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(Created page with "=Stats= ==Melee== Melee is used to hit or block things using martial arts, melee weapons or plain old brawliness. It is an important combat attribute at Close and Too Close range...")
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'''[[Otome Row]]'''<br>
'''[[Otome Row: System]]'''<br>
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This stat in practice will probably be mostly technology but can apply for ''any'' learned field with ivory tower potential, from mechanics to computer hacking to religious and occult literature. Many of the tasks related to it will have very high thresholds (such as aforementioned occult literature) when attempted without a supporting skill.
This stat in practice will probably be mostly technology but can apply for ''any'' learned field with ivory tower potential, from mechanics to computer hacking to religious and occult literature. Many of the tasks related to it will have very high thresholds (such as aforementioned occult literature) when attempted without a supporting skill.
''[[Otome Row: System|Back]]''

Revision as of 10:57, 26 December 2011

Otome Row
Otome Row: System



Melee is used to hit or block things using martial arts, melee weapons or plain old brawliness. It is an important combat attribute at Close and Too Close range where guns can potentially be inconvenient and also serves as part of your health pool. Even gunslingers will find it very useful when caught up close. It can also stand in for strength or be used to break things in addition to people if fire or explosions aren't practical for the job.


Physique determines what a person can do with their body and how well tuned it is to do things usual or unusual. It is most important in dodging bullets and moving about but also forms part of your health pool, initiative, and can be used to throw things. Countless tasks that require physical reflexes often use or can use Physique as do ones that require precision (assuming Tech isn't more suitable).


Shoot is the common person's superpower provided, of course, that you have a gun. It is the dominant offensive combat attribute from Short to Long range and usually works just fine up Close as well. Owing to cinematics, reloading is generally automatic. Less often, Shoot can stand in for Tech on issues directly related to basic maintenance and understanding of firearms.


Charm is the subtle aspect of social interaction that is useful for getting what you want without giving away what it is or who wants it. Seduction, subterfuge and trickery converge here. It can also stand in for Smarts for perception in a social context, though results may return as feelings of what to do rather than anything specific.


Presence covers performance, leadership and overall social forcefulness. Whether it is fast-talk, extracting favors from contacts, intimidating folks into a protection racket or defeating zombies with rock'n'roll, the target of a presence roll usually realises what is going on. Remember, respect is everything. Having a strong presence also lets you be stubborn as a brick.


This is your perception, mental dexerity, quickness, cleverness and natural intelligence stat. It is also half of your initiative rating alongside Physique and the main contribution to one's social defenses.


This stat in practice will probably be mostly technology but can apply for any learned field with ivory tower potential, from mechanics to computer hacking to religious and occult literature. Many of the tasks related to it will have very high thresholds (such as aforementioned occult literature) when attempted without a supporting skill.
