, +30 Training, +30 Morale, +40 Fractal, +30 Logistics, +1 Wealth, Go to Ori-4)

Ori-4a)Test Division Pilots (+1 Wealth, +1 Prestige)
Ori-4b)Biology Research Firms (+20 Manpower, +10 Fractals, Access to Linked and Marked)
Ori-4c)Tactical Intelligence Network (-20 Morale, AI count as elites)

Cassidy Loufeld

Name: Cassidy Loufeld
Concept: Punk Speed Demon

Notable trademarks: Sweatertop with the Ace of Clubs on it, plaid skirt with band-saw blade hem, aluminum baseball bat, ruby pendant, twin-tailed black hair, Ace of Clubs tattoo on her back.

History: Erupting in her low-class neighborhood, a young Cassidy Loufeld gained the ability to drive out the gangs that plagued her home, and to stand up to their Nova leader. With the help of her mentor, an ex-military retiree, she trained and eventually brought down the Nova in a climactic battle. After her home was cleaned up, she started to get bored; which her old boss noticed, and contacted a few old friends.

In team tomorrow, she is relatively happy, being able to fight and protect the little guy world-wide. Also, they have really good hot dogs.


Virtue: Bravo
Vice: Hotshot


Strength: ***** (Athletic) Dexterity: ***** ** (Fast) Stamina: ***** (Tenacious)

Charisma: ** Manipulation: * Appearance: **** (Exotic)

Perception: ** Intelligence: *** Wits: ***** * (Cunning)


Brawl: *****
Might: *

Athletics: ***** (freerunning)
Ledgermain: *
Martial Arts: *****
Stealth: *
Melee: ***** (swords)

Endurance: ***
Resistance: ***

Awareness: *

Computers: *
Intrusion: *****
Medicine: *


Intimidation: *** (Haruko-grin)
Style: **

Interrogation: *
Streetwise: *****



Attunement: **
Backing: ***
Cipher: ***
Contacts: *
Eufiber: *****
Node: ****
Resources: *

Other Stuff

Quantum: ***
Quantum Pool: 35
Willpower: *******
Taint: ***** (+2 Node. +3 Tainted Quantum (+9 NP))
No Dexterity Cap
No Wits Cap
Health: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-3/Incapacitated

Initiative: 26 (21, +5 Enhanced Init)

Bashing 16
Lethal 13
Aggravated 1
Walk 5m
Run 28m (140m enhanced movement), 336m Hypermovement (1680m enhanced movement)
Sprint 60m (300m enhanced movement), 720m Hypermovement (3600m enhanced movement)

Multi-action Reduction: -4, remove all offhand/two weapon penalties (add one die for two weapons)

Physical Prodigy: +1 success to any Athletics, Performance, or other physical prowess skill
Rapid Strike: +4 damage to any attack
Quickness action: +1

Face of Terror: +1 Sway involving fear


Mega-Strength: * (Quantum Leap)
Mega-Dexterity: **** (Physical Prodigy, Enhanced Movement, Rapid Strike)
Mega-Appearance: * (Face of Terror)
Mega-Wits: **** (Quickness, Multitask, Enhanced Init)
Armour: *
Hypermovement: **

Taint Body Mods
Redundant Organs (-0,-1 HL)
Increased Running Speed (+1 Dex for movement)
Ultralight Body X2 (+4 dex for movement, quad jump distances, 75% lighter than normal)
Aberrant Eyes (Jagged patterns like shattered glass, each shard a different shade of red to purple)
Coloured Skin (dull silver)
Anima Banner (Trail of Jagged lines of orange and purple light that flow behind her when she hypermoves)

Merits and Flaws

Ambidextrous (No offhand penalty, +1 when using two weapons)
High Pain Tolerance (-1 to all wound penalties)
Vengeful (Endless storm of rage)
Dependent (her kid brother)


BP: 15

Backing to 3 (2)
Cipher to 3 (1)
Node to 4 (4)
Eufibre to 5 (5)
High Pain Tolerance (3)
Ambidextrous (1)
Appearance to 4 (5)
Vengeful (+2)
Dependent (+4)

Nova Points: 45 + 9

Quantum to 3 (10)
Mega-Dex to 4 (8)
Mega-Dex Enhancements: 2 (2)
Mega-Wits to 4 (8)
Mega-Wits Enhancements: 1 (1)
Hypermovement to 2 (4)
Attributes 10 (5)
Willpower to 7 (4)
Abilities 12 (3)
Mega-Strength 1 (2)
Mega-Appearance 1 (2)
Armour to 1 (2)

Victoria Corel First Draft

Real Name: Victoria Corel

History: A scientist brought aboard the Unity as a data analyst and systems coordinator. A psychic Nova with the power to control technology, wanting to leave earth for a time to 'see outside'. Kind of nervous.


Virtue: Charmer
Vice: Expert


Strength: *
Dexterity: **
Stamina: ***
Charisma: **
Manipulation: *****
Appearance: ****
Perception: ***
Intelligence: *****
Wits: *****



Athletics: *
Firearms: *
Martial Arts:

Endurance: ***
Resistance: ***

Awareness: **
Investigation: ***

Academics: **
Bureaucracy: *****
Computers: *****
Engineering: *** (Spacesuit Maintenance +1)
Intrusion: *****
Linguistics: **
Science: ***** (Astrophysics)

Rapport: **

Style: *

Subterfuge: *

Etiquette: **

Microgravity Ops: *


Dormancy: ***
Eufiber: *****
Node: ****

Other Stuff

Quantum: ****
Quantum Pool:
Willpower: *****
Taint: *** (+2 Node, +1 Taint)
Health: -0/-0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated


Walk m
Run m
Sprint m


Cyberkinesis *** (Alter Data, Control, Reprogram)
M-Manipulation *** (Persuader)
M-Intelligence *** (Mathematical Savant, Discerning Mind)
M-Wits * (Multitasking)
M-Stamina * (Adaptability)
M-Appearance * (Seductive Looks)
Body Modifications (6xp from Taint)
Multi-tool (4)
Phermones (affection) (2)
Aberrant Eyes (emerald circuit patterns)
Gadget: Mental Amplifier Jacket
Base Item: Reinforced Clothing (+0B/+2L, Full-Body, 0 Penalty, concealable)
+1 Quantum (5)
+1 Psychic Shield (1)
+1 Armour, Impervious (4)
+1 Invulnerability, Mind Control (2)

Merits and Flaws

Concentration Short


BP: 15 + 1

Node to 4 (1)
Eufibre to 5 (2)
Willpower to 5 (4)
Gadget 2 (6)
Concentration (1)
Dormancy to 3 (2)
Short +1

Nova Points: 45 + 3 Quantum to 4 (15) Cyberkinesis to 3 (9) M-Manipulation to 3 (6) M-Intelligence to 3 (6) M-Wits to 1 (2) M-Stamina to 1 (2) M-Appearance to 1 (2) Attributes 6 (3) Abilities 8 (2) Discerning Mind (1)

Other Aberrant Character

Real Name:





Strength: **
Dexterity: *****
Stamina: *****
Charisma: *
Manipulation: **
Appearance: ***
Perception: *****
Intelligence: ***
Wits: ****



Athletics: ****
Firearms: ***
Ledgermain: **
Martial Arts:
Stealth: ****

Endurance: ***
Resistance: ***

Awareness: ****
Investigation: **

Computers: **
Engineering: *** (Spacesuit Maintenance +1)
Intrusion: ***
Science: **(Astrophysics)
Survival: **


Style: *


Perform: *

Microgravity Ops: ***


Attunement: ****
Eufiber: *
Node: ****

Other Stuff

Quantum: ***
Quantum Pool:
Willpower: ***
Taint: 3 (+2 Node, +1 Taint)
Health: -0/-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated


Soak (No damage from
Walk m
Run m
Sprint m


Quantum Bolt ***
Density Decrease ****
Flight **
M-Dexterity *** (Accuracy)
M-Stamina * (Adaptability)
M-Perception *** (High-end Electromagnetic Scan)
M-Wits * (Multitasking)

Body Modifications (6xp from Taint)


Merits and Flaws


BP: 15

Node to 4 (1)
Attunement to 4

Nova Points: 50 + 3

Quantum to 4 (15)
Quantum Bolt to 3 (6)
Density Decrease to 4 (8)
Flight to 2 (4)
Mega-dexterity to 3 (6)
Mega Stamina to 1 (2)
Mega-Perception to 3 (6)
M-wits to 1 (2)
Atrributes 6 (3)
Abilities to 4 (1)

Aberrant Legacy 2 character

Real Name: Johann Teeming

Appearance: In his true form, Johann appears at a distance as a lean, tall human with a mop of brown hair. It's only up close that his grey-white, partially translucent skin becomes evident, with small, thin worm-like shapes occasionally sliding about beneath the surface. His skin is in fact a gelatinous slime, secreted by his true body – a mass of wriggling, eel-like worms that share their memories and nerve impulses through the slimy medium. The slime naturally forms itself into other shapes, textures, and colours, though the skin maintains a slimy nature and the irises of its eyes are clear, revealing the teeming worms within them. It most often takes a generic male style of dress and hair.

Description: Johann Teeming is not its real name. It doesn't remember anything prior to its eruption, save for awakening in a coffin in a shallow grave in Eastern Ontario, exploding into tendrils of worms to tear itself free. The only thing it had on it was a set of men's casual clothes and a spent bullet wrapped deep in its teeming masses. It took its name on a whim, guided by instinctual memory of skills and facts.

Johann's skillset seems inclined to physical activity, and towards violent action. Its brief flashes of memory suggest a criminal life; since it has no ID from that time and its appearance has apparently altered enough to render it unrecognizable, it cannot find out what it was. Due to the ability to speak fluent Russian, he theorizes he is ex-mafia, but cannot tell for certain.


Virtue: Bravo
Vice: Survivor


Strength: **** (Overwhelming)
M-Strength ** (Crush)
Dexterity: **** (Blindingly Fast)
M-Dexterity * (Flexibility)
Stamina: ***** *** (Unstoppable)
M-Stamina ***** (Adaptability, Resiliency, Regeneration, Hardbody, Stamina Paragon)
Charisma: **
Manipulation: **
Appearance: ***
M-Appearance: Dangerous * (Appearance Alteration, Mr. Nobody, Face of Terror)
Perception: **
M-Per * (Ultra-peripheral Awareness)
Intelligence: ***
M-Int * (Taint Resistance)
Wits: ***
M-Wits *** (Mind over Matter, Multitasking, Quickness X3)


Brawl: **** (Multilimb strikes + 1)
Might: ***

Athletics: **
Firearms: *
Ledgermain: *
Martial Arts:
Stealth: ***

Endurance: ***
Resistance: ***

Awareness: **

Intrusion: **
Linguistics: *
Survival: *

Arts: ***
Biz: *
Rapport: *

Intimidation: *** (Visceral Terror + 2)
Style: *

Streetwise: ***
Subterfuge: ***



Allies: **
Attunement: *****
Cipher: *****
Node: ***
Resources: ***

Other Stuff

Quantum: ****
Quantum Pool: 40
Spend Max: 12
Willpower: ***** *
Taint: ***** (+1 Node, -1 Taint Resistance, +5 Chargen)
Health: -0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/-0/Incapacitated

Initiative: 11

Bashing 28
Lethal 24
Aggravated 19

Punching Pool: d9 + 2 (multilimb strikes)

Shapeshift Pool: d10 + 5

Boost Pool: d10 + 5

Languages (2): English, Russian


Shapeshift **
Homonculus *
Claws **
Boost **
Armour (Impervious) **
Psychic Shield **
Sensory Shield *

Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Strength

Body Modifications (12 xp from Taint)
Dispersed Organs X2 (8)
Regenerator (4)

Aberrant Eyes (worms slithering in irises) Coloured Skin (Slimy light grey, with worms under the membrane)

Merits and Flaws

Ambidextrous: 1 High Pain Tolerance: 3

Amnesia + 3 Bad Vibe + 1 Eufibre Rejection + 2


BP: 15 + 6

Allies to 2 (2)
Attunement to 5 (3)
Cipher to 5 (3)
Resources 3 (3)
Ambidextrous: 1
High Pain Tolerance: 3
Willpower to 6 (6)
Amnesia + 3
Bad Vibe + 1
Eufibre Rejection +2

Nova Points: 45 + 15

Quantum to 4 (15)
Shapeshift to 1 (3)
Claws to 1 (1)
Armour to 2 (4)
Impervious (2)
Mega-Strength to 2 (Quantum Leap) (4)
Mega-Dex to 1 (Flexibility) (2)
Mega-Stamina to 5 (10)
Mega-Appearance 1 (Appearance Alteration) (2)
Mega-Int to 1 (Taint Resistance) (2)
Mega-Wits to 3 (Mind over Matter) (6)
Mr. Nobody (1)
Face of Terror (1)
Resiliency (1)
Regeneration (1)
Hardbody (1)
Attributes 6 (3)
Abilties 4 (1)


Total: 81
Spent: 80
Reserve: 1

Carry-over from previous game: 81

Quickness X3 (15)
Multitasking (5)
Stamina Paragon (5)
Boost to 1 (6)
Psychic Shield to 1 (3)
Sensory Shield to 1 (3)
M-per to 1 (Ultra-peripheral Awareness) (6)
Shapeshift to 2 (7)
Boost to 2 (5)
Claws to 2 (2)
Psychic Shield to 2 (2)
Homonculus to 1 (9)
Stamina to 8 (8)
Stealth to 3 (4)


Adaptability: Adaptability renders the Nova biologically immortal and adds (Mega-Stamina) dice to any roll to resist toxins or diseases which the Nova is not immune to.

Seductive Looks: replace system with: +(Mega-Appearance) dice to any Sway roll where seuxality could be an additional advantage. In especially fitting situations, a character may be able to add 1 success to the roll along with the bonus dice.
Persuader: replace system with: Reduce the target's willpower by (Mega-Manipulation) when calculating the amount of Casual Sway needed to start creating Intimate Sway, minimum 1 effective Willpower. Costs no Quantum points and is always on.
The Voice: replace system with: Spend 1 Quantum to make a Sway roll via Manipulation + Relevant Social Ability, creating Intimate Sway, which has a difficulty of (Opponent's Wits). The victim may roll Willpower to resist. The timeframe of this action is 1 combat turn, but this can only be applied to one target and only may apply once per scene. Sway generated by The Voice cannot have its duration extended at all.

Quickness: Quickness actions may explicitly not be split into multiple actions, and moreover allow all actions, including the use of Quantum powers. A Nova may not take any more Quickness actions than he or she has Mega-Wits.
Discerning Mind: replace system with: +(Mega-Intelligence) dice to any roll to resist Sway. Furthermore add +(Mega-Intelligence) to the character's Willpower when determining the points of casual way necessary to create intimate sway.

Aberrant Character Template

Char name: Real Name: ????




Strength: *
M-Strength ()
Dexterity: *
M-Dexterity ()
Stamina: *
M-Stamina ()
Charisma: *
M-Charisma: ()
Manipulation: *
M-Manipulation: ()
Appearance: *
M-Appearance: ()
Perception: *
M-Per ()
Intelligence: *
M-Int ()
Wits: *
M-Wits ()



Martial Arts:

Endurance: ***
Resistance: ***









Other Stuff

Quantum: *
Quantum Pool:
Spend Max:
Willpower: ***
Taint: (+ Chargen)
Health: -0/-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated



Languages ():



Merits and Flaws


BP: 15

Nova Points: 45

Amy Belouvre
Kato Sei/Kagura

Spin Complex statblock

Name: Claudia Darcy
Concept: Gladiator/Duelist

Body: 7
Reactions: 11
Perception: 5
Knowledge: 5
Charisma: 4
Psyche: 8

Significant: Your destiny is one in a million. +1 to all stats. This is the norm for PCs.

Fast Folk: Everything moves in slow motion for you. Probably more at home with computers than people though. +3 Rea, +1 Per, +2 Kno

Flatlander: You came from one of the inner-system worlds near Fomalhaut that is broadly Earthlike in nature. You get +1 to all rolls when fighting on flat (metaphorically speaking) terrain, eg, hills, trees, clouds, towns, etc.

Urchin: Your family was the street. +2 Bod, +2 Rea, +2 Psy

Supersoldier: From a young age you were trained and modified to be an ideal combatant. +1 Bod, +1 Rea, +1 Psy, -1 Cha, [+1 Sniper, +1 Hard to Kill, +1 Command]

School of Hard Knocks: There is no school tougher than the school of hard knocks. +1 Bod, +1 Per, +1 Psy

Duelist: +2 Rea, +2 Cha, +1 Psy, [+1 to any three specialties]

Master Duelist: This is a Defining Event. +2 to all stats

Undefined: +6 points to spend ()

FBH Fantasy Character


Paragons Character

Kato Sei, Otherworldly Necromancer

Exhack Character

Kato Sei
Katlyn Barghest

Peel Mage character

Ryan Luthor Dalton Weiss

FBH Stuff
