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[[Yanqalla Confederacy]]
[[Yanqalla Confederacy]]
Please Post Finished Nations Below <br>


Revision as of 17:28, 25 January 2011

Player Nations

Federation of Melika
Kingdom of Thanast
Yanqalla Confederacy Zilvekust

Please Post Finished Nations Below


Selda Imperium

The Selda Imperium is a constitutional monarchy, with a figurehead Emperor and a powerful parliamentary system. Due to the legacy of the Empire it has only a razor thin human majority, at 52% of the population. The remanding demographics are 27% moogles, 11% Djinnae, 10% Mitare.

The Selda Imperium is somewhat famous for it's chocobo ranches, indeed the flag of the reformed Imperium, features a chocobo, furthering the stereotype of Seldans as obsessed with cuteness, partly due to the prominent moogle population. One should not mistake the liberal nature of the Empire for a lack of strength, it retains a strong military along with a slightly unusual all female Aspect Corps.

Selda's are stereotypically characterised as reserved hardworking people, who collapse into a frenzy of adoration the moment they spot something 'cute'.

Zhrina Corporate Republic

The Zhrina Corporate Republic is a robust military power, run by a board of powerful director's it's entirely privatised national economy goes from strength to strength on the basis of it's ruthless technological progress in the field of power generation and military products. It also has the world's only space elevator, linked to a series of micro-gravity production facilities, research stations and the famous Golden Saucer Zee-Gee Entertainment Park.

Hesperides Principality

Hesperides is a Principality ruled by Three Princess's selected from amongst the most prominent Noble Families and for most of it's recent history, at least one of them is rumoured to of been an Aspect. Significant natural resources are abound within it's borders, including heavy metals and a fair share of Crystallium deposits.

Hesperides has traditionally been a peaceful nation, who's denizens seem untroubled by the lack of human rights in comparison to other nations. In the past decade however it been plagued by a militant pro-democracy movement, determined to tear down the Monarchy which in recent years, has suffered a series of public scandals relating to corruption within the upper reaches of Government.

The Hesperii Federal Union

The democratic neighbours of Hesperides joined together after the Grandee War in order to strengthen themselves against a large number of autocratic neighbours. Perceived as rather meddling, the Hesperii are universally market socialists with a strong human rights charter and have a somewhat cold relationship with Hesperides, seeing it's Monarchy as an embarrassing anachronism at best.

Their foreign policy is characterised by a reliance on economic and diplomatic pressure to exert positive outcomes for their national interests. It's military has a large reserve forces, allowing it to maintain a relatively small military, but one described as a sleeping giant by it's neighbours.


Jucheon is a eastern state, which significant energy resources. It's autocratic government is mired in allegations of corruption, which have stung other nations through energy ties. Outlandish rumours of organised crime with access to high level military equipment are amongst the most damaging to it's international image. Despite this, many parts of the world are still reliant on the resources Jucheon can provide, with civilian crystallium tech being the preserve of elite nations despite international treaties.

North Thrusia

North Thrusia is a democratic state with strong ties to the Seldan Imperium. The United Treaty Organisation maintains multiple bases on it's territory, watching the border with South Thrusia, a Zhrina client state. North Thrusia is also a constitutional monarchy, keeping in with the general belief in the United Treaty Organisation of strong historical figures. The Seldans restored King of Thrusia, Frederick the Third to his throne, as a figurehead.

The North Thrusian military is relatively strong and recently regained it's Aspect Corps.

South Thrusia

South Thrusia remains in the grip of the Global Trade Alliance, controlled by powerful corporate interests in Zhrina, South Thrusia is a virtual sweatshop and testing ground for high tech products.

Sacred Empire of Eidolas

The Sacred Empire is made up of a number of disenfranchised nations who have embraced a cult/religion that worships the Aspects as divine messengers or demi-gods. While each is ruled by it's own government system, they are all bound by a theocratic entity which has ultimate oversight. Curiously, the Aspects of the Sacred Empire are not the rulers themselves, but are typically raised devotee's of the religion 'ascended' to their status by one of the Nine Prophets, who act as Heads of the Church. While many regard the nation as sinister, the Church of Eidolas has contributed significantly to the cohesion and prosperity of the average citizens of the Sacred Empire.
