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==“The Immortal State”==
==“The Immortal State”==

When you have the power to influence the minds of mortal beings, shaping humanity increasingly became the main focus of the Immortal Illuminati. Factions and disagreements arose constantly, the second world war

When this reached it's apex in the early twenty first century, they took direct control. Resistance was swept away by the political and military forces of the immortals, power they had cultivated. Rebellion, Resistance, was met with total destruction. The Atom Bomb was the tool of choice, delivered with ease from Nuclear Submarines which were not troubled by the light of day.
Allied State Hegemony or The Directive

Form of Government: Gerontocracy. The nation is ran by the oldest and most powerful <br>
of all kindred, though outwardly it is a Federal Corporate Republic.<br>
Head of State: Primarch Lilith<br>
Governing Body: The Primogen. A council of Elders who serve the Primarch.<br>
Capital: New York, Earth<br>
Official Language: English<br>
Secondary Languages: Latin<br>
Allies: None currently<br>
Enemies: None currently<br>
Agreements: None currently<br>

Population: Rank 3 (5; +1 growth potential)
Economy: Self contained<br>
:The Sirius Quadrant was a small part of the Unitary, comprising only several systems.
Population: 17 billion<br>
Colonies: 7 inhabited systems <br>

Transhumanism: Rank 2 (2)
Other Notes
:The most common bodyform in the Unitary is a fist sized sphere with AG systems providing lift and a 'holoprojection' system which often displays the traditional bodyform of homo sapians. Using forcefields, these projections can interact with their environment. To primitive folk, one could mistake the average citizen of the Unitary as being capable of telekenisis.

Infrastructure: Rank 2 (2)
:There's infrastructure.

Growth Potential: Rank 1 (0 + 1)
:The Sirius Quadrant is a fully developed system, exactly tailored for self-sufficiency under the guidance of it's Quadrant AI.
Vampires have been in the midst of human civilization since the rise of powerful empires allowed a centralized position of power. The first vampire arose before civilization itself and for centuries he kept to himself, interfering little. In time she created her children, which she scattered across the Earth. Whenever her children roamed, they would bind themselves to the power structure and bend it to their will and mould it to their purpose.

Military Support: Rank 3 (3)
The Golden Age of Vampires was during the Roman Empire's rise. It was a powerful empire with Vampires lurking at the helm, manipulating the leadership. In time, the Vampires trascended the Empire model of rule and transitioned to something more stable and eternal, religion. The rise of Christianity over Europe was fortunate and in part, fashioned by the Vampires. For the next two thousand years, the Roman Catholic Church would be favoured model of vampiric rule and dominance. An organisation with powerful connections, secrecy and above all else, trust that transcended political borders.  
:Military support is maintained at a minimum 'safe' level, as the threat of invasion by human eating alien space crabs can never be entirely discounted.

Space Fleet: Rank 2 (2)
When the power of religion began to wane with the advancement of science, the vampire clans that has prospered for hundreds of years worried, they fictionalised and bitter infighting killed thousands. In the aftermath, the modernists won, they would support humanities technological progress towards an eventual goal, the globalisation of the world under a new thrall, capitalism.
:The Quadrant only maintained the Enclosure for the Quadrant AI and it's support fleet. Additional Vessels are under construction.

Diplomacy: Rank 0
Vampires live forever and so does money. Corporations replaced religion as the forefront of accumulating wealth and with wealth comes power. Between the 18th and 21st centuries, vampires rose within the business world as powerful private investors and through their thralls, influential public figures.

Espionage: Rank 3  (4)
In 2041 the power of corporations soon began to overrode that of major nations, civil liberties were increasingly diminished and corporate power absolute. Russia, China, the United States, The United Kingdom, India, France, Brazil and Israel were all in the thrall of respective corporations who used their power to eliminate those they could not control. Pakistani's nuclear detterant was eliminated in it's silos and North Korea was blasted off the map.
:I'm watching you

General Advancement: Rank 2 (8)
In 2051 Ghouls began to appear. Human beings drip-fed on vampire blood, immortal, fast, loyal. Corporate armies replaced national militaries as outsourced reached the next logical conclusion. The Vampires were firmly in control and nobody had a single idea. Vampire blood disguised as a combat drug and mandatory blood donations for the good of the national health services disguised the vampire rulers.

Unique Technologies: Rank 2 (3 + 1)

==General overview==
The year is 2195, Vampires rule humanity in plain view. Under synthetic flesh they move without restriction in daylight, as corporate executives and powerful politicians. There has never been a need to expose humanity to the truth of it's rulers, the control of the media is absolute. Humanity has been united for over a century, under the Directive, the ruling Federal body of humanity.

Magic: Rank 4 (6)
The Allied States are urban in nature, vast hives of community concentrated together for easier monitoring and control. Most of the outer colonies are rough on the edges, huge prefabricated cities teeming with the masses, exploiting the resources and cultivating the exploitation of more. While robotic labor is common, the secretive rulers of the Allied States prefer the human touch and encourage population growth. Technology is ubiquitous as is emergent cybernetics but the vampires frown upon extensive modification without specific approval. A few rising stars within the vampire community are extensively modified humans who have shown considerable promise.
The Vampires are loosely factionisalised, the Primarch prefers this disunity and encourages it through the competitive corporate structure. Vampire executes are known to feud with each other and the stakes are high. They use capable spies known as Blood Runners to mediate these disputes through violence and espionage each trying to gain an advantage of the favor of the Primarch and her most trusted lieutenants.
===Ground Forces===
The primary military force of ASH is the 'Legion Corporation' private military contractor, officially known as the Allied State Military. Soldiers of this force are known for their cyberorganic armour which regulates their high level of combat drugs these soldiers operate on. Unknown to them, the cyberorganic armour is cloned vampire issue pumping with vampire blood, turning them into loyal ghoul soldiers.
Each is armed with a standard electromagnetic rifle.
===The Coven===
The Coven are Vampire special forces. Elite soldiers trained over centuries for combat operations, elimination, any and all forms of black operations. They meld magic and machine into one whole and a single soldier has been known to eliminate entire anti-corporate resistance cells. Promotion into this unit usually comes from a promising career as a corporate blood runner.
===Naval Forces===
Until recently, Naval forces were merely conduits for ground operatives and operations. With no interstellar competition, much of the Naval force was geared towards planetary bombardment and insertation of ground troops into rebellious cities. The new reality has forced fast retooling and production of newer models with the capability for interstellar naval warfare.
A Vampire is a Immortal being, who can only be killed by a fatal wound to the heart carbon-14 or expose to sufficient amounts of sunlight from the Sol star (vampires are immune to the light of other stars).
Depending on age, they can use forms of compulsion, controlling a person or making them believe certain things on suggestion. They can regenerate severe wounds and injuries within seconds and have sufficient strength to tear a person limb from limb. The modern vampire of the ASH is a cybernetic organism, who has a heavy armoured shell implanted around it's heart and numerous other implants within. Their skin is covered in a microskin of tough synethic flesh, protection against small arms fire, lasers and sunlight. It also hides the inhumanly pale appearance and helps mimic human body language, such as breathing, sweat and coloration.
Population: Rank 3 (5) <br>
Transhumanism: Rank 1 (1) <br>
Infrastructure: Rank 4 (3 + 1) <br>
Growth Potential: Rank 3 (3)<br>
Military Support: Rank 4 (4)<br>
Space Fleet: Rank 4 (4 + 1)<br>
Diplomacy: Rank 2 (2)<br>
Espionage: Rank 2 (2)<br>
General Advancement: Rank 1 (4)<br>
Unique Technologies: Rank 2 (3)<br>
Emergent Technologies: Rank 2 (3)<br>
Magic: Rank 3 (4) <br>

Revision as of 18:06, 19 May 2012

“The Immortal State”

Allied State Hegemony or The Directive Government/Politics

Form of Government: Gerontocracy. The nation is ran by the oldest and most powerful
of all kindred, though outwardly it is a Federal Corporate Republic.
Head of State: Primarch Lilith
Governing Body: The Primogen. A council of Elders who serve the Primarch.
Capital: New York, Earth
Official Language: English
Secondary Languages: Latin
Allies: None currently
Enemies: None currently
Agreements: None currently

Economy: Self contained
Population: 17 billion
Colonies: 7 inhabited systems

Other Notes


Vampires have been in the midst of human civilization since the rise of powerful empires allowed a centralized position of power. The first vampire arose before civilization itself and for centuries he kept to himself, interfering little. In time she created her children, which she scattered across the Earth. Whenever her children roamed, they would bind themselves to the power structure and bend it to their will and mould it to their purpose.

The Golden Age of Vampires was during the Roman Empire's rise. It was a powerful empire with Vampires lurking at the helm, manipulating the leadership. In time, the Vampires trascended the Empire model of rule and transitioned to something more stable and eternal, religion. The rise of Christianity over Europe was fortunate and in part, fashioned by the Vampires. For the next two thousand years, the Roman Catholic Church would be favoured model of vampiric rule and dominance. An organisation with powerful connections, secrecy and above all else, trust that transcended political borders.

When the power of religion began to wane with the advancement of science, the vampire clans that has prospered for hundreds of years worried, they fictionalised and bitter infighting killed thousands. In the aftermath, the modernists won, they would support humanities technological progress towards an eventual goal, the globalisation of the world under a new thrall, capitalism.

Vampires live forever and so does money. Corporations replaced religion as the forefront of accumulating wealth and with wealth comes power. Between the 18th and 21st centuries, vampires rose within the business world as powerful private investors and through their thralls, influential public figures.

In 2041 the power of corporations soon began to overrode that of major nations, civil liberties were increasingly diminished and corporate power absolute. Russia, China, the United States, The United Kingdom, India, France, Brazil and Israel were all in the thrall of respective corporations who used their power to eliminate those they could not control. Pakistani's nuclear detterant was eliminated in it's silos and North Korea was blasted off the map.

In 2051 Ghouls began to appear. Human beings drip-fed on vampire blood, immortal, fast, loyal. Corporate armies replaced national militaries as outsourced reached the next logical conclusion. The Vampires were firmly in control and nobody had a single idea. Vampire blood disguised as a combat drug and mandatory blood donations for the good of the national health services disguised the vampire rulers.

General overview

The year is 2195, Vampires rule humanity in plain view. Under synthetic flesh they move without restriction in daylight, as corporate executives and powerful politicians. There has never been a need to expose humanity to the truth of it's rulers, the control of the media is absolute. Humanity has been united for over a century, under the Directive, the ruling Federal body of humanity.

The Allied States are urban in nature, vast hives of community concentrated together for easier monitoring and control. Most of the outer colonies are rough on the edges, huge prefabricated cities teeming with the masses, exploiting the resources and cultivating the exploitation of more. While robotic labor is common, the secretive rulers of the Allied States prefer the human touch and encourage population growth. Technology is ubiquitous as is emergent cybernetics but the vampires frown upon extensive modification without specific approval. A few rising stars within the vampire community are extensively modified humans who have shown considerable promise.

The Vampires are loosely factionisalised, the Primarch prefers this disunity and encourages it through the competitive corporate structure. Vampire executes are known to feud with each other and the stakes are high. They use capable spies known as Blood Runners to mediate these disputes through violence and espionage each trying to gain an advantage of the favor of the Primarch and her most trusted lieutenants.


Ground Forces

The primary military force of ASH is the 'Legion Corporation' private military contractor, officially known as the Allied State Military. Soldiers of this force are known for their cyberorganic armour which regulates their high level of combat drugs these soldiers operate on. Unknown to them, the cyberorganic armour is cloned vampire issue pumping with vampire blood, turning them into loyal ghoul soldiers.

Each is armed with a standard electromagnetic rifle.

The Coven

The Coven are Vampire special forces. Elite soldiers trained over centuries for combat operations, elimination, any and all forms of black operations. They meld magic and machine into one whole and a single soldier has been known to eliminate entire anti-corporate resistance cells. Promotion into this unit usually comes from a promising career as a corporate blood runner.

Naval Forces

Until recently, Naval forces were merely conduits for ground operatives and operations. With no interstellar competition, much of the Naval force was geared towards planetary bombardment and insertation of ground troops into rebellious cities. The new reality has forced fast retooling and production of newer models with the capability for interstellar naval warfare.


A Vampire is a Immortal being, who can only be killed by a fatal wound to the heart carbon-14 or expose to sufficient amounts of sunlight from the Sol star (vampires are immune to the light of other stars).

Depending on age, they can use forms of compulsion, controlling a person or making them believe certain things on suggestion. They can regenerate severe wounds and injuries within seconds and have sufficient strength to tear a person limb from limb. The modern vampire of the ASH is a cybernetic organism, who has a heavy armoured shell implanted around it's heart and numerous other implants within. Their skin is covered in a microskin of tough synethic flesh, protection against small arms fire, lasers and sunlight. It also hides the inhumanly pale appearance and helps mimic human body language, such as breathing, sweat and coloration.



Population: Rank 3 (5)
Transhumanism: Rank 1 (1)

Infrastructure: Rank 4 (3 + 1)
Growth Potential: Rank 3 (3)
Military Support: Rank 4 (4)
Space Fleet: Rank 4 (4 + 1)

Diplomacy: Rank 2 (2)
Espionage: Rank 2 (2)
General Advancement: Rank 1 (4)
Unique Technologies: Rank 2 (3)
Emergent Technologies: Rank 2 (3)
Magic: Rank 3 (4)