C-Tech Game: Difference between revisions

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Egghead: Arcanotechnician (2)<br>
Latent Parapsychich (4)<br>
Innovative: (2)<br>
Authority: (1)<br>
Authority: (1)

Drawbacks: <br>
Drawbacks: <br>

Revision as of 15:55, 5 February 2009

Character Sheets


Name: Marius Hanaar
Profession: Arcanotechnician
Virtue: Imaginative
Flaw: Cruel

Agility: 4
Intellect: 10
Perception: 8
Presence: 4
Strength: 4
Tenacity: 8

Actions: 1 Action
Movement: 7 mph (17/4 ypt)
Orgone: 14
Reflex: 7
Vitality: 11
Drama Points: 10

Skill Points: 22
Language - English: Expert (free)
Literacy - English: Expert (2)
Regional Knowledge: Novice (Free)
Education: Expert (4)
Munitions: Adept (3)
Technician: Novice (2)
Arcanotechnician: Adept (3)
Computers: Adept (3)
Dodge: Novice (2)
Marksman: Adept (3)

Latent Parapsychich (4)
Authority: (1)


Code: I will not lie, I always keep my word (1) (This unit has suffered too much from lies and distrust- no more)
Big Ego: Believes the work he does to be far more important then who get stepped on in the process (1)
Duty: 2 (The Military)
Fanatical: 1 (They deserve to know the truth, I won't coddle them)

AR Eyeglass Monitor Display
Wireless Communication Earpiece
Portable Holo-Interface Unit
Hornet SI Sidearm


Given Name: Asami
Family Name: Kuge
Allegiance: NEG
Mecha Pilot
Concept: energetic and cheerful young pilot

Agility 8
Intellect 5
Perception 8 (3 Cheat)
Presence 5
Strength 5
Tenacity 6

Skills (2 Cheats)
Armed Fighting Novice
Athletics Novice (Acrobatics)
Fighting Novice
Dodge Adept (Mecha)
Languages English Adept
Language Japanese Adept
Literacy Novice
Marksman Adept (Mecha)
Observation Novice
Pilot Adept (Mecha)
Regional Knowledge Novice
Support Weapon Novice
Medicine Novice
Savoir Faire Novice
Survival Novice

Qualities Alluring 3 (1 Cheat)
Fast 2
Wealth 1
Driven 2
Authority 1

Damaged 2 (Friends dragged off by Deep Ones)
Duty 2
Manic 2
Phobia 2 (Deep Ones)
Vengeful 2 (a JSDF General)

Secondary Stats
Actions 2
Movement 15 MPH
Orgone 10
Reflex 8
Vitality 10
Drama Points 10

Equipment: Standard pilot equipment
An MP15-9
A laptop
A Cell Phone
A locket containing pictures of her dead friends

Mecha: Storm


Atticus Kane
Virtues: Courageous, vengeful
Concept: The Sword that Slices Evil (NEG Mecha pilot)

Agility 7
Intellect 7
Perception 7
Presence 5
Strength 5
Tenacity 5

Actions: 7
Movement: 6
Orgone: 10
Reflex: 7
Vitality: 10

Drama points: 10
Fearless Points: 2

Skills 6 cheat skill points
Armed Fighting: 3 1 (focus on Mecha Close Quarters and personal swords or whatever)
Athleticism: 2
Dodge: 3
Computer: 1
Communications: 1
Intimidation: 2
Fighting: 2
Observation: 2
Marksman: 3*
Pilot: 3*
Support Weapons: 1
Survival: 1
Plus the free skills

Code: 3
Keep thy word, accept any challenge, protect the downtrodden and the needy, avenge personal insults, avenge deaths of friends and love ones, never turn a back on friend in need.
Truly Honest: 2

Authority: 2
Fearless: 2
Alluring: 1

Mecha: Gladius
1 Katana (composite)
1 Sentrytech MKV armor
1 Cellphone


Vanessa Lindisfarne
Profession: Mech Pilot
Virtue: Courageous
Flaw: Impatient
Concept: Never give up, never surrender!

Actions: 2
Movement: 13 mph (32/8 ypt)
Reflex: 8
Orgone: 11
Vitality: 10
Drama Points: 10 (+2 Fearless, +2 Driven)

Insanity: 0


Agility: 8
Intellect: 5
Perception: 8
Presence: 4
Strength: 4
Tenacity: 7

Skills: 34 (20+2 human +12 cheats)

Armed Fighting- Adept
Athletics- Novice
Communicaitons- Student
Dodge- Adept, mecha focus
Fighting- Novice
Languages (English)- Expert
Literacy: Novice
Marksman- Adept, mecha focus
Observation- Adept
Pilot- Adept
Regional Knowledge: Novice
Support Weapons- Novice
Survival- Student


Authority- 1
Acute senses (sight)- 2
Driven- 2
Fearless- 2
Fast- 2
High Pain Threshold- 3
Latent Parapsychic- 4

Duty- 2
Fanatical- 3 (unhesitatingly wiling to die in defence of Earth and the NEG)
Skinny- 2


CS-40 Defender

Sentrytech MKV armour

Broadsword mech


Although a native of Britain, Vanessa Lindisfarne has not been home for some years, having been posted all over the world by the NEG. This is not something she objects to; although physically unimpressive, she is absolutely determined to do her part in the defence of humanity, overcoming physical tests that she by all rights should have failed by sheer grit and determination (and, perhaps, a mild subconcious manifestation of somatic parapsychics). This fanatical dedication to the cause has not waned, and Vanessa can usually be counted upon to be one of the first in and the last out of combat.

This devotion, while in many respects a desirable thing, certainly has an adverse effect on her social life; many people feel awkward around zealots, and conversely, those zealots are unable to fathom a viewpoint that is not their own.


Name: Michael Olav
Allegiance: NEG
Profession: Mecha Pilot
Virtue: Courageous
Vice: Arrogance

Attributes: 35 pts + 3 pts (6 cheats)

Secondary Attributes:
2 Actions
Speed 27/6 ypt
Orgone 11
Reflex 6
Vitality 11

Skills: 22 pts + 10 pts (5 cheats) + Free

Language Skills: 3 pts
English: Expert (Free)
Chinese: Adept (3 pts)

Academic Skills: 6 pts
Literacy: Adept (1 pt)
Regional Knowledge: Novice (Free)-North Carolina, Hong Kong
Computer: Student (1 pt)
Education: Student (1 pt)
Medicine: Student (1 pt)
Persuade: Novice (2 pts)

Military-Related Noncombat Skills: 10 pts
Armorer: Student (1 pt)
Athletics: Novice (2 pts)
Communications: Student (1 pt)
Survival: Novice (2 pts)
Stealth: Novice (2 pts)
Observation: Novice (2 pts)

Combat Skills: 13 pts
Armed Fighting: Novice (2 pts)
Dodge: Adept (3 pts)
Marksman: Adept (3 pts)
Fighting: Adept (3 pts)
Support Weapons: Novice (2 pts)

Assets: -5 cheats
Authority (1)
Latent Parapsychic (4)

Drawbacks: +10 cheats
Dark Secret (1): Yeah that was a pretty fucked up training exercise. They hushed it up because they needed every soldier they could, but if someone found out, there'd be a lot of hatred and lawsuits coming his way.
Duty (2): Mecha pilot.
Code (2): I cannot fail in my service. I cannot turn my backs on my comrades. I will leave no one behind for the enemy.
Ineptitude (Medicine) (2): Well, this in part explains why that ended up so FUBAR.
Fanatical (3): I signed up for the defense of humanity, and I will accomplish that with my life if necessary. My life means nothing when there are billions of lives at stake.

Total Cheats: 16 (16 used)

Equipment: Sentrytech Mk. V Armor, Composite Combat Knife, RMG-14 Heavy SMG w/laser sight, Silenced UT-9 Stinger, Claymore Mecha

Background: Michael Olav signed up for special operations training when he joined the military, and looked like he'd have succeeded in getting into that, but a horrific training accident that the investigation showed was his fault killed that career. With too much bad blood in that area, but a need for additional men and materiel on every front, the investigating board sealed their records and reassigned him to another unit.

As a mecha pilot Michael is driven-some would say fanatical-but people wonder why someone with such an array of skills and no obvious mental flaws has been repeatedly passed up for promotion and why he doesn't seem to be at all happy about his lot in life.